Trait DynamicContext

pub trait DynamicContext: Sized {
    // Required method
    fn visit_dynamic<V: Visitor>(&mut self, visitor: V) -> V::Result;

    // Provided methods
    fn on_expansion_start(&mut self) { ... }
    fn on_expansion_end(&mut self) { ... }
Expand description

A trait for types that can behave as a dynamic (mutable) URI template expansion context.

This type is for use with UriTemplateStr::expand_dynamic method and its family.

Note that “dynamic” here does not mean that the value of variables can change during a template expansion. The value should be fixed and consistent during each expansion, but the context is allowed to mutate itself if it does not break this rule.


use iri_string::template::UriTemplateStr;
use iri_string::template::context::{DynamicContext, Visitor, VisitPurpose};
use iri_string::spec::UriSpec;

struct MyContext<'a> {
    /// Target path.
    target: &'a str,
    /// Username.
    username: Option<&'a str>,
    /// A flag to remember whether the URI template
    /// attempted to use `username` variable.
    username_visited: bool,

impl DynamicContext for MyContext<'_> {
    fn on_expansion_start(&mut self) {
        // Reset the state.
        self.username_visited = false;
    fn visit_dynamic<V: Visitor>(&mut self, visitor: V) -> V::Result {
        match visitor.var_name().as_str() {
            "target" => visitor.visit_string(,
            "username" => {
                if visitor.purpose() == VisitPurpose::Expand {
                    // The variable `username` is being used
                    // on the template expansion.
                    // Don't care whether `username` is defined or not.
                    self.username_visited = true;
                if let Some(username) = &self.username {
                } else {
            _ => visitor.visit_undefined(),

let mut context = MyContext {
    target: "/posts/1",
    username: Some("the_admin"),
    username_visited: false,
let mut buf = String::new();

// No access to the variable `username`.
let template1 = UriTemplateStr::new("{+target}")?;
template1.expand_dynamic::<UriSpec, _, _>(&mut buf, &mut context)?;
assert_eq!(buf, "/posts/1");

// Will access to the variable `username`.
let template2 = UriTemplateStr::new("{+target}{?username}")?;
template2.expand_dynamic::<UriSpec, _, _>(&mut buf, &mut context)?;
assert_eq!(buf, "/posts/1?username=the_admin");

context.username = None;
// Will access to the variable `username` but it is undefined.
template2.expand_dynamic::<UriSpec, _, _>(&mut buf, &mut context)?;
assert_eq!(buf, "/posts/1");
    "`MyContext` can know and remember whether `visit_dynamic()` is called
     for `username`, even if its value is undefined"

Required Methods§


fn visit_dynamic<V: Visitor>(&mut self, visitor: V) -> V::Result

Visits a variable.

To get variable name, use Visitor::var_name().


The visit results should be consistent and unchanged between the last time on_expansion_start was called and the next time on_expansion_end will be called. If this condition is violated, template expansion will produce wrong result or may panic at worst.

Provided Methods§


fn on_expansion_start(&mut self)

A callback that is called before the expansion of a URI template.


fn on_expansion_end(&mut self)

A callback that is called after the expansion of a URI template.

Dyn Compatibility§

This trait is not dyn compatible.

In older versions of Rust, dyn compatibility was called "object safety", so this trait is not object safe.
