[−][src]Crate deno
CoreJSError | |
Deps | This is a tree structure representing the dependencies of a given module. Use Modules::deps to construct it. The 'deps' member is None if this module was already seen elsewher in the tree. |
ErrBox | |
Isolate | A single execution context of JavaScript. Corresponds roughly to the "Web Worker" concept in the DOM. An Isolate is a Future that can be used with Tokio. The Isolate future complete when there is an error or when all pending ops have completed. |
IsolateHandle | IsolateHandle is a thread safe handle on an Isolate. It exposed thread safe V8 functions. |
ModuleSpecifier | Resolved module specifier |
Modules | A collection of JS modules. |
OpRegistry | |
PinnedBuf | A PinnedBuf encapsulates a slice that's been borrowed from a JavaScript ArrayBuffer object. JavaScript objects can normally be garbage collected, but the existence of a PinnedBuf inhibits this until it is dropped. It behaves much like an Arc<u8>, although a PinnedBuf currently can't be cloned. |
RecursiveLoad | This future is used to implement parallel async module loading without complicating the Isolate API. TODO: RecursiveLoad desperately needs to be merged with Modules. |
ResourceTable | |
Script | Stores a script used to initalize a Isolate |
SourceCodeInfo | Represent result of fetching the source code of a module. Found module URL might be different from specified URL used for loading due to redirections (like HTTP 303). E.G. Both https://example.com/a.ts and https://example.com/b.ts may point to https://example.com/c.ts By keeping track of specified and found URL we can alias modules and avoid recompiling the same code 3 times. |
StackFrame | |
V8Exception |
ModuleResolutionError | Error indicating the reason resolving a module specifier failed. |
Op | |
RecursiveLoadEvent | |
StartupData | Represents data used to initialize isolate at startup either a binary snapshot or a javascript source file in the form of the StartupScript struct. |
AnyError | |
ImportStream | |
Loader | |
Resource | Abstract type representing resource in Deno. |
js_check | |
v8_set_flags | Pass the command line arguments to v8. Returns a vector of command line arguments that V8 did not understand. |
v8_version |
Type Definitions
Buf | |
CoreError | |
CoreOp | |
OpAsyncFuture | |
OpId | |
OpResult | |
ResourceId | ResourceId is Deno's version of a file descriptor. ResourceId is also referred to as rid in the code base. |
SourceCodeInfoFuture | |
deno_mod |