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Contains modules for working with journal log files providing readers for individual files or all files at once. Elite Dangerous create journal log files which contain information about various events that happen in the game. This module provides models and readers for working with these files.
- LogDir represents the directory which includes all the journal files for the player. It can be used get specific journal log files.
- LogFile is used to create readers with which can then be used to read the contents of the target file.
- The LogEvent struct is a single entry in a log file and is what is emitted by the different kinds of readers.
- The LogEventContent is the actual content of the entry and is a large enum containing all the different types of events that are logged.
- The blocking module provides readers which block the current thread and requires you to manually manage threads, especially when using the ‘live’ readers.
- The asynchronous module contains the readers for when you’re working in an asynchronous environment like for example when using tokio.
Using these models, you can read the contents of the journal log files. Note however that this is lossy, meaning that it is possible to deserialize the contents of a log file, but it is not possible to serialize the resulting entry back to the same log entry. It is possible to serialize the contents using serde, but this will have a different shape than how it was originally formatted on the log file.
- afmu_
repairs_ event - Fired whenever the player uses an AFMU to repair another module in their ship.
- applied_
to_ squadron_ event - Fired when the player applies to a squadron.
- approach_
body_ event - Fired whenever the player approaches a body.
- approach_
settlement_ event - Fired when the player approaches a planetary settlement.
- asteroid_
cracked_ event - Fired whenever the player cracks open an asteroid.
- asynchronous
- Contains readers for when working in an asynchronous environment like Tokio.
- backpack_
change_ event - Fired when there is a change in the player’s (odyssey) backpack.
- backpack_
event - Fired when the backpack.json file is updated.
- blocking
- Contains readers for when working in a synchronous environment like a manually spawned thread.
- book_
dropship_ event - Fired when the player books a drop-ship at Frontline Solutions.
- book_
taxi_ event - Fired when the player books a taxi at Apex Interstellar Transport.
- bounty_
event - Fired when the player takes on a bounty.
- buy_
ammo_ event - Fired when the player buys ammo at a station.
- buy_
drones_ event - Fired when the player buys limpets at a station.
- buy_
exploration_ data_ event - Fired when the player buys exploration data for a system.
- buy_
micro_ resource_ event - Fired when performing a trade with Odyssey bartenders.
- buy_
suit_ event - Fired when the player buys a new Odyssey suit.
- buy_
trade_ data_ event - Fired when the player buys trading data for a specific system.
- buy_
weapon_ event - Fired when the player buys an (Odyssey) weapon.
- cancel_
dropship_ event - Fired when the player cancels a dropship.
- cancel_
taxi_ event - Fired when the player cancels a taxi.
- cap_
ship_ bond_ event - cargo_
depot_ event - Fired when the player delivers or collects commodities for a given mission.
- cargo_
event - Fired when the player collected a commodity.
- cargo_
transfer_ event - Fired when the player confirms transfers between their ship, SRV or fleet carrier.
- carrier_
bank_ transfer_ event - Fired when the player transfers credits either to or from their fleet carrier.
- carrier_
buy_ event - Fired when the player buys a new fleet carrier.
- carrier_
cancel_ decommission_ event - Fired when the player cancels their fleet carrier decommission.
- carrier_
crew_ services_ event - Fired when changes were made to a fleet carrier service.
- carrier_
decommision_ event - Fired when the player schedules their carrier for decommission.
- carrier_
deposit_ fuel_ event - Fired when the player deposits tritium to the given carrier.
- carrier_
docking_ permission_ event - Fired when the fleet carrier owner changes the docking permissions for their fleet carrier.
- carrier_
finance_ event - Fired when there is any update related to the carrier’s finances.
- carrier_
jump_ cancelled_ event - Fired when the current planned carrier jump was cancelled.
- carrier_
jump_ event - Fired when the carrier performs the jump after the jump countdown.
- carrier_
jump_ request_ event - Fired when the fleet carrier owner schedules a jump.
- carrier_
module_ pack_ event - Fired when managing module packs on a fleet carrier.
