Function Hacl_Chacha20Poly1305_256_aead_encrypt

pub unsafe extern "C" fn Hacl_Chacha20Poly1305_256_aead_encrypt(
    k: *mut u8,
    n: *mut u8,
    aadlen: u32,
    aad: *mut u8,
    mlen: u32,
    m: *mut u8,
    cipher: *mut u8,
    mac: *mut u8,
Expand description

Encrypt a message m with key k.

The arguments k, n, aadlen, and aad are same in encryption/decryption. Note: Encryption and decryption can be executed in-place, i.e., m and cipher can point to the same memory.

@param k Pointer to 32 bytes of memory where the AEAD key is read from. @param n Pointer to 12 bytes of memory where the AEAD nonce is read from. @param aadlen Length of the associated data. @param aad Pointer to aadlen bytes of memory where the associated data is read from.

@param mlen Length of the message. @param m Pointer to mlen bytes of memory where the message is read from. @param cipher Pointer to mlen bytes of memory where the ciphertext is written to. @param mac Pointer to 16 bytes of memory where the mac is written to.