zip 2.2.3

Library to support the reading and writing of zip files.

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A zip library for rust which supports reading and writing of simple ZIP files. Formerly hosted at

Supported compression formats:

* stored (i.e. none)
* deflate
* deflate64 (decompression only)
* bzip2
* zstd
* lzma (decompression only)
* xz (decompression only)

Currently unsupported zip extensions:

* Multi-disk


The features available are:

* `aes-crypto`: Enables decryption of files which were encrypted with AES. Supports AE-1 and AE-2 methods.
* `deflate`: Enables compressing and decompressing an unspecified implementation (that may change in future versions) of
 the deflate compression algorithm, which is the default for zip files. Supports compression quality 1..=264.
* `deflate-flate2`: Combine this with any `flate2` feature flag that enables a back-end, to support deflate compression 
  at quality 1..=9.
* `deflate-zopfli`: Enables deflating files with the `zopfli` library (used when compression quality is 10..=264). This
  is the most effective `deflate` implementation available, but also among the slowest.
* `deflate64`: Enables the deflate64 compression algorithm. Only decompression is supported.
* `lzma`: Enables the LZMA compression algorithm. Only decompression is supported.
* `bzip2`: Enables the BZip2 compression algorithm.
* `time`: Enables features using the [time] crate.
* `chrono`: Enables converting last-modified `zip::DateTime` to and from `chrono::NaiveDateTime`.
* `zstd`: Enables the Zstandard compression algorithm.

By default `aes-crypto`, `bzip2`, `deflate`, `deflate64`, `lzma`, `time` and `zstd` are enabled.

The following feature flags are deprecated:

* `deflate-miniz`: Use `flate2`'s default backend for compression. Currently the same as `deflate`.


Our current Minimum Supported Rust Version is **1.73**. When adding features,
we will follow these guidelines:

- We will always support the latest four minor Rust versions. This gives you a 6
  month window to upgrade your compiler.
- Any change to the MSRV will be accompanied with a **minor** version bump.


See the [examples directory](examples) for:
   * How to write a file to a zip.
   * How to write a directory of files to a zip (using [walkdir]
   * How to extract a zip file.
   * How to extract a single file from a zip.
   * How to read a zip from the standard input.
   * How to append a directory to an existing archive


Fuzzing support is through [cargo fuzz]( To install cargo fuzz:

cargo install cargo-fuzz

To list fuzz targets:

cargo +nightly fuzz list

To start fuzzing zip extraction:

cargo +nightly fuzz run fuzz_read

To start fuzzing zip creation:

cargo +nightly fuzz run fuzz_write