[−][src]Struct gfx_backend_empty::Device
Dummy device doing nothing.
Trait Implementations
impl Debug for Device
impl Device<Backend> for Device
unsafe fn create_command_pool(
_: QueueFamilyId,
_: CommandPoolCreateFlags
) -> Result<RawCommandPool, OutOfMemory>
_: QueueFamilyId,
_: CommandPoolCreateFlags
) -> Result<RawCommandPool, OutOfMemory>
unsafe fn destroy_command_pool(&self, _: RawCommandPool)
unsafe fn allocate_memory(
_: MemoryTypeId,
_: u64
) -> Result<(), AllocationError>
_: MemoryTypeId,
_: u64
) -> Result<(), AllocationError>
unsafe fn create_render_pass<'a, IA, IS, ID>(
_: IA,
_: IS,
_: ID
) -> Result<(), OutOfMemory> where
IA: IntoIterator,
IA::Item: Borrow<Attachment>,
IS: IntoIterator,
IS::Item: Borrow<SubpassDesc<'a>>,
ID: IntoIterator,
ID::Item: Borrow<SubpassDependency>,
_: IA,
_: IS,
_: ID
) -> Result<(), OutOfMemory> where
IA: IntoIterator,
IA::Item: Borrow<Attachment>,
IS: IntoIterator,
IS::Item: Borrow<SubpassDesc<'a>>,
ID: IntoIterator,
ID::Item: Borrow<SubpassDependency>,
unsafe fn create_pipeline_layout<IS, IR>(
_: IS,
_: IR
) -> Result<(), OutOfMemory> where
IS: IntoIterator,
IS::Item: Borrow<()>,
IR: IntoIterator,
IR::Item: Borrow<(ShaderStageFlags, Range<u32>)>,
_: IS,
_: IR
) -> Result<(), OutOfMemory> where
IS: IntoIterator,
IS::Item: Borrow<()>,
IR: IntoIterator,
IR::Item: Borrow<(ShaderStageFlags, Range<u32>)>,
unsafe fn create_pipeline_cache(
_data: Option<&[u8]>
) -> Result<(), OutOfMemory>
_data: Option<&[u8]>
) -> Result<(), OutOfMemory>
unsafe fn get_pipeline_cache_data(
_cache: &()
) -> Result<Vec<u8>, OutOfMemory>
_cache: &()
) -> Result<Vec<u8>, OutOfMemory>
unsafe fn destroy_pipeline_cache(&self, _: ())
unsafe fn merge_pipeline_caches<I>(
_: &(),
_: I
) -> Result<(), OutOfMemory> where
I: IntoIterator,
I::Item: Borrow<()>,
_: &(),
_: I
) -> Result<(), OutOfMemory> where
I: IntoIterator,
I::Item: Borrow<()>,
unsafe fn create_framebuffer<I>(
_: &(),
_: I,
_: Extent
) -> Result<(), OutOfMemory> where
I: IntoIterator,
I::Item: Borrow<()>,
_: &(),
_: I,
_: Extent
) -> Result<(), OutOfMemory> where
I: IntoIterator,
I::Item: Borrow<()>,
unsafe fn create_shader_module(&self, _: &[u32]) -> Result<(), ShaderError>
unsafe fn create_sampler(&self, _: SamplerInfo) -> Result<(), AllocationError>
unsafe fn create_buffer(&self, _: u64, _: Usage) -> Result<(), CreationError>
unsafe fn get_buffer_requirements(&self, _: &()) -> Requirements
unsafe fn bind_buffer_memory(
_: &(),
_: u64,
_: &mut ()
) -> Result<(), BindError>
_: &(),
_: u64,
_: &mut ()
) -> Result<(), BindError>
unsafe fn create_buffer_view<R: RangeArg<u64>>(
_: &(),
_: Option<Format>,
_: R
) -> Result<(), ViewCreationError>
_: &(),
_: Option<Format>,
_: R
) -> Result<(), ViewCreationError>
unsafe fn create_image(
_: Kind,
_: Level,
_: Format,
_: Tiling,
_: Usage,
_: ViewCapabilities
) -> Result<(), CreationError>
_: Kind,
_: Level,
_: Format,
_: Tiling,
_: Usage,
