Struct GoogleAdsRow

pub struct GoogleAdsRow {
Show 183 fields pub account_budget: Option<AccountBudget>, pub account_budget_proposal: Option<AccountBudgetProposal>, pub account_link: Option<AccountLink>, pub ad: Option<Ad>, pub ad_group: Option<AdGroup>, pub ad_group_ad: Option<AdGroupAd>, pub ad_group_ad_asset_combination_view: Option<AdGroupAdAssetCombinationView>, pub ad_group_ad_asset_view: Option<AdGroupAdAssetView>, pub ad_group_ad_label: Option<AdGroupAdLabel>, pub ad_group_asset: Option<AdGroupAsset>, pub ad_group_asset_set: Option<AdGroupAssetSet>, pub ad_group_audience_view: Option<AdGroupAudienceView>, pub ad_group_bid_modifier: Option<AdGroupBidModifier>, pub ad_group_criterion: Option<AdGroupCriterion>, pub ad_group_criterion_customizer: Option<AdGroupCriterionCustomizer>, pub ad_group_criterion_label: Option<AdGroupCriterionLabel>, pub ad_group_criterion_simulation: Option<AdGroupCriterionSimulation>, pub ad_group_customizer: Option<AdGroupCustomizer>, pub ad_group_extension_setting: Option<AdGroupExtensionSetting>, pub ad_group_feed: Option<AdGroupFeed>, pub ad_group_label: Option<AdGroupLabel>, pub ad_group_simulation: Option<AdGroupSimulation>, pub ad_parameter: Option<AdParameter>, pub age_range_view: Option<AgeRangeView>, pub ad_schedule_view: Option<AdScheduleView>, pub domain_category: Option<DomainCategory>, pub asset: Option<Asset>, pub asset_field_type_view: Option<AssetFieldTypeView>, pub channel_aggregate_asset_view: Option<ChannelAggregateAssetView>, pub campaign_aggregate_asset_view: Option<CampaignAggregateAssetView>, pub asset_group_asset: Option<AssetGroupAsset>, pub asset_group_signal: Option<AssetGroupSignal>, pub asset_group_listing_group_filter: Option<AssetGroupListingGroupFilter>, pub asset_group_product_group_view: Option<AssetGroupProductGroupView>, pub asset_group_top_combination_view: Option<AssetGroupTopCombinationView>, pub asset_group: Option<AssetGroup>, pub asset_set_asset: Option<AssetSetAsset>, pub asset_set: Option<AssetSet>, pub asset_set_type_view: Option<AssetSetTypeView>, pub batch_job: Option<BatchJob>, pub bidding_data_exclusion: Option<BiddingDataExclusion>, pub bidding_seasonality_adjustment: Option<BiddingSeasonalityAdjustment>, pub bidding_strategy: Option<BiddingStrategy>, pub bidding_strategy_simulation: Option<BiddingStrategySimulation>, pub billing_setup: Option<BillingSetup>, pub call_view: Option<CallView>, pub campaign_budget: Option<CampaignBudget>, pub campaign: Option<Campaign>, pub campaign_asset: Option<CampaignAsset>, pub campaign_asset_set: Option<CampaignAssetSet>, pub campaign_audience_view: Option<CampaignAudienceView>, pub campaign_bid_modifier: Option<CampaignBidModifier>, pub campaign_conversion_goal: Option<CampaignConversionGoal>, pub campaign_criterion: Option<CampaignCriterion>, pub campaign_customizer: Option<CampaignCustomizer>, pub campaign_draft: Option<CampaignDraft>, pub campaign_extension_setting: Option<CampaignExtensionSetting>, pub campaign_feed: Option<CampaignFeed>, pub campaign_group: Option<CampaignGroup>, pub campaign_label: Option<CampaignLabel>, pub campaign_lifecycle_goal: Option<CampaignLifecycleGoal>, pub campaign_search_term_insight: Option<CampaignSearchTermInsight>, pub campaign_shared_set: Option<CampaignSharedSet>, pub campaign_simulation: Option<CampaignSimulation>, pub carrier_constant: Option<CarrierConstant>, pub change_event: Option<ChangeEvent>, pub change_status: Option<ChangeStatus>, pub combined_audience: Option<CombinedAudience>, pub audience: Option<Audience>, pub conversion_action: Option<ConversionAction>, pub conversion_custom_variable: Option<ConversionCustomVariable>, pub conversion_goal_campaign_config: Option<ConversionGoalCampaignConfig>, pub conversion_value_rule: Option<ConversionValueRule>, pub conversion_value_rule_set: Option<ConversionValueRuleSet>, pub click_view: Option<ClickView>, pub currency_constant: Option<CurrencyConstant>, pub custom_audience: Option<CustomAudience>, pub custom_conversion_goal: Option<CustomConversionGoal>, pub custom_interest: Option<CustomInterest>, pub customer: Option<Customer>, pub customer_asset: Option<CustomerAsset>, pub customer_asset_set: Option<CustomerAssetSet>, pub accessible_bidding_strategy: Option<AccessibleBiddingStrategy>, pub customer_customizer: Option<CustomerCustomizer>, pub customer_manager_link: Option<CustomerManagerLink>, pub customer_client_link: Option<CustomerClientLink>, pub customer_client: Option<CustomerClient>, pub customer_conversion_goal: Option<CustomerConversionGoal>, pub customer_extension_setting: Option<CustomerExtensionSetting>, pub customer_feed: Option<CustomerFeed>, pub customer_label: Option<CustomerLabel>, pub customer_lifecycle_goal: Option<CustomerLifecycleGoal>, pub customer_negative_criterion: Option<CustomerNegativeCriterion>, pub customer_search_term_insight: Option<CustomerSearchTermInsight>, pub