use std::sync::Arc;
use super::{ExprSimplifier, SimplifyContext};
use crate::utils::merge_schema;
use crate::{OptimizerConfig, OptimizerRule};
use datafusion_common::{DFSchema, DFSchemaRef, Result};
use datafusion_expr::logical_plan::LogicalPlan;
use datafusion_physical_expr::execution_props::ExecutionProps;
pub struct SimplifyExpressions {}
impl OptimizerRule for SimplifyExpressions {
fn name(&self) -> &str {
fn try_optimize(
plan: &LogicalPlan,
config: &dyn OptimizerConfig,
) -> Result<Option<LogicalPlan>> {
let mut execution_props = ExecutionProps::new();
execution_props.query_execution_start_time = config.query_execution_start_time();
Ok(Some(Self::optimize_internal(plan, &execution_props)?))
impl SimplifyExpressions {
fn optimize_internal(
plan: &LogicalPlan,
execution_props: &ExecutionProps,
) -> Result<LogicalPlan> {
let schema = if !plan.inputs().is_empty() {
} else if let LogicalPlan::TableScan(_) = plan {
} else {
let info = SimplifyContext::new(execution_props).with_schema(schema);
let simplifier = ExprSimplifier::new(info);
let new_inputs = plan
.map(|input| Self::optimize_internal(input, execution_props))
let expr = plan
.map(|e| {
let original_name = e.name_for_alias()?;
let new_e = simplifier.simplify(e)?;
plan.with_new_exprs(expr, &new_inputs)
impl SimplifyExpressions {
pub fn new() -> Self {
Self {}
mod tests {
use std::ops::Not;
use crate::simplify_expressions::utils::for_test::{
cast_to_int64_expr, now_expr, to_timestamp_expr,
use crate::test::test_table_scan_with_name;
use super::*;
use arrow::datatypes::{DataType, Field, Schema};
use chrono::{DateTime, TimeZone, Utc};
use datafusion_common::ScalarValue;
use datafusion_expr::logical_plan::builder::table_scan_with_filters;
use datafusion_expr::{call_fn, or, BinaryExpr, Cast, Operator};
use crate::OptimizerContext;
use datafusion_expr::logical_plan::table_scan;
use datafusion_expr::{
and, binary_expr, col, lit, logical_plan::builder::LogicalPlanBuilder, Expr,
ExprSchemable, JoinType,
macro_rules! assert_contains {
($ACTUAL: expr, $EXPECTED: expr) => {
let actual_value: String = $ACTUAL.into();
let expected_value: String = $EXPECTED.into();
"Can not find expected in actual.\n\nExpected:\n{}\n\nActual:\n{}",
fn test_table_scan() -> LogicalPlan {
let schema = Schema::new(vec![
Field::new("a", DataType::Boolean, false),
Field::new("b", DataType::Boolean, false),
Field::new("c", DataType::Boolean, false),
Field::new("d", DataType::UInt32, false),
Field::new("e", DataType::UInt32, true),
table_scan(Some("test"), &schema, None)
.expect("creating scan")
.expect("building plan")
fn assert_optimized_plan_eq(plan: &LogicalPlan, expected: &str) -> Result<()> {
let rule = SimplifyExpressions::new();
let optimized_plan = rule
.try_optimize(plan, &OptimizerContext::new())
.expect("failed to optimize plan");
let formatted_plan = format!("{optimized_plan:?}");
assert_eq!(formatted_plan, expected);
fn test_simplify_optimized_plan() -> Result<()> {
let table_scan = test_table_scan();
let plan = LogicalPlanBuilder::from(table_scan)
.filter(and(col("b").gt(lit(1)), col("b").gt(lit(1))))?
Filter: test.b > Int32(1)\
\n Projection: test.a\
\n TableScan: test",
fn test_simplify_optimized_plan_with_or() -> Result<()> {
let table_scan = test_table_scan();
let plan = LogicalPlanBuilder::from(table_scan)
.filter(or(col("b").gt(lit(1)), col("b").gt(lit(1))))?