_: ViewCapabilities
) -> Result<(), CreationError>
unsafe fn get_image_requirements(&self, _: &()) -> Requirements
unsafe fn get_image_subresource_footprint(
_: &(),
_: Subresource
) -> SubresourceFootprint
_: &(),
_: Subresource
) -> SubresourceFootprint
unsafe fn bind_image_memory(
_: &(),
_: u64,
_: &mut ()
) -> Result<(), BindError>
_: &(),
_: u64,
_: &mut ()
) -> Result<(), BindError>
unsafe fn create_image_view(
_: &(),
_: ViewKind,
_: Format,
_: Swizzle,
_: SubresourceRange
) -> Result<(), ViewError>
_: &(),
_: ViewKind,
_: Format,
_: Swizzle,
_: SubresourceRange
) -> Result<(), ViewError>
unsafe fn create_descriptor_pool<I>(
_: usize,
_: I,
_: DescriptorPoolCreateFlags
) -> Result<DescriptorPool, OutOfMemory> where
I: IntoIterator,
I::Item: Borrow<DescriptorRangeDesc>,
_: usize,
_: I,
_: DescriptorPoolCreateFlags
) -> Result<DescriptorPool, OutOfMemory> where
I: IntoIterator,
I::Item: Borrow<DescriptorRangeDesc>,
unsafe fn create_descriptor_set_layout<I, J>(
_: I,
_: J
) -> Result<(), OutOfMemory> where
I: IntoIterator,
I::Item: Borrow<DescriptorSetLayoutBinding>,
J: IntoIterator,
J::Item: Borrow<()>,
_: I,
_: J
) -> Result<(), OutOfMemory> where
I: IntoIterator,
I::Item: Borrow<DescriptorSetLayoutBinding>,
J: IntoIterator,
J::Item: Borrow<()>,
unsafe fn write_descriptor_sets<'a, I, J>(&self, _: I) where
I: IntoIterator<Item = DescriptorSetWrite<'a, Backend, J>>,
J: IntoIterator,
J::Item: Borrow<Descriptor<'a, Backend>>,
I: IntoIterator<Item = DescriptorSetWrite<'a, Backend, J>>,
J: IntoIterator,
J::Item: Borrow<Descriptor<'a, Backend>>,
unsafe fn copy_descriptor_sets<'a, I>(&self, _: I) where
I: IntoIterator,
I::Item: Borrow<DescriptorSetCopy<'a, Backend>>,
I: IntoIterator,
I::Item: Borrow<DescriptorSetCopy<'a, Backend>>,
fn create_semaphore(&self) -> Result<(), OutOfMemory>
fn create_fence(&self, _: bool) -> Result<(), OutOfMemory>
unsafe fn get_fence_status(&self, _: &()) -> Result<bool, DeviceLost>
fn create_event(&self) -> Result<(), OutOfMemory>
unsafe fn get_event_status(&self, _: &()) -> Result<bool, OomOrDeviceLost>
unsafe fn set_event(&self, _: &()) -> Result<(), OutOfMemory>
unsafe fn reset_event(&self, _: &()) -> Result<(), OutOfMemory>
unsafe fn create_query_pool(&self, _: Type, _: u32) -> Result<(), CreationError>
unsafe fn destroy_query_pool(&self, _: ())
unsafe fn get_query_pool_results(
_: &(),
_: Range<Id>,
_: &mut [u8],
_: Offset,
_: ResultFlags
) -> Result<bool, OomOrDeviceLost>
_: &(),
_: Range<Id>,
_: &mut [u8],
_: Offset,
_: ResultFlags
) -> Result<bool, OomOrDeviceLost>
unsafe fn map_memory<R: RangeArg<u64>>(
_: &(),
_: R
) -> Result<*mut u8, Error>
_: &(),
_: R
) -> Result<*mut u8, Error>
unsafe fn unmap_memory(&self, _: &())
unsafe fn flush_mapped_memory_ranges<'a, I, R>(
_: I
) -> Result<(), OutOfMemory> where
I: IntoIterator,
I::Item: Borrow<(&'a (), R)>,
R: RangeArg<u64>,
_: I
) -> Result<(), OutOfMemory> where
