zkevm_circuits 0.140.3

ZKsync Era circuits for EraVM
# Contribution Guidelines

Hello! Thanks for your interest in joining the mission to accelerate the mass adoption of crypto for personal
sovereignty! We welcome contributions from anyone on the internet, and are grateful for even the smallest of fixes!

## Ways to contribute

There are many ways to contribute to the ZK Stack:

1. Open issues: if you find a bug, have something you believe needs to be fixed, or have an idea for a feature, please
   open an issue.
2. Add color to existing issues: provide screenshots, code snippets, and whatever you think would be helpful to resolve
3. Resolve issues: either by showing an issue isn't a problem and the current state is ok as is or by fixing the problem
   and opening a PR.
4. Report security issues, see [our security policy]./github/SECURITY.md.
5. [Join the team!]https://matterlabs.notion.site/Shape-the-future-of-Ethereum-at-Matter-Labs-dfb3b5a037044bb3a8006af2eb0575e0

## Fixing issues

To contribute code fixing issues, please fork the repo, fix an issue, commit, add documentation as per the PR template,
and the repo's maintainers will review the PR.
for guidance how to work with PRs created from a fork.

## Licenses

If you contribute to this project, your contributions will be made to the project under both Apache 2.0 and the MIT

## Resources

We aim to make it as easy as possible to contribute to the mission. This is still WIP, and we're happy for contributions
and suggestions here too. Some resources to help:

1. [In-repo docs aimed at developers]docs
2. [zkSync Era docs!]https://era.zksync.io/docs/
3. Company links can be found in the [repo's readme]README.md

## Code of Conduct

Be polite and respectful.

### Thank you