Crate graphene

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graphene is a general purpose, extensible Graph Theory data type and algorithm library.

§Quick Examples:

Using common::AdjListGraph, we define a graph with 3 vertices 1 , 2 , 3 and 3 weighted edges ( 1 -(1)-> 2 -(2)-> 3 -(3)-> 1):

use graphene::core::{BaseGraph, BaseEdge};
use graphene::common::AdjListGraph;

// `graph()` takes a Vec of vertex values and a Vec of edges
// where an edge is a tuple, (v1,v2,w), of the source v1, the sink v2, and the weight w.
let mut g = AdjListGraph::graph(vec![1,2,3], vec![(1,2,1),(2,3,2),(3,1,3)]).unwrap();
//Adding a vertex
//Adding an edge

We can declare a different graph that does not allow edge duplicates (a unique graph) and is undirected (the previous graph wasn’t Unique and was directed):

extern crate graphene;
use graphene::core::{*,constraint::*};
use graphene::common::AdjListGraph;

	// Name of the resulting graph type
	struct MyGraph<V,W>
	// The BaseGraph implementation to base the new graph on.
	as AdjListGraph<V,W>
	// The graph wrappers that will constrain the BaseGraph implementation so that
	// it upholds the constraint traits.
	use UniqueGraph,UndirectedGraph
	// The constraint traits the new graph implements
	impl Unique,Undirected
	// The generic bounds
	where V: Vertex, W: Weight

fn main(){
	let mut g = MyGraph::graph(vec![1,2,3], vec![(1,2,1),(2,3,2),(3,1,3)]).unwrap();
	assert_eq!(g.edges_between(1,2).len(), 2);

	// Cannot add an edge that is already there because the graph
	// is declared as Unique, meaning no two edges may be incident
	// on the same vertices and have the weight.
	assert_eq!(g.edges_between(1,2).len(), 2);

	// When a graph is undirected, the direction of the given edge
	// (whether 1 -> 2 or 2 -> 1) makes no difference.
	// Since the graph is unique, adding an edge in the opposite
	// direction as an existing edge is therefore illegal.
	assert_eq!(g.edges_between(1,2).len(), 2);


graphene aims at providing general purpose traits, structs, and macros for defining graphs, and functions that implement various algorithms that will run on any implementer of the library. Additionally, general purpose graph implementations will be provided.

Because of the promise of generality, graphene is designed in a way that will allow users to implement their own graph types for their specific needs that can easily be integrated with the library’s algorithms. Additionally, graphene aims at avoiding graph type bloat, i.e. defining many similar graph types:

  • SimpleWeightedDirectedGraph
  • SimpleUnweightedDirectedGraph
  • SimpleWeightedUndirectedGraph
  • WeightedUndirectedGraph

Instead, the user can semi-dynamically specify constraints on basic graph implementation to suit his needs. More on that later.

graphene will use the terminology used by Wolfram MathWorld where possible. More specifically, ‘vertex’ and ‘edge’ will be used. We define that given a directed edge v1 -> v2, then the source vertex is v1 and the sink vertex is v2. Likewise, the edge is sourced in v1 and sinked (the misspelling of ‘sunk’ is intentional) in v2. For both directed and undirected graphs the edge is incident on v1 and v2.

The crate is divided in three modules:

  • core: Contains the general purpose traits, structs, functions, and macros for graph implementation.
  • algo (TODO) : Contains graph algorithms that accept any graph that implements core.
  • common: Contains general purpose and commonly used graph implementations of core for quick usage.

§Vertices and Edges

In graphene vertices have a value, which is use to identify each vertex. Therefore, these values must be unique for every vertex in the graph. Internally, a graph implementation may manage its vertices as it wishes, but it must comminicate with the outside world using the vertices’ values.

Edges are identified by the tuple (source,sink,weight). Edges do not have to be unique in the graph, which means two edges with the same source, sink and weight are practically indistinguishable. This is by design, as if the information in the tuple is not enough to distinguish two edges, then choosing either one should not make a difference.


By default, edges in any graph are directed. If an undirected graph is needed, the core provides an Undirected constraint trait which can be implemented for a given graph. However, behind the scenes, any Undirected graph is a directed graph with edges in both directions. Therefore, given that any BaseGraph may be Undirected, an additional constraint trait, Directed is provided (TODO) which defines a graph as being specifically directed.

