zopfli 0.8.1

A Rust implementation of the Zopfli compression algorithm.
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<h1>Zopfli in Rust</h1>

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This is a reimplementation of the [Zopfli](https://github.com/google/zopfli) compression tool in Rust.

Carol Nichols started the Rust implementation as an experiment in incrementally rewriting a C library in Rust, keeping the project compiling at every step. For more information about that experiment, see [the slides for a talk she gave about it](https://github.com/carols10cents/rust-out-your-c-talk) and [the repo as it was for the experiment](https://github.com/carols10cents/zopfli).

The minimum supported Rust version (MSRV) for this crate is 1.73. Bumping this version is not considered a breaking change for semantic versioning purposes. We will try to do it only when we estimate that such a bump would not cause widespread inconvenience or breakage.

## How to build

To build the code, run:

$ cargo build --release

and the executable will be in `target/release/zopfli`.

This should work on stable or beta Rust.

You can also run `make zopfli`, which will run `cargo build` and then symlink `target/release/zopfli` to just `zopfli` in the project root; this is what the C library does and it was useful for scripting purposes during the rewrite process to keep the command and resulting artifacts the same.

## Running the tests

There are some unit tests, mostly around the boundary package merge algorithm implementation in katajainen.rs, and a property-based test for compression reversibility. These tests can be run with:

$ cargo test

Golden master tests, to check that compressed files are exactly the same as the C implementation would generate, can be run using:

$ ./test/run.sh

and then checking that git reports no changes to the files in `test/results`.

Or you can run `make test`, which will run `cargo test` followed by `./test/run.sh`; it will fail if there are any mismatches.