customer_user_access: Option<CustomerUserAccess>, pub customer_user_access_invitation: Option<CustomerUserAccessInvitation>, pub customizer_attribute: Option<CustomizerAttribute>, pub data_link: Option<DataLink>, pub detail_placement_view: Option<DetailPlacementView>, pub detailed_demographic: Option<DetailedDemographic>, pub display_keyword_view: Option<DisplayKeywordView>, pub distance_view: Option<DistanceView>, pub dynamic_search_ads_search_term_view: Option<DynamicSearchAdsSearchTermView>, pub expanded_landing_page_view: Option<ExpandedLandingPageView>, pub extension_feed_item: Option<ExtensionFeedItem>, pub feed: Option<Feed>, pub feed_item: Option<FeedItem>, pub feed_item_set: Option<FeedItemSet>, pub feed_item_set_link: Option<FeedItemSetLink>, pub feed_item_target: Option<FeedItemTarget>, pub feed_mapping: Option<FeedMapping>, pub feed_placeholder_view: Option<FeedPlaceholderView>, pub gender_view: Option<GenderView>, pub geo_target_constant: Option<GeoTargetConstant>, pub geographic_view: Option<GeographicView>, pub group_placement_view: Option<GroupPlacementView>, pub hotel_group_view: Option<HotelGroupView>, pub hotel_performance_view: Option<HotelPerformanceView>, pub hotel_reconciliation: Option<HotelReconciliation>, pub income_range_view: Option<IncomeRangeView>, pub keyword_view: Option<KeywordView>, pub keyword_plan: Option<KeywordPlan>, pub keyword_plan_campaign: Option<KeywordPlanCampaign>, pub keyword_plan_campaign_keyword: Option<KeywordPlanCampaignKeyword>, pub keyword_plan_ad_group: Option<KeywordPlanAdGroup>, pub keyword_plan_ad_group_keyword: Option<KeywordPlanAdGroupKeyword>, pub keyword_theme_constant: Option<KeywordThemeConstant>, pub label: Option<Label>, pub landing_page_view: Option<LandingPageView>, pub language_constant: Option<LanguageConstant>, pub location_view: Option<LocationView>, pub managed_placement_view: Option<ManagedPlacementView>, pub content_criterion_view: Option<ContentCriterionView>, pub media_file: Option<MediaFile>, pub local_services_employee: Option<LocalServicesEmployee>, pub local_services_verification_artifact: Option<LocalServicesVerificationArtifact>, pub mobile_app_category_constant: Option<MobileAppCategoryConstant>, pub mobile_device_constant: Option<MobileDeviceConstant>, pub offline_conversion_upload_client_summary: Option<OfflineConversionUploadClientSummary>, pub offline_conversion_upload_conversion_action_summary: Option<OfflineConversionUploadConversionActionSummary>, pub offline_user_data_job: Option<OfflineUserDataJob>, pub operating_system_version_constant: Option<OperatingSystemVersionConstant>, pub paid_organic_search_term_view: Option<PaidOrganicSearchTermView>, pub qualifying_question: Option<QualifyingQuestion>, pub parental_status_view: Option<ParentalStatusView>, pub per_store_view: Option<PerStoreView>, pub performance_max_placement_view: Option<PerformanceMaxPlacementView>, pub product_category_constant: Option<ProductCategoryConstant>, pub product_group_view: Option<ProductGroupView>, pub product_link: Option<ProductLink>, pub product_link_invitation: Option<ProductLinkInvitation>, pub recommendation: Option<Recommendation>, pub recommendation_subscription: Option<RecommendationSubscription>, pub search_term_view: Option<SearchTermView>, pub shared_criterion: Option<SharedCriterion>, pub shared_set: Option<SharedSet>, pub smart_campaign_setting: Option<SmartCampaignSetting>, pub shopping_performance_view: Option<ShoppingPerformanceView>, pub shopping_product: Option<ShoppingProduct>, pub smart_campaign_search_term_view: Option<SmartCampaignSearchTermView>, pub third_party_app_analytics_link: Option<ThirdPartyAppAnalyticsLink>, pub topic_view: Option<TopicView>, pub travel_activity_group_view: Option<TravelActivityGroupView>, pub travel_activity_performance_view: Option<TravelActivityPerformanceView>, pub experiment: Option<Experiment>, pub experiment_arm: Option<ExperimentArm>, pub user_interest: Option<UserInterest>, pub life_event: Option<LifeEvent>, pub user_list: Option<UserList>, pub user_list_customer_type: Option<UserListCustomerType>, pub user_location_view: Option<UserLocationView>, pub remarketing_action: Option<RemarketingAction>, pub topic_constant: Option<TopicConstant>, pub video: Option<Video>, pub webpage_view: Option<WebpageView>, pub lead_form_submission_data: Option<LeadFormSubmissionData>, pub local_services_lead: Option<LocalServicesLead>, pub local_services_lead_conversation: Option<LocalServicesLeadConversation>, pub android_privacy_shared_key_google_ad_group: Option<AndroidPrivacySharedKeyGoogleAdGroup>, pub android_privacy_shared_key_google_campaign: Option<AndroidPrivacySharedKeyGoogleCampaign>, pub android_privacy_shared_key_google_network_type: Option<AndroidPrivacySharedKeyGoogleNetworkType>, pub metrics: Option<Metrics>, pub segments: Option<Segments>,
Expand description