This may seem confusing, so here is a deeper explanation:

A BaseGraph uses directed edges. An Undirected BaseGraph will still use directed edges, but it will treat all edges it receives from the user as undirected. This means, if the user wants to add an undirected edge 1 - 2, the graph will actually add 1 -> 2 and 1 <- 2. On the other hand, when the graph outputs edges to the user, they are given as their directed pairs, e.g. 1 -> 2 and 1 <- 2 for the undirected edge 1 - 2. This means that the user must handle these two directed edges as one undirected one.

Consider then a function which takes a BaseGraph as its input. Since the input is not bounded by Directed it may be Undirected. If the function cannot handle undirected graphs it will fail if given any such graph. Therefore it should bound its input with Directed.

So, when to actually bound a function with Directed instead of just BaseGraph?:

  • If it cannot handle there are an edge in each directed between two vertices.

  • If it cannot handle that two edges between two vertices, one in each direction, have the same weight.

  • If it needs to keep track of specific edges. Consider an algorithm that tracks whether an edge has been used, if the graph is ’Directed, then an edge in each direction between two vertices must be tracked independently, but if its Undirected`, then a pair in each direction must be tracked as one edge.

The formal requirements and definitions have only been presented in a way sufficient for understanding the idea. Therefore, the formal definition should be consulted for complete accuracy.

§FAQ on directionality

  • Why does an Undirected graph output edges in directed pairs?

In short, to allow functions to be directionality-agnostic. Consider implementing an algorithm that works on both directed and undirected graphs. If Undirected did not return pairs, then the function would have to know that the outputted edge was undirected, which means it would have to bound its input with Undirected forcing you to implement another, differently named function for the Directed case. But if Undirected outputs directed pairs, the function will be able to use them as if they were one undirected edge, since they tell the function that both directions are available between the two vertices. Therefore, the function can just bound its input with BaseGraph and handle both directionalities at once.

  • Why does an Undirected graph treat input edges as undirected and not require a directed pair instead?

For similar reasons as the above answer. If a function is directionality-agnostic, but does mutate the graph, then it wouldn’t know that a graph is Undirected and therefore wouldn’t know to add a pair for each edge. By having the graph itself handle the splitting of an undirected edge into a directed pair, the function can bound its input by just BaseGraph and handle both directionalities at the same time.

§Directionality example

Consider the constraint trait Unique. A graph is unique if for all edges, no two edges are incident on the same two vertices in the same direction. Consequently, for undirected graphs this means that only one undirected edge is allowed between any two vertices, while an edge in each direction is allowed for directed graphs.

The graphene::core::constaint module is able to simply implement this constraint by iterating over all the directed edges a graph has, and reject it if any two edges have the same source and sink. This implementation is directionality agnostic since undirected graphs return a directed pair, which is allowed of a directed unique graph. Had Undirected graphs returned only one undirected edge, two constraint traits UniqueDirection and UniqueUndirected would have been needed. This is because the following two edges, (1,2) and (2,1), would be invalid for undirected graphs, as the edges are identical when disregarding direction (which undirected graphs do). For directed graphs the two edges are acceptable, as they have different directions.

Therefore, the graphene’s directionality design allows for a single implementation for the Unique constraint that works for both directed and undirected graphs.


  • How do i initialize an unweighted graph, it seems then all require a weight, e.g. AdjListGraph<V,W>?

By convention, () is treated as the lack of a weight. Therefore, AdjListGraph<V,()> is an unweighted graph.


Contains common graph implementations.
Contains the basic traits and structs needed to define graphs and work on them.


Declares a custom graph with a specific set of constraints:
Defines a new public struct with implements GraphWrapper. The struct is generic over any ConstrainedGraph G.
Implements BaseGraph for a GraphWrapper by having all methods call the corresponding wrapped graph methods.
Implements ConstrainedGraph for a GraphWrapper by having all methods call the corresponding wrapped graph methods.
Expands to the body of a Constraint implementation that has no constraints.
Implements the given list of constraints for the given GraphWrapper, which must be generic over a ContainedGraph (<G>).
Implements a method for the wrapped graph:
Implements the four uncon_* methods from ConstrainedGraph for a graph using wrapped_method!. Must be called inside an impl of ConstrainedGraph.