I: IntoIterator,
I::Item: Borrow<(&'a (), R)>,
R: RangeArg<u64>,
unsafe fn invalidate_mapped_memory_ranges<'a, I, R>(
_: I
) -> Result<(), OutOfMemory> where
I: IntoIterator,
I::Item: Borrow<(&'a (), R)>,
R: RangeArg<u64>,
_: I
) -> Result<(), OutOfMemory> where
I: IntoIterator,
I::Item: Borrow<(&'a (), R)>,
R: RangeArg<u64>,
unsafe fn free_memory(&self, _: ())
unsafe fn destroy_shader_module(&self, _: ())
unsafe fn destroy_render_pass(&self, _: ())
unsafe fn destroy_pipeline_layout(&self, _: ())
unsafe fn destroy_graphics_pipeline(&self, _: ())
unsafe fn destroy_compute_pipeline(&self, _: ())
unsafe fn destroy_framebuffer(&self, _: ())
unsafe fn destroy_buffer(&self, _: ())
unsafe fn destroy_buffer_view(&self, _: ())
unsafe fn destroy_image(&self, _: ())
unsafe fn destroy_image_view(&self, _: ())
unsafe fn destroy_sampler(&self, _: ())
unsafe fn destroy_descriptor_pool(&self, _: DescriptorPool)
unsafe fn destroy_descriptor_set_layout(&self, _: ())
unsafe fn destroy_fence(&self, _: ())
unsafe fn destroy_semaphore(&self, _: ())
unsafe fn destroy_event(&self, _: ())
unsafe fn create_swapchain(
_: &mut Surface,
_: SwapchainConfig,
_: Option<Swapchain>
) -> Result<(Swapchain, Vec<()>), CreationError>
_: &mut Surface,
_: SwapchainConfig,
_: Option<Swapchain>
) -> Result<(Swapchain, Vec<()>), CreationError>
unsafe fn destroy_swapchain(&self, _: Swapchain)
fn wait_idle(&self) -> Result<(), HostExecutionError>
unsafe fn create_command_pool_typed<C>(
group: &QueueGroup<B, C>,
flags: CommandPoolCreateFlags
) -> Result<CommandPool<B, C>, OutOfMemory>
group: &QueueGroup<B, C>,
flags: CommandPoolCreateFlags
) -> Result<CommandPool<B, C>, OutOfMemory>
Create a strongly typed command pool wrapper.
unsafe fn create_graphics_pipeline(
desc: &GraphicsPipelineDesc<'a, B>,
cache: Option<&<B as Backend>::PipelineCache>
) -> Result<<B as Backend>::GraphicsPipeline, CreationError>
desc: &GraphicsPipelineDesc<'a, B>,
cache: Option<&<B as Backend>::PipelineCache>
) -> Result<<B as Backend>::GraphicsPipeline, CreationError>
Create a graphics pipeline.
unsafe fn create_graphics_pipelines<'a, I>(
descs: I,
cache: Option<&<B as Backend>::PipelineCache>
) -> Vec<Result<<B as Backend>::GraphicsPipeline, CreationError>> where
I: IntoIterator,
<I as IntoIterator>::Item: Borrow<GraphicsPipelineDesc<'a, B>>,
descs: I,
cache: Option<&<B as Backend>::PipelineCache>
) -> Vec<Result<<B as Backend>::GraphicsPipeline, CreationError>> where
I: IntoIterator,
<I as IntoIterator>::Item: Borrow<GraphicsPipelineDesc<'a, B>>,
Create graphics pipelines.
unsafe fn create_compute_pipeline(
desc: &ComputePipelineDesc<'a, B>,
cache: Option<&<B as Backend>::PipelineCache>
) -> Result<<B as Backend>::ComputePipeline, CreationError>
desc: &ComputePipelineDesc<'a, B>,
cache: Option<&<B as Backend>::PipelineCache>
) -> Result<<B as Backend>::ComputePipeline, CreationError>
Create a compute pipeline.
