Crate jiff

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Jiff is a datetime library for Rust that encourages you to jump into the pit of success. The focus of this library is providing high level datetime primitives that are difficult to misuse and have reasonable performance.

Jiff takes enormous inspiration from Temporal, which is a TC39 proposal to improve datetime handling in JavaScript.

Here is a quick example that shows how to parse a typical RFC 3339 instant, convert it to a zone aware datetime, add a span of time and losslessly print it:

use jiff::{Timestamp, ToSpan};

let time: Timestamp = "2024-07-11T01:14:00Z".parse()?;
let zoned = time.intz("America/New_York")?.checked_add(1.month().hours(2))?;
assert_eq!(zoned.to_string(), "2024-08-10T23:14:00-04:00[America/New_York]");
// Or, if you want an RFC3339 formatted string:
assert_eq!(zoned.timestamp().to_string(), "2024-08-11T03:14:00Z");


The primary type in this crate is Zoned. A Zoned value is a datetime that corresponds to a precise instant in time in a particular geographic region. Users of this crate may find it helpful to think of a Zoned as a triple of the following components:

  • A Timestamp is a 96-bit integer of nanoseconds since the Unix epoch. A timestamp is a precise instant in time.
  • A civil::DateTime is an inexact calendar date and clock time. The terms “civil”, “local”, “plain” and “naive” are all used in various places to describe this same concept.
  • A tz::TimeZone is a set of rules for determining the civil time, via an offset from UTC, in a particular geographic region.

All three of these components are used to provide convenient high level operations on Zoned such as computing durations, adding durations and rounding.

This crate defines a single duration type, Span, which mixes calendar and clock units into a single type. All datetime types in Jiff use spans for operating on durations.

The remainder of this documentation is organized as follows:

  • Features gives a very brief summary of the features Jiff does and does not support.
  • Usage shows how to add Jiff to your Rust project.
  • Examples shows a small cookbook of programs for common tasks.
  • Crate features documents the Cargo features that can be enabled or disabled for this crate.

Also, the _documentation sub-module serves to provide longer form documentation:


Here is a non-exhaustive list of the things that Jiff supports:

  • Automatic and seamless integration with your system’s copy of the IANA Time Zone Database. When a platform doesn’t have a time zone database, Jiff automatically embeds a copy of it.
  • A separation of datetime types between absolute times (Timestamp and Zoned) and civil times (civil::DateTime).
  • Nanosecond precision.
  • Time zone and daylight saving time aware arithmetic.
  • The primary duration type, Span, mixes calendar and clock units to provide an all-in-one human friendly experience that is time zone aware.
  • An “absolute” duration type, SignedDuration, is like std::time::Duration but signed.
  • Datetime rounding.
  • Span rounding, including calendar units and including taking time zones into account.
  • Formatting and parsing datetimes via a Temporal-specified hybrid format that takes the best parts of RFC 3339, RFC 9557 and ISO 8601. This includes lossless round tripping of zone aware datetimes.
  • Formatting and parsing according to RFC 2822.
  • Formatting and parsing via routines similar to strftime and strptime.
  • Opt-in Serde integration.
  • Full support for dealing with ambiguous civil datetimes.
  • Protection against deserializing datetimes in the future with an offset different than what is possible with your copy of the Time Zone Database. (This is done via tz::OffsetConflict.)
  • APIs that panic by design are clearly documented as such and few in number. Otherwise, all operations that can fail, including because of overflow, return a Result.

Here is also a list of things that Jiff doesn’t currently support, along with a link to a relevant issue (if one exists).

At present, it is recommended to use the icu crate for localization and non-Gregorian use cases.

Please file an issue if you can think of more (substantial) things to add to the above list.


Jiff is on and can be used by adding jiff to your dependencies in your project’s Cargo.toml. Or more simply, just run cargo add jiff.

Here is a complete example that creates a new Rust project, adds a dependency on jiff, creates the source code for a simple datetime program and then runs it.

First, create the project in a new directory:

$ mkdir jiff-example
$ cd jiff-example
$ cargo init

Second, add a dependency on jiff:

$ cargo add jiff

Third, edit src/ Delete what’s there and replace it with this:

use jiff::{Unit, Zoned};

fn main() -> Result<(), jiff::Error> {
    let now = Zoned::now().round(Unit::Second)?;

Fourth, run it with cargo run:

$ cargo run
   Compiling jiff v0.1.0 (/home/andrew/rust/jiff)
   Compiling jiff-play v0.1.0 (/home/andrew/tmp/scratch/rust/jiff-play)
    Finished `dev` profile [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 1.37s
     Running `target/debug/jiff-play`

The first time you run the program will show more output like above. But subsequent runs shouldn’t have to re-compile the dependencies.