- carrier_
name_ changed_ event - Fired when the owner changes their fleet carrier’s name.
- carrier_
ship_ pack_ event - Fired when managing ship packs on a fleet carrier.
- carrier_
stats_ event - Fired when opening the fleet carrier management panel.
- carrier_
trade_ order_ event - Fired when managing a fleet carrier trade order.
- change_
crew_ role_ event - Fired when in a multi-crew session and the current player changes their role.
- clear_
impound_ event - Fired when the player clears their ship after being arrested while on-foot.
- clear_
saved_ game_ event - Fired when the player clear their save, deleting all progress.
- codex_
entry_ event - Fired when the player registers a new entry in their codex.
- collect_
cargo_ event - Fired when the player collects a commodity.
- collect_
items_ event - Fired when the player collects an Odyssey item.
- commander_
event - Fired as part of the startup process of the game.
- commit_
crime_ event - Fired when the player commits a crime.
- community_
goal_ discard_ event - Fired when the player discards a community goal.
- community_
goal_ event - Fired when accessing information about currently active community goals.
- community_
goal_ join_ event - Fired when the player joins the community event.
- community_
goal_ reward_ event - Fired when the player receives credits for participating in a community goal.
- continued_
event - Fired when the log file is getting split into multiple files.
- create_
suit_ loadout_ event - Fired when the player creates a new suit load-out.
- crew_
assign_ event - Fired when assigning crew.
- crew_
fire_ event - Fired when the player fires a crew member.
- crew_
hire_ event - Fired when the player fires a new crew member.
- crew_
launch_ fighter_ event - Fired when another player in a multi-crew session launches a fighter.
- crew_
member_ joins_ event - Fired whenever a new player joins a multi-crew session.
- crew_
member_ quits_ event - Fired whenever another player leaves the multi-crew session.
- crew_
member_ role_ change_ event - Fired whenever another player changes their own role.
- crime_
victim_ event - Fired when the player is the target of a crime.
- data_
scanned_ event - Fired when scanning data while in a ship or SRV.
- datalink_
scan_ event - Fired when the player scans a datapoint and extracts a message from it.
- datalink_
voucher_ event - Fired when a faction has paid for scanning a datapoint.
- delete_
suit_ loadout_ event - Fired when deleting a suit load-out.
- died_
event - Fired when the player dies. Depending on the way the player died the event contains different information.
- disbanded_
squadron_ event - Fired when the owner of a squadron disbands a squadron.
- discovery_
scan_ event - Fired when the player ‘honks’ in a system.
- disembark_
event - Fired when the player disembarks from their ship.
- dock_
fighter_ event - Fired when a ship launched fighter docks back to the mother ship.
- dock_
srv_ event - Fired when the player docks their SRV to their ship.
- docked_
event - Fired when the player docks at a station or settlement.
- docking_
cancelled_ event - Fired when the player cancels the docking procedure.
- docking_
denied_ event - Fired when the player requested docking permission, but was denied.
- docking_
granted_ event - Fired when the player has been given permission to dock at a given station.
- docking_
requested_ event - Fired when the player has successfully required permission to dock to a given station.
- docking_
timeout_ event - Fired when the player did not dock within the given time window.
- drop_
items_ event - Fired when the player drops an Odyssey item.
- drop_
ship_ deploy_ event - Fired when the player deploys from a dropship into a combat zone.
- eject_
cargo_ event - Fired when ejecting cargo out of the player’s ship.
- embark_
event - Fired when the player embarks from their ship.
- end_
crew_ session_ event - Fired when the whole multi-crew session has ended.
- engineer_
contribution_ event - Fired when the player contributes to an unlock requirement for an engineer.
- engineer_
craft_ event - Fired when the player applies an engineering modification to one of their ship’s modules.
- engineer_
progress_ event - Includes information about engineer progress.
- escape_
interdiction_ event - Fired when the player escapes an interdiction attempt.
- faction_
kill_ bond_ event - Fired when the player received a kill bond for a faction kill.