A returned row from the query.


§account_budget: Option<AccountBudget>

The account budget in the query.

§account_budget_proposal: Option<AccountBudgetProposal>

The account budget proposal referenced in the query.

§account_link: Option<AccountLink>

The AccountLink referenced in the query.

§ad: Option<Ad>

The Ad referenced in the query.

§ad_group: Option<AdGroup>

The ad group referenced in the query.

§ad_group_ad: Option<AdGroupAd>

The ad referenced in the query.

§ad_group_ad_asset_combination_view: Option<AdGroupAdAssetCombinationView>

The ad group ad asset combination view in the query.

§ad_group_ad_asset_view: Option<AdGroupAdAssetView>

The ad group ad asset view in the query.

§ad_group_ad_label: Option<AdGroupAdLabel>

The ad group ad label referenced in the query.

§ad_group_asset: Option<AdGroupAsset>

The ad group asset referenced in the query.

§ad_group_asset_set: Option<AdGroupAssetSet>

The ad group asset set referenced in the query.

§ad_group_audience_view: Option<AdGroupAudienceView>

The ad group audience view referenced in the query.

§ad_group_bid_modifier: Option<AdGroupBidModifier>

The bid modifier referenced in the query.

§ad_group_criterion: Option<AdGroupCriterion>

The criterion referenced in the query.

§ad_group_criterion_customizer: Option<AdGroupCriterionCustomizer>

The ad group criterion customizer referenced in the query.

§ad_group_criterion_label: Option<AdGroupCriterionLabel>

The ad group criterion label referenced in the query.

§ad_group_criterion_simulation: Option<AdGroupCriterionSimulation>

The ad group criterion simulation referenced in the query.

