pub trait GroupsAccumulator: Send {
    // Required methods
    fn update_batch(
        &mut self,
        values: &[ArrayRef],
        group_indices: &[usize],
        opt_filter: Option<&BooleanArray>,
        total_num_groups: usize
    ) -> Result<()>;
    fn evaluate(&mut self, emit_to: EmitTo) -> Result<ArrayRef>;
    fn state(&mut self, emit_to: EmitTo) -> Result<Vec<ArrayRef>>;
    fn merge_batch(
        &mut self,
        values: &[ArrayRef],
        group_indices: &[usize],
        opt_filter: Option<&BooleanArray>,
        total_num_groups: usize
    ) -> Result<()>;
    fn size(&self) -> usize;
Expand description

GroupAccumulator implements a single aggregate (e.g. AVG) and stores the state for all groups internally.

Each group is assigned a group_index by the hash table and each accumulator manages the specific state, one per group_index.

group_indexes are contiguous (there aren’t gaps), and thus it is expected that each GroupAccumulator will use something like Vec<..> to store the group states.

Required Methods§


fn update_batch( &mut self, values: &[ArrayRef], group_indices: &[usize], opt_filter: Option<&BooleanArray>, total_num_groups: usize ) -> Result<()>

Updates the accumulator’s state from its arguments, encoded as a vector of ArrayRefs.

  • values: the input arguments to the accumulator

  • group_indices: To which groups do the rows in values belong, group id)

  • opt_filter: if present, only update aggregate state using values[i] if opt_filter[i] is true

  • total_num_groups: the number of groups (the largest group_index is thus total_num_groups - 1).

Note that subsequent calls to update_batch may have larger total_num_groups as new groups are seen.


fn evaluate(&mut self, emit_to: EmitTo) -> Result<ArrayRef>

Returns the final aggregate value for each group as a single RecordBatch, resetting the internal state.

The rows returned must be in group_index order: The value for group_index 0, followed by 1, etc. Any group_index that did not have values, should be null.

For example, a SUM accumulator maintains a running sum for each group, and evaluate will produce that running sum as its output for all groups, in group_index order

If emit_to`` is [EmitTo::All`], the accumulator should return all groups and release / reset its internal state equivalent to when it was first created.

If emit_to is EmitTo::First, only the first n groups should be emitted and the state for those first groups removed. State for the remaining groups must be retained for future use. The group_indices on subsequent calls to update_batch or merge_batch will be shifted down by n. See EmitTo::First for more details.


fn state(&mut self, emit_to: EmitTo) -> Result<Vec<ArrayRef>>

Returns the intermediate aggregate state for this accumulator, used for multi-phase grouping, resetting its internal state.

For example, AVG might return two arrays: SUM and COUNT but the MIN aggregate would just return a single array.

Note more sophisticated internal state can be passed as single StructArray rather than multiple arrays.

See Self::evaluate for details on the required output order and emit_to.


fn merge_batch( &mut self, values: &[ArrayRef], group_indices: &[usize], opt_filter: Option<&BooleanArray>, total_num_groups: usize ) -> Result<()>

Merges intermediate state (the output from Self::state) into this accumulator’s values.

For some aggregates (such as SUM), merge_batch is the same as update_batch, but for some aggregates (such as COUNT, where the partial counts must be summed) the operations differ. See Self::state for more details on how state is used and merged.

  • values: arrays produced from calling state previously to the accumulator

Other arguments are the same as for Self::update_batch;


fn size(&self) -> usize

Amount of memory used to store the state of this accumulator, in bytes. This function is called once per batch, so it should be O(n) to compute, not O(num_groups)