Filter: test.b > Int32(1)\
\n Projection: test.a\
\n TableScan: test",
fn test_simplify_optimized_plan_with_composed_and() -> Result<()> {
let table_scan = test_table_scan();
let plan = LogicalPlanBuilder::from(table_scan)
.project(vec![col("a"), col("b")])?
and(col("a").gt(lit(5)), col("b").lt(lit(6))),
Filter: test.a > Int32(5) AND test.b < Int32(6)\
\n Projection: test.a, test.b\
\n TableScan: test",
fn test_simplify_optimized_plan_eq_expr() -> Result<()> {
let table_scan = test_table_scan();
let plan = LogicalPlanBuilder::from(table_scan)
let expected = "\
Projection: test.a\
\n Filter: NOT test.c\
\n Filter: test.b\
\n TableScan: test";
assert_optimized_plan_eq(&plan, expected)
fn test_simplify_optimized_plan_not_eq_expr() -> Result<()> {
let table_scan = test_table_scan();
let plan = LogicalPlanBuilder::from(table_scan)
.limit(0, Some(1))?
let expected = "\
Projection: test.a\
\n Limit: skip=0, fetch=1\
\n Filter: test.c\
\n Filter: NOT test.b\
\n TableScan: test";
assert_optimized_plan_eq(&plan, expected)
fn test_simplify_optimized_plan_and_expr() -> Result<()> {
let table_scan = test_table_scan();
let plan = LogicalPlanBuilder::from(table_scan)
let expected = "\
Projection: test.a\
\n Filter: NOT test.b AND test.c\
\n TableScan: test";
assert_optimized_plan_eq(&plan, expected)
fn test_simplify_optimized_plan_or_expr() -> Result<()> {
let table_scan = test_table_scan();
let plan = LogicalPlanBuilder::from(table_scan)
let expected = "\
Projection: test.a\
\n Filter: NOT test.b OR NOT test.c\
\n TableScan: test";
assert_optimized_plan_eq(&plan, expected)
fn test_simplify_optimized_plan_not_expr() -> Result<()> {
let table_scan = test_table_scan();
let plan = LogicalPlanBuilder::from(table_scan)
let expected = "\
Projection: test.a\
\n Filter: test.b\
\n TableScan: test";
assert_optimized_plan_eq(&plan, expected)
fn test_simplify_optimized_plan_support_projection() -> Result<()> {
let table_scan = test_table_scan();
let plan = LogicalPlanBuilder::from(table_scan)
.project(vec![col("a"), col("d"), col("b").eq(lit(false))])?
let expected = "\
Projection: test.a, test.d, NOT test.b AS test.b = Boolean(false)\
\n TableScan: test";
assert_optimized_plan_eq(&plan, expected)
fn test_simplify_optimized_plan_support_aggregate() -> Result<()> {
let table_scan = test_table_scan();
let plan = LogicalPlanBuilder::from(table_scan)
.project(vec![col("a"), col("c"), col("b")])?