§ad_group_customizer: Option<AdGroupCustomizer>

The ad group customizer referenced in the query.

§ad_group_extension_setting: Option<AdGroupExtensionSetting>

The ad group extension setting referenced in the query.

§ad_group_feed: Option<AdGroupFeed>

The ad group feed referenced in the query.

§ad_group_label: Option<AdGroupLabel>

The ad group label referenced in the query.

§ad_group_simulation: Option<AdGroupSimulation>

The ad group simulation referenced in the query.

§ad_parameter: Option<AdParameter>

The ad parameter referenced in the query.

§age_range_view: Option<AgeRangeView>

The age range view referenced in the query.

§ad_schedule_view: Option<AdScheduleView>

The ad schedule view referenced in the query.

§domain_category: Option<DomainCategory>

The domain category referenced in the query.

§asset: Option<Asset>

The asset referenced in the query.

§asset_field_type_view: Option<AssetFieldTypeView>

The asset field type view referenced in the query.

§channel_aggregate_asset_view: Option<ChannelAggregateAssetView>

The channel aggregate asset view referenced in the query.

§campaign_aggregate_asset_view: Option<CampaignAggregateAssetView>

The campaign aggregate asset view referenced in the query.

§asset_group_asset: Option<AssetGroupAsset>

The asset group asset referenced in the query.

§asset_group_signal: Option<AssetGroupSignal>

The asset group signal referenced in the query.

§asset_group_listing_group_filter: Option<AssetGroupListingGroupFilter>

The asset group listing group filter referenced in the query.

§asset_group_product_group_view: Option<AssetGroupProductGroupView>

The asset group product group view referenced in the query.

§asset_group_top_combination_view: Option<AssetGroupTopCombinationView>

The asset group top combination view referenced in the query.

§asset_group: Option<AssetGroup>

The asset group referenced in the query.

§asset_set_asset: Option<AssetSetAsset>

The asset set asset referenced in the query.

§asset_set: Option<AssetSet>

The asset set referenced in the query.

§asset_set_type_view: Option<AssetSetTypeView>

The asset set type view referenced in the query.

§batch_job: Option<BatchJob>

The batch job referenced in the query.

§bidding_data_exclusion: Option<BiddingDataExclusion>

The bidding data exclusion referenced in the query.

§bidding_seasonality_adjustment: Option<BiddingSeasonalityAdjustment>

The bidding seasonality adjustment referenced in the query.

§bidding_strategy: Option<BiddingStrategy>

The bidding strategy referenced in the query.

§bidding_strategy_simulation: Option<BiddingStrategySimulation>

The bidding strategy simulation referenced in the query.

§billing_setup: Option<BillingSetup>

The billing setup referenced in the query.

§call_view: Option<CallView>

The call view referenced in the query.

§campaign_budget: Option<CampaignBudget>

The campaign budget referenced in the query.

§campaign: Option<Campaign>

The campaign referenced in the query.

§campaign_asset: Option<CampaignAsset>

The campaign asset referenced in the query.

§campaign_asset_set: Option<CampaignAssetSet>

The campaign asset set referenced in the query.

§campaign_audience_view: Option<CampaignAudienceView>

The campaign audience view referenced in the query.

§campaign_bid_modifier: Option<CampaignBidModifier>

The campaign bid modifier referenced in the query.

§campaign_conversion_goal: Option<CampaignConversionGoal>

The CampaignConversionGoal referenced in the query.

§campaign_criterion: Option<CampaignCriterion>

The campaign criterion referenced in the query.

§campaign_customizer: Option<CampaignCustomizer>

The campaign customizer referenced in the query.

§campaign_draft: Option<CampaignDraft>

The campaign draft referenced in the query.

§campaign_extension_setting: Option<CampaignExtensionSetting>

The campaign extension setting referenced in the query.

§campaign_feed: Option<CampaignFeed>

The campaign feed referenced in the query.

§campaign_group: Option<CampaignGroup>

Campaign Group referenced in AWQL query.

§campaign_label: Option<CampaignLabel>

The campaign label referenced in the query.

§campaign_lifecycle_goal: Option<CampaignLifecycleGoal>

The campaign lifecycle goal referenced in the query.

§campaign_search_term_insight: Option<CampaignSearchTermInsight>

The campaign search term insight referenced in the query.

