Function EverCrypt_AEAD_create_in

pub unsafe extern "C" fn EverCrypt_AEAD_create_in(
    a: Spec_Agile_AEAD_alg,
    dst: *mut *mut EverCrypt_AEAD_state_s,
    k: *mut u8,
) -> EverCrypt_Error_error_code
Expand description

Create the required AEAD state for the algorithm.

Note: The caller must free the AEAD state by calling EverCrypt_AEAD_free.

@param a The argument a must be either of: Spec_Agile_AEAD_AES128_GCM (KEY_LEN=16), Spec_Agile_AEAD_AES256_GCM (KEY_LEN=32), or Spec_Agile_AEAD_CHACHA20_POLY1305 (KEY_LEN=32). @param dst Pointer to a pointer where the address of the allocated AEAD state will be written to. @param k Pointer to KEY_LEN bytes of memory where the key is read from. The size depends on the used algorithm, see above.

@return The function returns EverCrypt_Error_Success on success or EverCrypt_Error_UnsupportedAlgorithm in case of a bad algorithm identifier. (See EverCrypt_Error.h.)