vec![col("a"), col("c")],
let expected = "\
Aggregate: groupBy=[[test.a, test.c]], aggr=[[MAX(test.b) AS MAX(test.b = Boolean(true)), MIN(test.b)]]\
\n Projection: test.a, test.c, test.b\
\n TableScan: test";
assert_optimized_plan_eq(&plan, expected)
fn test_simplify_optimized_plan_support_values() -> Result<()> {
let expr1 = Expr::BinaryExpr(BinaryExpr::new(
let expr2 = Expr::BinaryExpr(BinaryExpr::new(
let values = vec![vec![expr1, expr2]];
let plan = LogicalPlanBuilder::values(values)?.build()?;
let expected = "\
Values: (Int32(3) AS Int32(1) + Int32(2), Int32(1) AS Int32(2) - Int32(1))";
assert_optimized_plan_eq(&plan, expected)
fn get_optimized_plan_err(plan: &LogicalPlan, date_time: &DateTime<Utc>) -> String {
let config = OptimizerContext::new().with_query_execution_start_time(*date_time);
let rule = SimplifyExpressions::new();
let err = rule
.try_optimize(plan, &config)
.expect_err("expected optimization to fail");
fn get_optimized_plan_formatted(
plan: &LogicalPlan,
date_time: &DateTime<Utc>,
) -> String {
let config = OptimizerContext::new().with_query_execution_start_time(*date_time);
let rule = SimplifyExpressions::new();
let optimized_plan = rule
.try_optimize(plan, &config)
.expect("failed to optimize plan");
fn to_timestamp_expr_folded() -> Result<()> {
let table_scan = test_table_scan();
let proj = vec![to_timestamp_expr("2020-09-08T12:00:00+00:00")];
let plan = LogicalPlanBuilder::from(table_scan)
let expected = "Projection: TimestampNanosecond(1599566400000000000, None) AS to_timestamp(Utf8(\"2020-09-08T12:00:00+00:00\"))\
\n TableScan: test"
let actual = get_optimized_plan_formatted(&plan, &Utc::now());
assert_eq!(expected, actual);
fn to_timestamp_expr_wrong_arg() -> Result<()> {
let table_scan = test_table_scan();
let proj = vec![to_timestamp_expr("I'M NOT A TIMESTAMP")];
let plan = LogicalPlanBuilder::from(table_scan)
let expected =
"Error parsing timestamp from 'I'M NOT A TIMESTAMP': error parsing date";
let actual = get_optimized_plan_err(&plan, &Utc::now());
assert_contains!(actual, expected);
fn cast_expr() -> Result<()> {
let table_scan = test_table_scan();
let proj = vec![Expr::Cast(Cast::new(Box::new(lit("0")), DataType::Int32))];
let plan = LogicalPlanBuilder::from(table_scan)
let expected = "Projection: Int32(0) AS Utf8(\"0\")\
\n TableScan: test";
let actual = get_optimized_plan_formatted(&plan, &Utc::now());
assert_eq!(expected, actual);
fn cast_expr_wrong_arg() -> Result<()> {
let table_scan = test_table_scan();
let proj = vec![Expr::Cast(Cast::new(Box::new(lit("")), DataType::Int32))];
let plan = LogicalPlanBuilder::from(table_scan)
let expected = "Cannot cast string '' to value of Int32 type";
let actual = get_optimized_plan_err(&plan, &Utc::now());
assert_contains!(actual, expected);
fn multiple_now_expr() -> Result<()> {
let table_scan = test_table_scan();
let time = Utc::now();
let proj = vec![now_expr(), now_expr().alias("t2")];
let plan = LogicalPlanBuilder::from(table_scan)
let actual = get_optimized_plan_formatted(&plan, &time);
let expected = format!(
"Projection: TimestampNanosecond({}, Some(\"+00:00\")) AS now(), TimestampNanosecond({}, Some(\"+00:00\")) AS t2\
\n TableScan: test",
assert_eq!(expected, actual);
fn simplify_and_eval() -> Result<()> {
let table_scan = test_table_scan();
let time = Utc::now();
let proj = vec![lit(true).or(lit(false)).not_eq(col("a"))];
let plan = LogicalPlanBuilder::from(table_scan)
let actual = get_optimized_plan_formatted(&plan, &time);
let expected =
"Projection: NOT test.a AS Boolean(true) OR Boolean(false) != test.a\
\n TableScan: test";
assert_eq!(expected, actual);
fn now_less_than_timestamp() -> Result<()> {
let table_scan = test_table_scan();
let ts_string = "2020-09-08T12:05:00+00:00";
let time = Utc.timestamp_nanos(1599566400000000000i64);
let plan =
) + lit(50000_i64)))?
let expected = "Filter: Boolean(true)\
\n TableScan: test";
let actual = get_optimized_plan_formatted(&plan, &time);
assert_eq!(expected, actual);
fn select_date_plus_interval() -> Result<()> {
let table_scan = test_table_scan();
let ts_string = "2020-09-08T12:05:00+00:00";
let time = Utc.timestamp_nanos(1599566400000000000i64);
let schema = table_scan.schema();
let date_plus_interval_expr = to_timestamp_expr(ts_string)
.cast_to(&DataType::Date32, schema)?
