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//! Data types used throughout the SDK.
//! Note that many of the types in this module are marked as `#[non_exhaustive]` and cannot
//! be constructed using struct expressions. This is because Grafana may choose to add
//! additional fields or variants at any time. Instead, use the constructor (if available) or
//! create a mutable default value using `Default::default()` and modify any fields.
//! For example:
//! ```
//! use grafana_plugin_sdk::{
//! data::{Field, FieldConfig, Frame, Metadata, Notice, Severity},
//! prelude::*,
//! };
//! let mut field_config = FieldConfig::default();
//! field_config.display_name_from_ds = Some("X".to_string());
//! let field = ["a", "b", "c"]
//! .into_field("x")
//! .with_config(field_config);
//! let mut notice = Notice::new("warning! this is important".to_string());
//! notice.severity = Some(Severity::Warning);
//! let mut metadata = Metadata::default();
//! metadata.path = Some("my path".to_string());
//! metadata.notices = Some(vec![notice]);
//! let frame = Frame::new("my frame")
//! .with_field(field)
//! .with_metadata(metadata);
//! # assert_eq!(frame.fields()[0].config.as_ref().unwrap().display_name_from_ds, Some("X".to_string()));
//! ```
use serde::{ser::Serializer, Deserialize, Serialize};
mod error;
mod field;
mod field_type;
mod frame;
pub use error::Error;
pub use field::*;
pub use field_type::{FieldType, IntoFieldType};
pub use frame::*;
/// A wrapper around an `Option<f64>` used in various backend data structures, with custom NaN and Infinity serialization.
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct ConfFloat64(#[serde(serialize_with = "serialize_conf_float64")] Option<f64>);
fn serialize_conf_float64<S: Serializer>(val: &Option<f64>, s: S) -> Result<S::Ok, S::Error> {
if let Some(f) = val {
if f.is_nan() || f.is_infinite() {
} else {
} else {