

  • Recursively extract referenced Columns within a PhysicalExpr.
  • This function returns all Arc<dyn PhysicalExpr>s inside the given PhysicalSortExpr sequence.
  • Compare the two expr lists are equal no matter the order. For example two InListExpr can be considered to be equals no matter the order:
  • Strictly compare the two expr lists are equal in the given order.
  • Calculates the output orderings for a set of expressions within the context of a given execution plan. The resulting orderings are all in the type of Column, since these expressions become Column after the projection step. The expressions having an alias are renamed with those aliases in the returned PhysicalSortExpr’s. If an expression is found to be unordered, the corresponding entry in the output vector is None.
  • Find the finer requirement among req1 and req2 If None, this means that req1 and req2 are not compatible e.g there is no requirement that satisfies both
  • This function finds the indices of targets within items using strict equality.
  • This function finds the indices of targets within items, taking into account equivalences according to equal_properties.
  • Attempts to find a full match between the required columns to be ordered (lexicographically), and the provided sort options (lexicographically), while considering equivalence properties.
  • This function maps back requirement after ProjectionExec to the Executor for its input.
  • This function normalizes oeq_classes expressions according to eq_properties. More explicitly, it makes sure that expressions in oeq_classes are head entries in eq_properties, replacing any non-head entries with head entries if necessary.
  • Normalize the output expressions based on Columns Map.
  • Transform sort_exprs vector, to standardized version using eq_properties and ordering_eq_properties Assume eq_properties states that Column a and Column b are aliases. Also assume ordering_eq_properties states that ordering vec![d ASC] and vec![a ASC, c ASC] are ordering equivalent (in the sense that both describe the ordering of the table). If the sort_exprs input to this function were vec![b ASC, c ASC], This function converts sort_exprs vec![b ASC, c ASC] to first vec![a ASC, c ASC] after considering eq_properties Then converts vec![a ASC, c ASC] to vec![d ASC] after considering ordering_eq_properties. Standardized version vec![d ASC] is used in subsequent operations.
  • This function applies the [normalize_sort_expr_with_equivalence_properties] function for all sort expressions in sort_exprs and returns a vector of normalized sort expressions.
  • Transform sort_reqs vector, to standardized version using eq_properties and ordering_eq_properties Assume eq_properties states that Column a and Column b are aliases. Also assume ordering_eq_properties states that ordering vec![d ASC] and vec![a ASC, c ASC] are ordering equivalent (in the sense that both describe the ordering of the table). If the sort_reqs input to this function were vec![b Some(ASC), c None], This function converts sort_exprs vec![b Some(ASC), c None] to first vec![a Some(ASC), c None] after considering eq_properties Then converts vec![a Some(ASC), c None] to vec![d Some(ASC)] after considering ordering_eq_properties. Standardized version vec![d Some(ASC)] is used in subsequent operations.
  • Checks whether given ordering requirements are satisfied by provided PhysicalSortExprs.
  • Checks whether the required PhysicalSortExprs are satisfied by the provided PhysicalSortExprs.
  • Checks whether the given PhysicalSortRequirements are satisfied by the provided PhysicalSortExprs.
  • Checks whether the given PhysicalSortRequirements are satisfied by the provided PhysicalSortExprs.
  • Re-assign column indices referenced in predicate according to given schema. This may be helpful when dealing with projections.
  • Checks whether the given PhysicalSortRequirements are equal or more specific than the provided PhysicalSortRequirements.
  • Reverses the ORDER BY expression, which is useful during equivalent window expression construction. For instance, ‘ORDER BY a ASC, NULLS LAST’ turns into ‘ORDER BY a DESC, NULLS FIRST’.
  • Scatter truthy array by boolean mask. When the mask evaluates true, next values of truthy are taken, when the mask evaluates false values null values are filled.
  • Assume the predicate is in the form of CNF, split the predicate to a Vec of PhysicalExprs.