- fc_
embark_ event - Fired when the player embarks at a fleet carrier.
- fetch_
remote_ module_ event - Fired when the player initiates a module transfer to move a module from another station to the station the player is currently docked at.
- fighter_
destroyed_ event - Fired when a deployed ship launched fighter was destroyed.
- fighter_
rebuilt_ event - Fired when the ship launched fighter has been rebuild.
- file_
header_ event - Always the first event that is fired for a log file.
- friends_
event - fsd_
jump_ event - Fired when the player jumps to another system.
- fsd_
target_ event - Fired when targeting a system for an FSD jump.
- fss_
all_ bodies_ found_ event - Fired when the player has scanned discovered all the bodies for a given system.
- fss_
body_ signals_ event - Fired when the given body has any special signals.
- fss_
discovery_ scan_ event - Fired when discovering a body in a given system, either through proximity or through the FSS.
- fss_
signal_ discovered_ event - Fired when the player discovers a non-body signal.
- fuel_
scoop_ event - Fired when the player is fuel scooping.
- hull_
damage_ event - Fired when the player received hull damage.
- interdicted_
event - Fired when the player has been interdicted and lost.
- interdiction_
event - Fired when the player completes an interdiction.
- invited_
to_ squadron_ event - Fired when the player was invited to a squadron.
- jet_
cone_ boost_ event - Fired when the player boosts their FSD using a jet cone.
- jet_
cone_ damage_ event - Fired when a module receives damage from a jet cone.
- join_
a_ crew_ event - Fired when the current player joins a multi-crew session.
- joined_
squadron_ event - Fired when the player joins a squadron.
- kick_
crew_ member_ event - Fired when the current player kicks another player from the multi-crew session.
- kicked_
from_ squadron_ event - Fired when the player was kicked from a squadron.
- launch_
drone_ event - Fired when the player fires a limpet.
- launch_
fighter_ event - Fired when launching a ship launched fighter.
- launch_
srv_ event - Fired when launching an SRV while landed on a planet.
- leave_
body_ event - Fired when the player leaves a body.
- left_
squadron_ event - Fired when the player left a squadron.
- liftoff_
event - Fired when lifting off from a planet.
- load_
game_ event - Fired when loading into the game.
- loadout_
equip_ module_ event - Fired when equipping a module to a suit loadout.
- loadout_
event - Fired when there are updates to the player’s ship modules.
- loadout_
remove_ module_ event - Fired when removing a module from a suit loadout.
- location_
event - Fired at times when the game loads in a location, usually when just starting the game or when the player is moven between locations for example by using a fleet carrier escape pod or when the player died.
- market_
buy_ event - Fired when buying commodities at a given market.
- market_
event - Market data is written to a separate file called
. - market_
sell_ event - Fired when selling commodities at a given market.
- mass_
module_ store_ event - Fired when storing multiple modules at the current location at once.
- material_
collected_ event - Fired when the player collects an engineering material.
- material_
discarded_ event - Fired when the player discards a material.
- material_
discovered_ event - Fired when the player collects a specific material for the first time.
- material_
trade_ event - Fired when the player trades engineering materials at a material trader.
- materials_
event - Fired during startup containing a list of material the player currently has.
- mining_
refined - Fired when a commodity has been refined.
- mission_
abandoned_ event - Fired when the player abandons a mission.
- mission_
accepted_ event - Fired when the player takes on a new mission.
- mission_
completed_ event - mission_
failed_ event - mission_
redirected_ event - missions_
event - module_
buy_ and_ store_ event - When buying a module but storing at the current location instead of equipping it to the current ship.
- module_
buy_ event - Fired when buying a new module and equipping it to the current active ship.
- module_
retrieve_ event - Fired when installing a module directly from storage.
- module_
sell_ event - Fired when the player sells a module.
- module_
sell_ remote_ event - Fired when selling a module that is stored at another location.
- module_
store_ event - Fired when storing a module.
- module_
swap_ event - Fired when swapping a module from one slot to another.