§campaign_shared_set: Option<CampaignSharedSet>

Campaign Shared Set referenced in AWQL query.

§campaign_simulation: Option<CampaignSimulation>

The campaign simulation referenced in the query.

§carrier_constant: Option<CarrierConstant>

The carrier constant referenced in the query.

§change_event: Option<ChangeEvent>

The ChangeEvent referenced in the query.

§change_status: Option<ChangeStatus>

The ChangeStatus referenced in the query.

§combined_audience: Option<CombinedAudience>

The CombinedAudience referenced in the query.

§audience: Option<Audience>

The Audience referenced in the query.

§conversion_action: Option<ConversionAction>

The conversion action referenced in the query.

§conversion_custom_variable: Option<ConversionCustomVariable>

The conversion custom variable referenced in the query.

§conversion_goal_campaign_config: Option<ConversionGoalCampaignConfig>

The ConversionGoalCampaignConfig referenced in the query.

§conversion_value_rule: Option<ConversionValueRule>

The conversion value rule referenced in the query.

§conversion_value_rule_set: Option<ConversionValueRuleSet>

The conversion value rule set referenced in the query.

§click_view: Option<ClickView>

The ClickView referenced in the query.

§currency_constant: Option<CurrencyConstant>

The currency constant referenced in the query.

§custom_audience: Option<CustomAudience>

The CustomAudience referenced in the query.

§custom_conversion_goal: Option<CustomConversionGoal>

The CustomConversionGoal referenced in the query.

§custom_interest: Option<CustomInterest>

The CustomInterest referenced in the query.

§customer: Option<Customer>

The customer referenced in the query.

§customer_asset: Option<CustomerAsset>

The customer asset referenced in the query.

§customer_asset_set: Option<CustomerAssetSet>

The customer asset set referenced in the query.

§accessible_bidding_strategy: Option<AccessibleBiddingStrategy>

The accessible bidding strategy referenced in the query.

§customer_customizer: Option<CustomerCustomizer>

The customer customizer referenced in the query.

§customer_manager_link: Option<CustomerManagerLink>

The CustomerManagerLink referenced in the query.

§customer_client_link: Option<CustomerClientLink>

The CustomerClientLink referenced in the query.

§customer_client: Option<CustomerClient>

The CustomerClient referenced in the query.

§customer_conversion_goal: Option<CustomerConversionGoal>

The CustomerConversionGoal referenced in the query.

§customer_extension_setting: Option<CustomerExtensionSetting>

The customer extension setting referenced in the query.

§customer_feed: Option<CustomerFeed>

The customer feed referenced in the query.

§customer_label: Option<CustomerLabel>

The customer label referenced in the query.

§customer_lifecycle_goal: Option<CustomerLifecycleGoal>

The customer lifecycle goal referenced in the query.

§customer_negative_criterion: Option<CustomerNegativeCriterion>

The customer negative criterion referenced in the query.

§customer_search_term_insight: Option<CustomerSearchTermInsight>

The customer search term insight referenced in the query.

§customer_user_access: Option<CustomerUserAccess>

The CustomerUserAccess referenced in the query.

§customer_user_access_invitation: Option<CustomerUserAccessInvitation>

The CustomerUserAccessInvitation referenced in the query.

§customizer_attribute: Option<CustomizerAttribute>

The customizer attribute referenced in the query.

§data_link: Option<DataLink>

The data link referenced in the query.

§detail_placement_view: Option<DetailPlacementView>

The detail placement view referenced in the query.

§detailed_demographic: Option<DetailedDemographic>

The detailed demographic referenced in the query.

§display_keyword_view: Option<DisplayKeywordView>

The display keyword view referenced in the query.

§distance_view: Option<DistanceView>

The distance view referenced in the query.

§dynamic_search_ads_search_term_view: Option<DynamicSearchAdsSearchTermView>

The dynamic search ads search term view referenced in the query.

§expanded_landing_page_view: Option<ExpandedLandingPageView>

The expanded landing page view referenced in the query.

§extension_feed_item: Option<ExtensionFeedItem>

The extension feed item referenced in the query.

§feed: Option<Feed>

The feed referenced in the query.

§feed_item: Option<FeedItem>

The feed item referenced in the query.

§feed_item_set: Option<FeedItemSet>

The feed item set referenced in the query.