+ Expr::Literal(ScalarValue::IntervalDayTime(Some(123i64 << 32)));
let plan = LogicalPlanBuilder::from(table_scan.clone())
let expected = r#"Projection: Date32("18636") AS to_timestamp(Utf8("2020-09-08T12:05:00+00:00")) + IntervalDayTime("528280977408")
TableScan: test"#;
let actual = get_optimized_plan_formatted(&plan, &time);
assert_eq!(expected, actual);
fn simplify_not_binary() -> Result<()> {
let table_scan = test_table_scan();
let plan = LogicalPlanBuilder::from(table_scan)
let expected = "Filter: test.d <= Int32(10)\
\n TableScan: test";
assert_optimized_plan_eq(&plan, expected)
fn simplify_not_bool_and() -> Result<()> {
let table_scan = test_table_scan();
let plan = LogicalPlanBuilder::from(table_scan)
let expected = "Filter: test.d <= Int32(10) OR test.d >= Int32(100)\
\n TableScan: test";
assert_optimized_plan_eq(&plan, expected)
fn simplify_not_bool_or() -> Result<()> {
let table_scan = test_table_scan();
let plan = LogicalPlanBuilder::from(table_scan)
let expected = "Filter: test.d <= Int32(10) AND test.d >= Int32(100)\
\n TableScan: test";
assert_optimized_plan_eq(&plan, expected)
fn simplify_not_not() -> Result<()> {
let table_scan = test_table_scan();
let plan = LogicalPlanBuilder::from(table_scan)
let expected = "Filter: test.d > Int32(10)\
\n TableScan: test";
assert_optimized_plan_eq(&plan, expected)
fn simplify_not_null() -> Result<()> {
let table_scan = test_table_scan();
let plan = LogicalPlanBuilder::from(table_scan)
let expected = "Filter: test.e IS NOT NULL\
\n TableScan: test";
assert_optimized_plan_eq(&plan, expected)
fn simplify_not_not_null() -> Result<()> {
let table_scan = test_table_scan();
let plan = LogicalPlanBuilder::from(table_scan)
let expected = "Filter: test.e IS NULL\
\n TableScan: test";
assert_optimized_plan_eq(&plan, expected)
fn simplify_not_in() -> Result<()> {
let table_scan = test_table_scan();
let plan = LogicalPlanBuilder::from(table_scan)
.filter(col("d").in_list(vec![lit(1), lit(2), lit(3)], false).not())?
let expected =
"Filter: test.d != Int32(1) AND test.d != Int32(2) AND test.d != Int32(3)\
\n TableScan: test";
assert_optimized_plan_eq(&plan, expected)
fn simplify_not_not_in() -> Result<()> {
let table_scan = test_table_scan();
let plan = LogicalPlanBuilder::from(table_scan)
.filter(col("d").in_list(vec![lit(1), lit(2), lit(3)], true).not())?
let expected =
"Filter: test.d = Int32(1) OR test.d = Int32(2) OR test.d = Int32(3)\
\n TableScan: test";
assert_optimized_plan_eq(&plan, expected)
fn simplify_not_between() -> Result<()> {
let table_scan = test_table_scan();
let qual = col("d").between(lit(1), lit(10));
let plan = LogicalPlanBuilder::from(table_scan)
let expected = "Filter: test.d < Int32(1) OR test.d > Int32(10)\
\n TableScan: test";
assert_optimized_plan_eq(&plan, expected)
fn simplify_not_not_between() -> Result<()> {
let table_scan = test_table_scan();
let qual = col("d").not_between(lit(1), lit(10));
let plan = LogicalPlanBuilder::from(table_scan)
let expected = "Filter: test.d >= Int32(1) AND test.d <= Int32(10)\
\n TableScan: test";
assert_optimized_plan_eq(&plan, expected)
fn simplify_not_like() -> Result<()> {
let schema = Schema::new(vec![
Field::new("a", DataType::Utf8, false),
Field::new("b", DataType::Utf8, false),
let table_scan = table_scan(Some("test"), &schema, None)
.expect("creating scan")
.expect("building plan");