- multi_
sell_ exploration_ data_ event - Fired when selling multiple entries of exploration data.
- music_
event - Fired when the game changes the music track.
- nav_
beacon_ scan_ event - Fired when the player scans a system’s nav beacon.
- new_
commander_ event - Fired when the player starts as a new commander.
- npc_
crew_ rank_ event - Fired when there is a change in the combat rank of one of the hired crew members.
- npc_
crew_ wage_ paid_ event - Fired when the player paid the wage of an NPC, which happens automatically.
- outfitting_
event - Emitted when opening the outfitting menu.
- passengers_
event - Fired when there is a change to the player’s passenger manifest.
- pay_
bounties_ event - Fired when the player has paid of their bounties.
- pay_
fines_ event - Fired when the player pays off any outstanding fines.
- powerplay_
collect_ event - powerplay_
defect_ event - powerplay_
deliver_ event - powerplay_
event - powerplay_
fast_ track_ event - powerplay_
join_ event - powerplay_
leave_ event - powerplay_
salary_ event - powerplay_
vote_ event - progress_
event - Includes information about the current progress of the player to the next rank.
- promotion_
event - Fired when the player is promoted for a given rank.
- prospected_
asteroid_ event - Fired when a prospector limpet is used on an asteroid.
- pvp_
kill_ event - Fired when the player kills another player in combat.
- quit_
a_ crew_ event - Fired when the current player leaves a multi-crew session.
- rank_
event - Includes information about the current ranks of the player.
- reboot_
repair_ event - Fired when performing a reboot and repair.
- receive_
text_ event - Fired when the player receives a text message.
- redeem_
voucher_ event - Fired when redeeming any kind of voucher.
- refuel_
all_ event - refuel_
partial_ event - rename_
suit_ loadout_ event - repair_
all_ event - repair_
drone_ event - repair_
event - reputation_
event - reservoir_
replenished_ event - restock_
vehicle_ event - resurrect_
event - saa_
scan_ complete_ event - saa_
signals_ found_ event - scan_
bary_ centre_ event - scan_
event - scan_
organic_ event - scanned_
event - scientific_
research_ event - screenshot_
event - search_
and_ rescue_ event - sell_
drones_ event - sell_
exploration_ date_ event - sell_
micro_ resources_ event - sell_
organic_ data - sell_
ship_ on_ rebuy_ event - sell_
suit_ event - sell_
weapon_ event - send_
text_ event - set_
user_ ship_ name_ event - shared_
bookmark_ to_ squadron_ event - shield_
state_ event - ship_
locker_ event - ship_
redeemed - ship_
targeted_ event - shipyard_
buy_ event - shipyard_
event - shipyard_
new_ event - shipyard_
redeem - shipyard_
sell_ event - shipyard_
swap_ event - shipyard_
transfer_ event - squadron_
created_ event - squadron_
demotion_ event - squadron_
promotion_ event - squadron_
startup_ event - srv_
destroyed_ event - start_
jump_ event - statistics_
event - stored_
modules_ event - stored_
ships_ event - suit_
loadout_ event - supercruise_
destination_ drop_ event - supercruise_
entry_ event - supercruise_
exit_ event - switch_
suit_ loadout_ event - synthasis_
event - technology_
broker_ event - touchdown_
event - trade_
micro_ resources_ event - transfer_
micro_ resources_ event - under_
attack_ event - undocked_
event - upgrade_
suit_ event - upgrade_
weapon_ event - use_
consumable_ event - uss_
drop_ event - vehicle_
switch_ event - wing_
add_ event - wing_
invite_ event - wing_
join_ event - won_
a_ trophy_ for_ squadron_ event
- LogDir
- Provides an abstraction for all the log files in the journal directory.
- LogEvent
- An entry from a LogFile. Most of the content can be found in the LogEventContent.
- LogFile
- A representation of a journal log file. Can then be read using a [JournalFileReader].
- LogDir
Error - LogEvent
Content - Enum containing all the possible events that can be found in a [JournalFile].
- LogEvent
Content Kind - LogFile