zaplib_cef_sys 0.0.3

The CEF bindings for Zaplib
Generates bindings for CEF on the fly. Requires an extracted CEF "minimal" directory to be present in `deps/`, which typically gets installed through `scripts/`. See `` for more details.

## Notes on old version (Chrome 91)

We're currently stuck on CEF/Chromium 91, because sending messages in single-process mode gets broken after that. In versions after that, we sometimes seem to get stuck with a seemingly unattached frame, which causes all messages to get stuck in this queue: We filed a bug report here: and this might be related too: TODO(JP): Dig deeper into what is happening here and file a more specific bug report with CEF or Chromium, depending on where the root cause is.

## Debugging

To debug with symbols, run `scripts/`. To view actual CEF source code during debugging, put the CEF git repo at `~/cef` and make sure to check out the matching commit. (It's not adviced to symlink the CEF source code, as VSCode+lldb doesn't always properly follow symlinks.) For example: `git clone --branch 4472 ~/cef`. Then, run lldb with a source map like this:

settings set target.source-map /Users/spotify-buildagent/buildAgent/work/CEF3_git/chromium/src/cef ~/cef

This path was obtained by running `drawfdump` and looking at the paths; e.g. by running

dwarfdump zaplib/main/bind/cef-sys/deps/cef_binary_93.1.11+g9e254fa+chromium-93.0.4577.63_macosx64_minimal/Release/Chromium\ Embedded\ Framework.framework/Chromium\ Embedded\ Framework.dSYM

When using VSCode, you can use the [CodeLLDB extension]( with a configuration like this:

    "type": "lldb",
    "request": "attach",
    "name": "Attach to running 'test_suite'",
    "program": "target/debug/test_suite",
    "sourceMap": {
        "/Users/spotify-buildagent/buildAgent/work/CEF3_git/chromium/src/cef": "${env:HOME}/cef",
    "sourceLanguages": ["cpp", "rust"]

TODO(JP): It might be nice to also be able to show the Chrome source code; see e.g.

## Publishing
When publishing this crate, make sure you're setting the `CEF_ROOT` env variable with the full path to Cef framework.

CEF_ROOT=`pwd`/zaplib/main/bind/cef-sys/deps/cef_binary_91.1.23+g04c8d56+chromium-91.0.4472.164_macosx64 cargo publish -p zaplib_cef_sys