Crate fuel_asm

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FuelVM instruction and opcodes representation.

Fuel ASM

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Instruction set for the FuelVM.

Compile features

  • std: Unless set, the crate will link to the core-crate instead of the std-crate. More info here.
  • serde: Add support for serde for the types exposed by this crate.


use fuel_asm::*;

// A sample program to perform ecrecover
let program = vec![
    op::move_(0x10, 0x01),     // set r[0x10] := $one
    op::slli(0x20, 0x10, 5),   // set r[0x20] := `r[0x10] << 5 == 32`
    op::slli(0x21, 0x10, 6),   // set r[0x21] := `r[0x10] << 6 == 64`
    op::aloc(0x21),            // alloc `r[0x21] == 64` to the heap
    op::addi(0x10, 0x07, 1),   // set r[0x10] := `$hp + 1` (allocated heap)
    op::move_(0x11, 0x04),     // set r[0x11] := $ssp
    op::add(0x12, 0x04, 0x20), // set r[0x12] := `$ssp + r[0x20]`
    op::ecr(0x10, 0x11, 0x12), // recover public key in memory[r[0x10], 64]
    op::ret(0x01),             // return `1`

// Convert program to bytes representation
let bytes: Vec<u8> = program.iter().copied().collect();

// A program can be reconstructed from an iterator of bytes
let restored: Result<Vec<Instruction>, _> = fuel_asm::from_bytes(bytes).collect();
assert_eq!(program, restored.unwrap());

// Every instruction can be described as `u32` big-endian bytes
let halfwords: Vec<u32> = program.iter().copied().collect();
let bytes = halfwords.iter().copied().map(u32::to_be_bytes).flatten();
let restored: Result<Vec<Instruction>, _> = fuel_asm::from_bytes(bytes).collect();
assert_eq!(program, restored.unwrap());

// We can also reconstruct the instructions individually
let restored: Result<Vec<Instruction>, _> = fuel_asm::from_u32s(halfwords).collect();
assert_eq!(program, restored.unwrap());

// An instruction is composed by the opcode representation, register IDs and immediate value.
let instruction = program[1];
assert_eq!(instruction.opcode(), Opcode::SLLI);
let slli = match instruction {
    Instruction::SLLI(slli) => slli,
    _ => panic!("unexpected instruction"),
let (ra, rb, imm) = slli.unpack();
assert_eq!(u8::from(ra), 0x20);
assert_eq!(u8::from(rb), 0x10);
assert_eq!(u32::from(imm), 5);


pub use args::GMArgs;
pub use args::GTFArgs;


The impl_instructions! macro
Definitions and implementations for each unique instruction type, one for each unique Opcode variant.


Represents a 12-bit immediate value, guaranteed to be masked by construction.
Represents a 18-bit immediate value, guaranteed to be masked by construction.
Represents a 24-bit immediate value, guaranteed to be masked by construction.
Describe a panic reason with the instruction that generated it
Failed to parse a u8 as a valid or non-reserved opcode.
Represents a 6-bit register ID, guaranteed to be masked by construction.


Representation of a single instruction for the interpreter.
Solely the opcode portion of an instruction represented as a single byte.
Panic reason representation for the interpreter.


Type is convertible to a RegId


Given an iterator yielding bytes, produces an iterator yielding Instructions.
Given an iterator yielding u32s (i.e. “half words” or “raw instructions”), produces an iterator yielding Instructions.
Produce two raw instructions from a word’s hi and lo parts.

Type Definitions

An instruction in its raw, packed, unparsed representation.
Register ID type
Register value type