pub trait WindowExpr: Send + Sync + Debug {
Show 16 methods // Required methods fn as_any(&self) -> &dyn Any; fn field(&self) -> Result<Field>; fn expressions(&self) -> Vec<Arc<dyn PhysicalExpr>> ; fn evaluate(&self, batch: &RecordBatch) -> Result<ArrayRef>; fn partition_by(&self) -> &[Arc<dyn PhysicalExpr>]; fn order_by(&self) -> &[PhysicalSortExpr]; fn get_window_frame(&self) -> &Arc<WindowFrame>; fn uses_bounded_memory(&self) -> bool; fn get_reverse_expr(&self) -> Option<Arc<dyn WindowExpr>>; // Provided methods fn name(&self) -> &str { ... } fn evaluate_args(&self, batch: &RecordBatch) -> Result<Vec<ArrayRef>> { ... } fn evaluate_stateful( &self, _partition_batches: &PartitionBatches, _window_agg_state: &mut PartitionWindowAggStates ) -> Result<()> { ... } fn evaluate_partition_points( &self, num_rows: usize, partition_columns: &[SortColumn] ) -> Result<Vec<Range<usize>>> { ... } fn order_by_columns(&self, batch: &RecordBatch) -> Result<Vec<SortColumn>> { ... } fn sort_columns(&self, batch: &RecordBatch) -> Result<Vec<SortColumn>> { ... } fn get_values_orderbys( &self, record_batch: &RecordBatch ) -> Result<(Vec<ArrayRef>, Vec<ArrayRef>)> { ... }
Expand description

A window expression that:

  • knows its resulting field

Required Methods§


fn as_any(&self) -> &dyn Any

Returns the window expression as Any so that it can be downcast to a specific implementation.


fn field(&self) -> Result<Field>

The field of the final result of this window function.


fn expressions(&self) -> Vec<Arc<dyn PhysicalExpr>>

Expressions that are passed to the WindowAccumulator. Functions which take a single input argument, such as sum, return a single datafusion_expr::expr::Expr, others (e.g. cov) return many.


fn evaluate(&self, batch: &RecordBatch) -> Result<ArrayRef>

Evaluate the window function values against the batch


fn partition_by(&self) -> &[Arc<dyn PhysicalExpr>]

Expressions that’s from the window function’s partition by clause, empty if absent


fn order_by(&self) -> &[PhysicalSortExpr]

Expressions that’s from the window function’s order by clause, empty if absent


fn get_window_frame(&self) -> &Arc<WindowFrame>

Get the window frame of this WindowExpr.


fn uses_bounded_memory(&self) -> bool

Return a flag indicating whether this WindowExpr can run with bounded memory.


fn get_reverse_expr(&self) -> Option<Arc<dyn WindowExpr>>

Get the reverse expression of this WindowExpr.

Provided Methods§


fn name(&self) -> &str

Human readable name such as "MIN(c2)" or "RANK()". The default implementation returns placeholder text.


fn evaluate_args(&self, batch: &RecordBatch) -> Result<Vec<ArrayRef>>

Evaluate the window function arguments against the batch and return array ref, normally the resulting Vec is a single element one.


fn evaluate_stateful( &self, _partition_batches: &PartitionBatches, _window_agg_state: &mut PartitionWindowAggStates ) -> Result<()>

Evaluate the window function against the batch. This function facilitates stateful, bounded-memory implementations.


fn evaluate_partition_points( &self, num_rows: usize, partition_columns: &[SortColumn] ) -> Result<Vec<Range<usize>>>

Evaluate the partition points given the sort columns; if the sort columns are empty then the result will be a single element Vec of the whole column rows.


fn order_by_columns(&self, batch: &RecordBatch) -> Result<Vec<SortColumn>>

Get order by columns, empty if absent


fn sort_columns(&self, batch: &RecordBatch) -> Result<Vec<SortColumn>>

Get sort columns that can be used for peer evaluation, empty if absent


fn get_values_orderbys( &self, record_batch: &RecordBatch ) -> Result<(Vec<ArrayRef>, Vec<ArrayRef>)>

Get values columns (argument of Window Function) and order by columns (columns of the ORDER BY expression) used in evaluators



impl WindowExpr for BuiltInWindowExpr


impl WindowExpr for PlainAggregateWindowExpr

peer based evaluation based on the fact that batch is pre-sorted given the sort columns and then per partition point we’ll evaluate the peer group (e.g. SUM or MAX gives the same results for peers) and concatenate the results.


impl WindowExpr for SlidingAggregateWindowExpr

peer based evaluation based on the fact that batch is pre-sorted given the sort columns and then per partition point we’ll evaluate the peer group (e.g. SUM or MAX gives the same results for peers) and concatenate the results.