trait Ofᐸᑊ_ᐳ = ForLt;
Available on educational only.
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: Ofᐸᑊ_ᐳ is a hopefully illustrative syntax that serves as an alias for : ForLt.

When trying to teach the notion of a HKT / “generic generic API” to somebody who has never run into it, e.g., in introductory documentation, blog posts, etc., the : Ofᐸᑊ_ᐳ syntax ought to be more intuitive:

use ::higher_kinded_types::*;

struct Example<'a, 'b, T : Ofᐸᑊ_ᐳ> {
    a: T::Of<'a>,
    b: T::Of<'b>,
  • (the idea being that : Ofᐸᑊ_ᐳ looks quite a bit like : Of<'_>).

  • ⚠️ real code should nonetheless be using the : ForLt syntax: ASCII characters are easier to type with a standard keyboard layout, contrary to Ofᐸᑊ_ᐳ, which will probably require copy-pasting.