§Get the current time in your system’s time zone

The Zoned::now returns your system’s time and also attempts to automatically find your system’s default time zone via tz::TimeZone::system:

use jiff::Zoned;

let now = Zoned::now();
// Output: 2024-07-10T17:09:28.168146054-04:00[America/New_York]

This uses the Zoned::round API to round a zoned datetime to the nearest second. This is useful, for example, if you don’t care about fractional seconds:

use jiff::{Unit, Zoned};

let now = Zoned::now().round(Unit::Second)?;
// Output: 2024-07-10T17:09:28-04:00[America/New_York]

Let’s say you want to get the current date at 2pm. Here’s one way of doing it that makes use of Zoned::with:

use jiff::Zoned;

let zdt = Zoned::now().with()
// Output: 2024-07-12T14:00:00-04:00[America/New_York]

Or, if the time is known to be valid, you can use the infallibe civil::time convenience constructor:

use jiff::{civil::time, Zoned};

let zdt = Zoned::now().with().time(time(14, 0, 0, 0)).build()?;
// Output: 2024-07-12T14:00:00-04:00[America/New_York]

You can eliminate the possibility of a panic at runtime by using time in a const block:

use jiff::{civil::time, Zoned};

let zdt = Zoned::now().with().time(const { time(14, 0, 0, 0) }).build()?;
// Output: 2024-07-12T14:00:00-04:00[America/New_York]

This prints a Unix timestamp as the number of seconds since the Unix epoch via Timestamp::now:

use jiff::Timestamp;

let now = Timestamp::now();
println!("{}", now.as_second());
// Output: 1720646365

Or print the current timestamp to nanosecond precision (which is the maximum supported by Jiff):

use jiff::Timestamp;

let now = Timestamp::now();
println!("{}", now.as_nanosecond());
// Output: 1720646414218901664

This example shows how to convert a Unix timestamp, in milliseconds, to a zoned datetime in the system’s current time zone. This utilizes the Timestamp::from_millisecond constructor, tz::TimeZone::system to get the default time zone and the Timestamp::to_zoned routine to convert a timestamp to a zoned datetime.

use jiff::{tz::TimeZone, Timestamp};

let ts = Timestamp::from_millisecond(1_720_646_365_567)?;
let zdt = ts.to_zoned(TimeZone::system());
// Output: 2024-07-10T17:19:25.567-04:00[America/New_York]
// Or if you just want the RFC 3339 time without bothering with time zones:
assert_eq!(ts.to_string(), "2024-07-10T21:19:25.567Z");

§Create a zoned datetime from civil time

This example demonstrates the convenience constructor, civil::date, for a civil::Date. And use the civil::Date::at method to create a civil::DateTime. Once we have a civil datetime, we can use civil::DateTime::intz to do a time zone lookup and convert it to a precise instant in time:

use jiff::civil::date;

let zdt = date(2023, 12, 31).at(18, 30, 0, 0).intz("America/New_York")?;
assert_eq!(zdt.to_string(), "2023-12-31T18:30:00-05:00[America/New_York]");

Note that civil::date should only be used for inputs that are known to be correct since it panics for an invalid date. If your date isn’t known to be valid, then use the fallible civil::Date::new constructor.

§Change an instant from one time zone to another

This shows how to find the civil time, in New York, when World War 1 ended:

use jiff::civil::date;

let zdt1 = date(1918, 11, 11).at(11, 0, 0, 0).intz("Europe/Paris")?;
let zdt2 = zdt1.intz("America/New_York")?;

§Find the duration between two zoned datetimes

This shows how to compute a span between two zoned datetimes. This utilizes a Zoned’s implementation for Sub, permitting one to subtract two zoned datetimes via the - operator:

use jiff::civil::date;

let zdt1 = date(2020, 8, 26).at(6, 27, 0, 0).intz("America/New_York")?;
let zdt2 = date(2023, 12, 31).at(18, 30, 0, 0).intz("America/New_York")?;
let span = &zdt2 - &zdt1;
assert_eq!(span.to_string(), "PT29341h3m");

The above returns no units bigger than hours because it makes the operation reversible in all cases. But if you don’t need reversibility (i.e., adding the span returned to zdt1 gives you zdt2), then you can ask for bigger units via Zoned::until to make the span more comprehensible:

use jiff::{civil::date, Unit};

let zdt1 = date(2020, 8, 26).at(6, 27, 0, 0).intz("America/New_York")?;
let zdt2 = date(2023, 12, 31).at(18, 30, 0, 0).intz("America/New_York")?;
let span = zdt1.until((Unit::Year, &zdt2))?;
assert_eq!(span.to_string(), "P3y4m5dT12h3m");