§feed_item_set_link: Option<FeedItemSetLink>

The feed item set link referenced in the query.

§feed_item_target: Option<FeedItemTarget>

The feed item target referenced in the query.

§feed_mapping: Option<FeedMapping>

The feed mapping referenced in the query.

§feed_placeholder_view: Option<FeedPlaceholderView>

The feed placeholder view referenced in the query.

§gender_view: Option<GenderView>

The gender view referenced in the query.

§geo_target_constant: Option<GeoTargetConstant>

The geo target constant referenced in the query.

§geographic_view: Option<GeographicView>

The geographic view referenced in the query.

§group_placement_view: Option<GroupPlacementView>

The group placement view referenced in the query.

§hotel_group_view: Option<HotelGroupView>

The hotel group view referenced in the query.

§hotel_performance_view: Option<HotelPerformanceView>

The hotel performance view referenced in the query.

§hotel_reconciliation: Option<HotelReconciliation>

The hotel reconciliation referenced in the query.

§income_range_view: Option<IncomeRangeView>

The income range view referenced in the query.

§keyword_view: Option<KeywordView>

The keyword view referenced in the query.

§keyword_plan: Option<KeywordPlan>

The keyword plan referenced in the query.

§keyword_plan_campaign: Option<KeywordPlanCampaign>

The keyword plan campaign referenced in the query.

§keyword_plan_campaign_keyword: Option<KeywordPlanCampaignKeyword>

The keyword plan campaign keyword referenced in the query.

§keyword_plan_ad_group: Option<KeywordPlanAdGroup>

The keyword plan ad group referenced in the query.

§keyword_plan_ad_group_keyword: Option<KeywordPlanAdGroupKeyword>

The keyword plan ad group referenced in the query.

§keyword_theme_constant: Option<KeywordThemeConstant>

The keyword theme constant referenced in the query.

§label: Option<Label>

The label referenced in the query.

§landing_page_view: Option<LandingPageView>

The landing page view referenced in the query.

§language_constant: Option<LanguageConstant>

The language constant referenced in the query.

§location_view: Option<LocationView>

The location view referenced in the query.

§managed_placement_view: Option<ManagedPlacementView>

The managed placement view referenced in the query.

§content_criterion_view: Option<ContentCriterionView>

The content criterion view referenced in the query.

§media_file: Option<MediaFile>

The media file referenced in the query.

§local_services_employee: Option<LocalServicesEmployee>

The local services employee referenced in the query.

§local_services_verification_artifact: Option<LocalServicesVerificationArtifact>

The local services verification artifact referenced in the query.

§mobile_app_category_constant: Option<MobileAppCategoryConstant>

The mobile app category constant referenced in the query.

§mobile_device_constant: Option<MobileDeviceConstant>

The mobile device constant referenced in the query.

§offline_conversion_upload_client_summary: Option<OfflineConversionUploadClientSummary>

Offline conversion upload summary at customer level.

§offline_conversion_upload_conversion_action_summary: Option<OfflineConversionUploadConversionActionSummary>

Offline conversion upload summary at conversion type level.

§offline_user_data_job: Option<OfflineUserDataJob>

The offline user data job referenced in the query.

§operating_system_version_constant: Option<OperatingSystemVersionConstant>

The operating system version constant referenced in the query.

§paid_organic_search_term_view: Option<PaidOrganicSearchTermView>

The paid organic search term view referenced in the query.

§qualifying_question: Option<QualifyingQuestion>

The qualifying question referenced in the query.

§parental_status_view: Option<ParentalStatusView>

The parental status view referenced in the query.

§per_store_view: Option<PerStoreView>

The per store view referenced in the query.

§performance_max_placement_view: Option<PerformanceMaxPlacementView>

The performance max placement view referenced in the query.

§product_category_constant: Option<ProductCategoryConstant>

The product category referenced in the query.

§product_group_view: Option<ProductGroupView>

The product group view referenced in the query.

§product_link: Option<ProductLink>

The product link referenced in the query.

§product_link_invitation: Option<ProductLinkInvitation>

The product link invitation in the query.

§recommendation: Option<Recommendation>

The recommendation referenced in the query.

§recommendation_subscription: Option<RecommendationSubscription>

The recommendation subscription referenced in the query.

§search_term_view: Option<SearchTermView>

The search term view referenced in the query.

