Crate leptos_meta

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Leptos Meta

Leptos Meta allows you to modify content in a document’s <head> from within components using the Leptos web framework.

Document metadata is updated automatically when running in the browser. For server-side rendering, after the component tree is rendered to HTML, [MetaContext::dehydrate] can generate HTML that should be injected into the <head> of the HTML document being rendered.

use leptos::*;
use leptos_meta::*;

fn MyApp(cx: Scope) -> impl IntoView {
    let (name, set_name) = create_signal(cx, "Alice".to_string());

    view! { cx,
        // reactively sets document.title when `name` changes
        text=move || name.get()
        // applies the `formatter` function to the `text` value
        formatter=|text| format!("“{text}” is your name")
          prop:value=move || name.get()
          on:input=move |ev| set_name.set(event_target_value(&ev))

Feature Flags

  • csr Client-side rendering: Generate DOM nodes in the browser
  • ssr Server-side rendering: Generate an HTML string (typically on the server)
  • hydrate Hydration: use this to add interactivity to an SSRed Leptos app
  • stable By default, Leptos requires nightly Rust, which is what allows the ergonomics of calling signals as functions. Enable this feature to support stable Rust.

Important Note: You must enable one of csr, hydrate, or ssr to tell Leptos which mode your app is operating in.



  • A component to set metadata on the document’s <body> element from within the application.
  • A component to set metadata on the document’s <html> element from within the application.
  • Injects an HTMLLinkElement into the document head, accepting any of the valid attributes for that tag.
  • Injects an HTMLMetaElement into the document head to set metadata
  • Injects an HTMLScriptElement into the document head, accepting any of the valid attributes for that tag.
  • Injects an HTMLStyleElement into the document head, accepting any of the valid attributes for that tag.
  • Injects an HTMLLinkElement into the document head that loads a stylesheet from the URL given by the href property.
  • A component to set the document’s title by creating an HTMLTitleElement. The title and formatter can be set independently of one another. For example, you can create a root-level <Title formatter=.../> that will wrap each of the text values of <Title/> components created lower in the tree.
  • Provides a MetaContext, if there is not already one provided. This ensures that you can provide it at the highest possible level, without overwriting a MetaContext that has already been provided (for example, by a server-rendering integration.)
  • Returns the current MetaContext.