Crate gfx_core[−][src]
Low-level graphics abstraction for Rust. Mostly operates on data, not types. Designed for use by libraries and higher-level abstractions only.
pub use self::factory::Factory; |
buffer |
Memory buffers |
command |
Command Buffer device interface |
dummy |
Dummy backend implementation to test the code for compile errors outside of the graphics development environment. |
factory |
Resource factory |
format |
Universal format specification. Applicable to textures, views, and vertex buffers. |
handle |
Resource handles |
mapping |
Memory mapping |
memory |
Types to describe the properties of memory allocated for gfx resources. |
pso |
Raw Pipeline State Objects |
shade |
Shader handling. |
state |
Fixed-function hardware state. |
target |
Render target specification. |
texture |
Texture creation and modification. |
AdapterInfo |
Information about a backend adapater. |
Capabilities |
Features that the device supports. |
DomainShader | |
Frame |
Handle to a backbuffer of the swapchain. |
GeometryShader | |
HullShader | |
PixelShader | |
VertexShader |
IndexType |
A type of each index value in the slice's index buffer |
Primitive |
Describes what geometric primitives are created from vertex data. |
ShaderSet |
A complete set of shaders to link a program. |
SubmissionError |
Compile-time maximum number of color targets. |
Compile-time maximum number of constant buffers. |
Compile-time maximum number of shader resource views (SRV). |
Compile-time maximum number of samplers. |
Compile-time maximum number of unordered access views (UAV). |
Compile-time maximum number of vertex attributes. |
Adapter |
Represents a physical or virtual device, which is capable of running the backend. |
CommandQueue |
Dummy trait for command queues. CommandBuffers will be later submitted to command queues instead of the device. |
Device |
A |
QueueFamily |
Resources |
Different types of a specific API. |
Surface |
A |
SwapChain |
The |
Type Definitions
AttributeSlot |
Slot for an attribute. |
ColorSlot |
Slot for an active color buffer. |
ConstantBufferSlot |
Slot for a constant buffer object. |
InstanceCount |
Draw number of instances |
PatchSize |
Number of vertices in a patch |
ResourceViewSlot |
Slot for a shader resource view. |
SamplerSlot |
Slot for a sampler. |
SubmissionResult | |
UnorderedViewSlot |
Slot for an unordered access object. |
VertexCount |
Draw vertex count. |