§shared_criterion: Option<SharedCriterion>

The shared set referenced in the query.

§shared_set: Option<SharedSet>

The shared set referenced in the query.

§smart_campaign_setting: Option<SmartCampaignSetting>

The Smart campaign setting referenced in the query.

§shopping_performance_view: Option<ShoppingPerformanceView>

The shopping performance view referenced in the query.

§shopping_product: Option<ShoppingProduct>

The shopping product referenced in the query.

§smart_campaign_search_term_view: Option<SmartCampaignSearchTermView>

The Smart campaign search term view referenced in the query.

§third_party_app_analytics_link: Option<ThirdPartyAppAnalyticsLink>

The AccountLink referenced in the query.

§topic_view: Option<TopicView>

The topic view referenced in the query.

§travel_activity_group_view: Option<TravelActivityGroupView>

The travel activity group view referenced in the query.

§travel_activity_performance_view: Option<TravelActivityPerformanceView>

The travel activity performance view referenced in the query.

§experiment: Option<Experiment>

The experiment referenced in the query.

§experiment_arm: Option<ExperimentArm>

The experiment arm referenced in the query.

§user_interest: Option<UserInterest>

The user interest referenced in the query.

§life_event: Option<LifeEvent>

The life event referenced in the query.

§user_list: Option<UserList>

The user list referenced in the query.

§user_list_customer_type: Option<UserListCustomerType>

The user list customer type in the query.

§user_location_view: Option<UserLocationView>

The user location view referenced in the query.

§remarketing_action: Option<RemarketingAction>

The remarketing action referenced in the query.

§topic_constant: Option<TopicConstant>

The topic constant referenced in the query.

§video: Option<Video>

The video referenced in the query.

§webpage_view: Option<WebpageView>

The webpage view referenced in the query.

§lead_form_submission_data: Option<LeadFormSubmissionData>

The lead form user submission referenced in the query.

§local_services_lead: Option<LocalServicesLead>

The local services lead referenced in the query.

§local_services_lead_conversation: Option<LocalServicesLeadConversation>

The local services lead conversationreferenced in the query.

§android_privacy_shared_key_google_ad_group: Option<AndroidPrivacySharedKeyGoogleAdGroup>

The android privacy shared key google ad group referenced in the query.

§android_privacy_shared_key_google_campaign: Option<AndroidPrivacySharedKeyGoogleCampaign>

The android privacy shared key google campaign referenced in the query.

§android_privacy_shared_key_google_network_type: Option<AndroidPrivacySharedKeyGoogleNetworkType>

The android privacy shared key google network type referenced in the query.

§metrics: Option<Metrics>

The metrics.

§segments: Option<Segments>

The segments.



impl GoogleAdsRow


pub fn get(&self, field_name: &str) -> String

Returns GoogleAdsRow field value by field name

  • field_name - A string slice that holds name of a field in GoogleAdsRow struct

Support fields:

  • all non-list Metrics fields are supported
  • all non-list Segment fields are supported
  • basic Attribute fields are supported (eg. id, name, status)
  • other Attribute fields are supported when requested
  • for Attribute with Enum values, readable values returned for fields that ends with:
    • status
    • type
    • device
let field_mask = response.field_mask.unwrap();
for row in response.results {
    for path in &field_mask.paths {
        print!("{}: {}\t", path, row.get(&path));

Trait Implementations§


impl Clone for GoogleAdsRow


fn clone(&self) -> GoogleAdsRow

Returns a copy of the value. Read more
1.0.0 · Source§

fn clone_from(&mut self, source: &Self)

Performs copy-assignment from source. Read more

impl Debug for GoogleAdsRow


fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> Result

Formats the value using the given formatter. Read more

impl Default for GoogleAdsRow


fn default() -> Self

Returns the “default value” for a type. Read more

impl Message for GoogleAdsRow


fn encoded_len(&self) -> usize

Returns the encoded length of the message without a length delimiter.

fn clear(&mut self)

Clears the message, resetting all fields to their default.

fn encode<B>(&self, buf: &mut B) -> Result<(), EncodeError>
where B: BufMut, Self: Sized,

Encodes the message to a buffer. Read more

fn encode_to_vec(&self) -> Vec<u8>
where Self: Sized,

Encodes the message to a newly allocated buffer.

