Module golem_wasm_ast::core

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The core module contains the AST definition of a core WebAssembly module.



  • The initial contents of a memory are zero bytes. Data segments can be used to initialize a range of memory from a static vector of bytes.
  • The initial contents of a table is uninitialized. Element segments can be used to initialize a subrange of a table from a static vector of elements.
  • The exports component of a module defines a set of exports that become accessible to the host environment once the module has been instantiated.
  • The funcs component of a module defines a vector of functions with the following structure.
  • Function types classify the signature of functions, mapping a vector of parameters to a vector of results. They are also used to classify the inputs and outputs of instructions.
  • The globals component of a module defines a vector of global variables (or globals for short):
  • Global types classify global variables, which hold a value and can either be mutable or immutable.
  • The imports component of a module defines a set of imports that are required for instantiation.
  • Limits classify the size range of resizeable storage associated with memory types and table types.
  • The mems component of a module defines a vector of linear memories (or memories for short) as described by their memory type:
  • Memory types classify linear memories and their size range.
  • The top-level AST node representing a core WASM module
  • Result types classify the result of executing instructions or functions, which is a sequence of values, written with brackets.
  • The start component of a module declares the function index of a start function that is automatically invoked when the module is instantiated, after tables and memories have been initialized.
  • The tables component of a module defines a vector of tables described by their table type:
  • Table types classify tables over elements of reference type within a size range.



Type Aliases