Crate diesel_async

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Diesel-async provides async variants of diesel related query functionality

diesel-async is an extension to diesel itself. It is designed to be used together with the main diesel crate. It only provides async variants of core diesel traits, that perform actual io-work. This includes async counterparts the following traits:

These traits closely mirror their diesel counter parts while providing async functionality.

In addition to these core traits 2 fully async connection implementations are provided by diesel-async:

Ordinary usage of diesel-async assumes that you just replace the corresponding sync trait method calls and connections with their async counterparts.

use diesel::prelude::*;
use diesel_async::{RunQueryDsl, AsyncConnection};

diesel::table! {
   users(id) {
       id -> Integer,
       name -> Text,

use crate::users::dsl::*;

let mut connection = AsyncPgConnection::establish(std::env::var("DATABASE_URL")?).await?;
let data = users
    // use ordinary diesel query dsl here
    // execute the query via the provided
    // async variant of `diesel_async::RunQueryDsl`
    .load::<(i32, String)>(&mut connection)
let expected_data = vec![
    (1, String::from("Sean")),
    (2, String::from("Tess")),
assert_eq!(expected_data, data);




  • An implementation of TransactionManager which can be used for backends which use ANSI standard syntax for savepoints such as SQLite and PostgreSQL.
  • A connection to a MySQL database. Connection URLs should be in the form mysql://[user[:password]@]host/database_name
  • A connection to a PostgreSQL database.
