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Peripheral instance singletons (ESP32-C2)


The Peripherals module provides singleton instances of various peripherals and allows users to access and use them in their applications.

These peripherals provide various functionalities and interfaces for interacting with different hardware components on the ESP32-C2 chip, such as timers, GPIO pins, I2C, SPI, UART, and more. Users can access and utilize these peripherals by importing the respective singleton instances from this module.

It’s important to note that the module also exports the Interrupt enum from the ESP32-C2 PAC (Peripheral Access Crate) for users to handle interrupts associated with these peripherals.

⚠️ NOTE: notice that radio is marked with false in the peripherals! macro. Basically, that means that there’s no real peripheral (no RADIO peripheral in the PACs) but we’re creating “virtual peripherals” for it in order to ensure the uniqueness of the instance (Singleton).