§Add a duration to a zoned datetime

This example shows how one can add a Span to a Zoned via Zoned::checked_add to get a new Zoned value. We utilize the ToSpan trait for convenience construction of Span values.

use jiff::{civil::date, ToSpan};

let zdt1 = date(2020, 8, 26).at(6, 27, 0, 0).intz("America/New_York")?;
let span = 3.years().months(4).days(5).hours(12).minutes(3);
let zdt2 = zdt1.checked_add(span)?;
assert_eq!(zdt2.to_string(), "2023-12-31T18:30:00-05:00[America/New_York]");

As with civil::date, the ToSpan trait should only be used with inputs that are known to be valid. If you aren’t sure whether the inputs are valid, then use Span::new and its fallible mutators like Span::try_years.

§Dealing with ambiguity

In some cases, civil datetimes either don’t exist in a particular time zone or are repeated. By default, Jiff automatically uses the tz::Disambiguation::Compatible strategy for choosing an instant in all cases:

use jiff::civil::date;

// 2:30 on 2024-03-10 in New York didn't exist. It's a "gap."
// The compatible strategy selects the datetime after the gap.
let zdt = date(2024, 3, 10).at(2, 30, 0, 0).intz("America/New_York")?;
assert_eq!(zdt.to_string(), "2024-03-10T03:30:00-04:00[America/New_York]");

// 1:30 on 2024-11-03 in New York appeared twice. It's a "fold."
// The compatible strategy selects the datetime before the fold.
let zdt = date(2024, 11, 3).at(1, 30, 0, 0).intz("America/New_York")?;
assert_eq!(zdt.to_string(), "2024-11-03T01:30:00-04:00[America/New_York]");

For more control over disambiguation, see tz::TimeZone::to_ambiguous_zoned. Or fmt::temporal::DateTimeParser::disambiguation if you’re parsing zoned datetimes.

§Parsing a span

Jiff supports parsing ISO 8601 duration strings:

use jiff::Span;

let span: Span = "P5y1w10dT5h59m".parse()?;
let expected = Span::new().years(5).weeks(1).days(10).hours(5).minutes(59);
assert_eq!(span, expected);

The same format is used for serializing and deserializing Span values when the serde feature is enabled.

§Parsing an RFC 2822 datetime string

While you probably shouldn’t pick RFC 2822 as a format for new things, it is sometimes necessary to use it when something else requires it (like HTTP or email). Parsing and printing of RFC 2822 datetimes is done via the fmt::rfc2822 module:

use jiff::fmt::rfc2822;

let zdt1 = rfc2822::parse("Thu, 29 Feb 2024 05:34 -0500")?;
let zdt2 = zdt1.intz("Australia/Tasmania")?;
assert_eq!(rfc2822::to_string(&zdt2)?, "Thu, 29 Feb 2024 21:34:00 +1100");
let zdt3 = zdt1.intz("Asia/Kolkata")?;
assert_eq!(rfc2822::to_string(&zdt3)?, "Thu, 29 Feb 2024 16:04:00 +0530");

§Using strftime and strptime for formatting and parsing

Jiff has support for the C style strftime and strptime functions for formatting and parsing datetime types. All of Jiff’s datetime types having a strptime constructor for parsing, and a strftime method for formatting. For example, this shows how to use Zoned::strptime to parsed a string in a “odd” custom format into a zoned datetime:

use jiff::Zoned;

let zdt = Zoned::strptime(
    "%A, %B %d, %Y at %I:%M%p %V",
    "Monday, July 15, 2024 at 5:30pm US/Eastern",
assert_eq!(zdt.to_string(), "2024-07-15T17:30:00-04:00[US/Eastern]");

And this shows how to use Zoned::strftime to format a zoned datetime. Note the use of %Z, which will print a time zone abbreviation (when one is available) instead of an offset (%Z can’t be used for parsing):

use jiff::civil::date;

let zdt = date(2024, 7, 15).at(17, 30, 59, 0).intz("Australia/Tasmania")?;
// %-I instead of %I means no padding.
let string = zdt.strftime("%A, %B %d, %Y at %-I:%M%P %Z").to_string();
assert_eq!(string, "Monday, July 15, 2024 at 5:30pm AEST");

However, time zone abbreviations aren’t parsable because they are ambiguous. For example, CST can stand for Central Standard Time, Cuba Standard Time or China Standard Time. Instead, it is recommended to use %V to format an IANA time zone identifier (which can be parsed, as shown above):

use jiff::civil::date;

let zdt = date(2024, 7, 15).at(17, 30, 59, 0).intz("Australia/Tasmania")?;
// %-I instead of %I means no padding.
let string = zdt.strftime("%A, %B %d, %Y at %-I:%M%P %V").to_string();
assert_eq!(string, "Monday, July 15, 2024 at 5:30pm Australia/Tasmania");

See the fmt::strtime module documentation for supported conversion specifiers and other APIs.