let plan = LogicalPlanBuilder::from(table_scan)
let expected = "Filter: test.a NOT LIKE test.b\
\n TableScan: test";
assert_optimized_plan_eq(&plan, expected)
fn simplify_not_not_like() -> Result<()> {
let schema = Schema::new(vec![
Field::new("a", DataType::Utf8, false),
Field::new("b", DataType::Utf8, false),
let table_scan = table_scan(Some("test"), &schema, None)
.expect("creating scan")
.expect("building plan");
let plan = LogicalPlanBuilder::from(table_scan)
let expected = "Filter: test.a LIKE test.b\
\n TableScan: test";
assert_optimized_plan_eq(&plan, expected)
fn simplify_not_ilike() -> Result<()> {
let schema = Schema::new(vec![
Field::new("a", DataType::Utf8, false),
Field::new("b", DataType::Utf8, false),
let table_scan = table_scan(Some("test"), &schema, None)
.expect("creating scan")
.expect("building plan");
let plan = LogicalPlanBuilder::from(table_scan)
let expected = "Filter: test.a NOT ILIKE test.b\
\n TableScan: test";
assert_optimized_plan_eq(&plan, expected)
fn simplify_not_distinct_from() -> Result<()> {
let table_scan = test_table_scan();
let plan = LogicalPlanBuilder::from(table_scan)
.filter(binary_expr(col("d"), Operator::IsDistinctFrom, lit(10)).not())?
let expected = "Filter: test.d IS NOT DISTINCT FROM Int32(10)\
\n TableScan: test";
assert_optimized_plan_eq(&plan, expected)
fn simplify_not_not_distinct_from() -> Result<()> {
let table_scan = test_table_scan();
let plan = LogicalPlanBuilder::from(table_scan)
.filter(binary_expr(col("d"), Operator::IsNotDistinctFrom, lit(10)).not())?
let expected = "Filter: test.d IS DISTINCT FROM Int32(10)\
\n TableScan: test";
assert_optimized_plan_eq(&plan, expected)
fn simplify_equijoin_predicate() -> Result<()> {
let t1 = test_table_scan_with_name("t1")?;
let t2 = test_table_scan_with_name("t2")?;
let left_key = col("t1.a") + lit(1i64).cast_to(&DataType::UInt32, t1.schema())?;
let right_key =
col("t2.a") + lit(2i64).cast_to(&DataType::UInt32, t2.schema())?;
let plan = LogicalPlanBuilder::from(t1)
(vec![left_key], vec![right_key]),
let expected = "Inner Join: t1.a + UInt32(1) = t2.a + UInt32(2)\
\n TableScan: t1\
\n TableScan: t2";
assert_optimized_plan_eq(&plan, expected)
fn simplify_project_scalar_fn() -> Result<()> {
let schema = Schema::new(vec![Field::new("f", DataType::Float64, false)]);
let plan = table_scan(Some("test"), &schema, None)?
.project(vec![call_fn("power", vec![col("f"), lit(1.0)])?])?
let expected = "Projection: test.f AS power(test.f,Float64(1))\
\n TableScan: test";
assert_optimized_plan_eq(&plan, expected)
fn simplify_scan_predicate() -> Result<()> {
let schema = Schema::new(vec![
Field::new("f", DataType::Float64, false),
Field::new("g", DataType::Float64, false),
let plan = table_scan_with_filters(
vec![col("g").eq(call_fn("power", vec![col("f"), lit(1.0)])?)],
let expected =
"TableScan: test, unsupported_filters=[g = f AS g = power(f,Float64(1))]";
assert_optimized_plan_eq(&plan, expected)
fn simplify_is_not_null() -> Result<()> {
let table_scan = test_table_scan();
let plan = LogicalPlanBuilder::from(table_scan)
let expected = "Filter: Boolean(true)\
\n TableScan: test";
assert_optimized_plan_eq(&plan, expected)
fn simplify_is_null() -> Result<()> {
let table_scan = test_table_scan();
let plan = LogicalPlanBuilder::from(table_scan)
let expected = "Filter: Boolean(false)\
\n TableScan: test";
assert_optimized_plan_eq(&plan, expected)