fn encode_length_delimited<B>(&self, buf: &mut B) -> Result<(), EncodeError>
where B: BufMut, Self: Sized,

Encodes the message with a length-delimiter to a buffer. Read more

fn encode_length_delimited_to_vec(&self) -> Vec<u8>
where Self: Sized,

Encodes the message with a length-delimiter to a newly allocated buffer.

fn decode<B>(buf: B) -> Result<Self, DecodeError>
where B: Buf, Self: Default,

Decodes an instance of the message from a buffer. Read more

fn decode_length_delimited<B>(buf: B) -> Result<Self, DecodeError>
where B: Buf, Self: Default,

Decodes a length-delimited instance of the message from the buffer.

fn merge<B>(&mut self, buf: B) -> Result<(), DecodeError>
where B: Buf, Self: Sized,

Decodes an instance of the message from a buffer, and merges it into self. Read more

fn merge_length_delimited<B>(&mut self, buf: B) -> Result<(), DecodeError>
where B: Buf, Self: Sized,

Decodes a length-delimited instance of the message from buffer, and merges it into self.

impl PartialEq for GoogleAdsRow


fn eq(&self, other: &GoogleAdsRow) -> bool

Tests for self and other values to be equal, and is used by ==.
1.0.0 · Source§

fn ne(&self, other: &Rhs) -> bool

Tests for !=. The default implementation is almost always sufficient, and should not be overridden without very good reason.

impl StructuralPartialEq for GoogleAdsRow

Auto Trait Implementations§

Blanket Implementations§


impl<T> Any for T
where T: 'static + ?Sized,


fn type_id(&self) -> TypeId

Gets the TypeId of self. Read more

impl<T> Borrow<T> for T
where T: ?Sized,


fn borrow(&self) -> &T

Immutably borrows from an owned value. Read more

impl<T> BorrowMut<T> for T
where T: ?Sized,


fn borrow_mut(&mut self) -> &mut T

Mutably borrows from an owned value. Read more

impl<T> CloneToUninit for T
where T: Clone,


unsafe fn clone_to_uninit(&self, dst: *mut u8)

🔬This is a nightly-only experimental API. (clone_to_uninit)
Performs copy-assignment from self to dst. Read more

impl<T> From<T> for T


fn from(t: T) -> T

Returns the argument unchanged.


impl<T> FromRef<T> for T
where T: Clone,


fn from_ref(input: &T) -> T

Converts to this type from a reference to the input type.

impl<T> Instrument for T


fn instrument(self, span: Span) -> Instrumented<Self>

Instruments this type with the provided Span, returning an Instrumented wrapper. Read more

fn in_current_span(self) -> Instrumented<Self>

Instruments this type with the current Span, returning an Instrumented wrapper. Read more

impl<T, U> Into<U> for T
where U: From<T>,


fn into(self) -> U

Calls U::from(self).

That is, this conversion is whatever the implementation of From<T> for U chooses to do.


impl<T> IntoRequest<T> for T


fn into_request(self) -> Request<T>

Wrap the input message T in a tonic::Request

impl<T> ToOwned for T
where T: Clone,


type Owned = T

The resulting type after obtaining ownership.

fn to_owned(&self) -> T

Creates owned data from borrowed data, usually by cloning. Read more

fn clone_into(&self, target: &mut T)

Uses borrowed data to replace owned data, usually by cloning. Read more

impl<T, U> TryFrom<U> for T
where U: Into<T>,


type Error = Infallible

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

fn try_from(value: U) -> Result<T, <T as TryFrom<U>>::Error>

Performs the conversion.

impl<T, U> TryInto<U> for T
where U: TryFrom<T>,


type Error = <U as TryFrom<T>>::Error

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

fn try_into(self) -> Result<U, <U as TryFrom<T>>::Error>

Performs the conversion.

impl<V, T> VZip<V> for T
where V: MultiLane<T>,


fn vzip(self) -> V


impl<T> WithSubscriber for T


fn with_subscriber<S>(self, subscriber: S) -> WithDispatch<Self>
where S: Into<Dispatch>,

Attaches the provided Subscriber to this type, returning a WithDispatch wrapper. Read more

fn with_current_subscriber(self) -> WithDispatch<Self>

Attaches the current default Subscriber to this type, returning a WithDispatch wrapper. Read more