§Serializing and deserializing integer timestamps with Serde

Sometimes you need to interact with external services that use integer timestamps instead of something more civilized like RFC 3339. Since Timestamp’s Serde integration uses RFC 3339, you’ll need to override the default. While you could hand-write this, Jiff provides convenience routines that do this for you. But you do need to wire it up via Serde’s with attribute:

use jiff::Timestamp;

#[derive(Debug, serde::Deserialize, serde::Serialize)]
struct Record {
    #[serde(with = "jiff::fmt::serde::timestamp::second::required")]
    timestamp: Timestamp,

let json = r#"{"timestamp":1517644800}"#;
let got: Record = serde_json::from_str(&json)?;
assert_eq!(got.timestamp, Timestamp::from_second(1517644800)?);
assert_eq!(serde_json::to_string(&got)?, json);

If you need to support optional timestamps via Option<Timestamp>, then use jiff::fmt::serde::timestamp::second::optional instead.

For more, see the fmt::serde sub-module. (This requires enabling Jiff’s serde crate feature.)

§Crate features

§Ecosystem features

  • std (enabled by default) - When enabled, Jiff will depend on Rust’s standard library. This is needed for things that require interacting with your system, such as reading /usr/share/zoneinfo on Unix systems for time zone information, or for finding your system’s default time zone. But if you don’t need that (or can bundle the Time Zone Database), then Jiff has nearly full functionality without std enabled, excepting things like std::error::Error trait implementations. Jiff does require dynamic memory allocation. That is, there is no way to use Jiff in core-only contexts.
  • logging - When enabled, the log crate is used to emit messages where appropriate. Generally speaking, this is reserved for system interaction points, such as finding the system copy of the Time Zone Database or finding the system’s default time zone.
  • serde - When enabled, all of the datetime and span types in Jiff implement serde’s Serialize and Deserialize traits. The format used is specified by Temporal, but it’s a mix of the “best” parts of RFC 3339, RFC 9557 and ISO 8601. See the fmt::temporal module for more details on the format used.
  • js - On only the wasm32-unknown-unknown and wasm64-unknown-unknown targets, the js feature will add dependencies on js-sys and wasm-bindgen. These dependencies are used to determine the current datetime and time zone from the web browser. On these targets without the js feature enabled, getting the current datetime will panic (because that’s what std::time::SystemTime::now() does), and it won’t be possible to determine the time zone. This feature is disabled by default because not all uses of wasm{32,64}-unknown-unknown are in a web context, although many are (for example, when using wasm-pack). Only binary, tests and benchmarks should enable this feature. See Platform support for more details.

§Time zone features

  • tz-system (enabled by default) - When enabled, Jiff will include code that attempts to determine the “system” time zone. For example, on Unix systems, this is usually determined by looking at the symlink information on /etc/localtime. But in general, it’s very platform specific and heuristic oriented. On some platforms, this may require extra dependencies. (For example, windows-sys on Windows.)
  • tzdb-bundle-always - When enabled, Jiff will forcefully depend on the jiff-tzdb crate, which embeds an entire copy of the Time Zone Database. You should avoid this unless you have a specific need for it, since it is better to rely on your system’s copy of time zone information. (Which may be updated multiple times per year.)
  • tzdb-bundle-platform (enabled by default) - When enabled, Jiff will depend on jiff-tzdb only for platforms where it is known that there is no canonical copy of the Time Zone Database. For example, Windows.
  • tzdb-zoneinfo (enabled by default) - When enabled, Jiff will attempt to look for your system’s copy of the Time Zone Database.


  • Longer form documentation for Jiff.
  • Facilities for dealing with inexact dates and times.
  • Configurable support for printing and parsing datetimes and spans.
  • Routines for interacting with time zones and the zoneinfo database.



  • The mode for dealing with the remainder when rounding datetimes or spans.
  • A way to refer to a single calendar or clock unit.


  • A trait for enabling concise literals for creating Span values.