unsafe fn create_compute_pipelines<'a, I>(
descs: I,
cache: Option<&<B as Backend>::PipelineCache>
) -> Vec<Result<<B as Backend>::ComputePipeline, CreationError>> where
I: IntoIterator,
<I as IntoIterator>::Item: Borrow<ComputePipelineDesc<'a, B>>,
descs: I,
cache: Option<&<B as Backend>::PipelineCache>
) -> Vec<Result<<B as Backend>::ComputePipeline, CreationError>> where
I: IntoIterator,
<I as IntoIterator>::Item: Borrow<ComputePipelineDesc<'a, B>>,
Create compute pipelines.
unsafe fn acquire_mapping_reader<T>(
memory: &'a <B as Backend>::Memory,
range: Range<u64>
) -> Result<Reader<'a, B, T>, Error> where
T: Copy,
memory: &'a <B as Backend>::Memory,
range: Range<u64>
) -> Result<Reader<'a, B, T>, Error> where
T: Copy,
Acquire a mapping Reader. Read more
unsafe fn release_mapping_reader<T>(&self, reader: Reader<'a, B, T>)
Release a mapping Reader.
unsafe fn acquire_mapping_writer<T>(
memory: &'a <B as Backend>::Memory,
range: Range<u64>
) -> Result<Writer<'a, B, T>, Error> where
T: Copy,
memory: &'a <B as Backend>::Memory,
range: Range<u64>
) -> Result<Writer<'a, B, T>, Error> where
T: Copy,
Acquire a mapping Writer. Read more
unsafe fn release_mapping_writer<T>(
writer: Writer<'a, B, T>
) -> Result<(), OutOfMemory>
writer: Writer<'a, B, T>
) -> Result<(), OutOfMemory>
Release a mapping Writer.
unsafe fn reset_fence(
fence: &<B as Backend>::Fence
) -> Result<(), OutOfMemory>
fence: &<B as Backend>::Fence
) -> Result<(), OutOfMemory>
unsafe fn reset_fences<I>(&self, fences: I) -> Result<(), OutOfMemory> where
I: IntoIterator,
<I as IntoIterator>::Item: Borrow<<B as Backend>::Fence>,
I: IntoIterator,
<I as IntoIterator>::Item: Borrow<<B as Backend>::Fence>,
unsafe fn wait_for_fence(
fence: &<B as Backend>::Fence,
timeout_ns: u64
) -> Result<bool, OomOrDeviceLost>
fence: &<B as Backend>::Fence,
timeout_ns: u64
) -> Result<bool, OomOrDeviceLost>
Blocks until the given fence is signaled. Returns true if the fence was signaled before the timeout. Read more
unsafe fn wait_for_fences<I>(
fences: I,
wait: WaitFor,
timeout_ns: u64
) -> Result<bool, OomOrDeviceLost> where
I: IntoIterator,
<I as IntoIterator>::Item: Borrow<<B as Backend>::Fence>,
fences: I,
wait: WaitFor,
timeout_ns: u64
) -> Result<bool, OomOrDeviceLost> where
I: IntoIterator,
<I as IntoIterator>::Item: Borrow<<B as Backend>::Fence>,
Blocks until all or one of the given fences are signaled. Returns true if fences were signaled before the timeout. Read more
Auto Trait Implementations
impl Unpin for Device
impl Sync for Device
impl Send for Device
impl UnwindSafe for Device
impl RefUnwindSafe for Device
Blanket Implementations
impl<T> From<T> for T
impl<T, U> Into<U> for T where
U: From<T>,
U: From<T>,
impl<T, U> TryFrom<U> for T where
U: Into<T>,
U: Into<T>,
type Error = Infallible
The type returned in the event of a conversion error.
fn try_from(value: U) -> Result<T, <T as TryFrom<U>>::Error>
impl<T, U> TryInto<U> for T where
U: TryFrom<T>,
U: TryFrom<T>,
type Error = <U as TryFrom<T>>::Error
The type returned in the event of a conversion error.
fn try_into(self) -> Result<U, <U as TryFrom<T>>::Error>
impl<T> Borrow<T> for T where
T: ?Sized,
T: ?Sized,
impl<T> BorrowMut<T> for T where
T: ?Sized,
T: ?Sized,
fn borrow_mut(&mut self) -> &mut T
impl<T> Any for T where
T: 'static + ?Sized,
T: 'static + ?Sized,