Crate json_patch

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A JSON Patch (RFC 6902) and JSON Merge Patch (RFC 7396) implementation for Rust.


Add this to your Cargo.toml:

json-patch = "*"


Create and patch document using JSON Patch:

extern crate serde_json;
extern crate json_patch;

use json_patch::patch;
use serde_json::from_str;

let mut doc = json!([
    { "name": "Andrew" },
    { "name": "Maxim" }

let p = from_str(r#"[
  { "op": "test", "path": "/0/name", "value": "Andrew" },
  { "op": "add", "path": "/0/happy", "value": true }

patch(&mut doc, &p).unwrap();
assert_eq!(doc, json!([
  { "name": "Andrew", "happy": true },
  { "name": "Maxim" }

Create and patch document using JSON Merge Patch:

extern crate serde_json;
extern crate json_patch;

use json_patch::merge;

let mut doc = json!({
  "title": "Goodbye!",
  "author" : {
    "givenName" : "John",
    "familyName" : "Doe"
  "tags":[ "example", "sample" ],
  "content": "This will be unchanged"

let patch = json!({
  "title": "Hello!",
  "phoneNumber": "+01-123-456-7890",
  "author": {
    "familyName": null
  "tags": [ "example" ]

merge(&mut doc, &patch);
assert_eq!(doc, json!({
  "title": "Hello!",
  "author" : {
    "givenName" : "John"
  "tags": [ "example" ],
  "content": "This will be unchanged",
  "phoneNumber": "+01-123-456-7890"


JSON Patch ‘add’ operation representation
JSON Patch ‘copy’ operation representation
JSON Patch ‘move’ operation representation
Representation of JSON Patch (list of patch operations)
JSON Patch ‘remove’ operation representation
JSON Patch ‘replace’ operation representation
JSON Patch ‘test’ operation representation


This type represents all possible errors that can occur when applying JSON patch
JSON Patch single patch operation


Diff two JSON documents and generate a JSON Patch (RFC 6902).
Create JSON Patch from JSON Value
Patch provided JSON document (given as serde_json::Value) in place with JSON Merge Patch (RFC 7396).
Patch provided JSON document (given as serde_json::Value) in-place. If any of the patch is failed, all previous operations are reverted. In case of internal error resulting in panic, document might be left in inconsistent state.
Patch provided JSON document (given as serde_json::Value) in place. Operations are applied in unsafe manner. If any of the operations fails, all previous operations are not reverted.