Crate libz_rs_sys

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This crate is a C API for zlib-rs. The API is broadly equivalent to zlib-sys and zlib-ng-sys, but does not currently provide the gz* family of functions.

From a rust perspective, this API is not very ergonomic. Use the flate2 crate for a more ergonomic rust interface to zlib.



Add a custom prefix to all exported symbols.

The value of the LIBZ_RS_SYS_PREFIX is used as a prefix for all exported symbols. For example:

> LIBZ_RS_SYS_PREFIX="MY_CUSTOM_PREFIX" cargo build -p libz-rs-sys --features=custom-prefix
   Compiling libz-rs-sys v0.2.1 (/home/folkertdev/rust/zlib-rs/libz-rs-sys)
    Finished `dev` profile [optimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.21s
> objdump -tT target/debug/ | grep "uncompress"
0000000000081028 l     O .got	0000000000000000              _ZN7zlib_rs7inflate10uncompress17he7d985e55c58a189E$got
000000000002c570 l     F .text	00000000000001ef              _ZN7zlib_rs7inflate10uncompress17he7d985e55c58a189E
0000000000024330 g     F .text	000000000000008e              MY_CUSTOM_PREFIXuncompress
0000000000024330 g    DF .text	000000000000008e  Base        MY_CUSTOM_PREFIXuncompress

c-allocator, rust-allocator

Pick the default allocator implementation that is used if no zalloc and zfree are configured in the input z_stream.

  • c-allocator: use malloc/free for the implementation of zalloc and zfree
  • rust-allocator: the rust global allocator for the implementation of zalloc and zfree

The rust-allocator is the default when this crate is used as a rust dependency, and slightly more efficient because alignment is handled by the allocator. When building a dynamic library, it may make sense to use c-allocator instead.


Assume that std is available. When this feature is turned off, this crate is compatible with #![no_std].


This example compresses (“deflates”) the string "Hello, World!" and then decompresses (“inflates”) it again.

let mut strm = libz_rs_sys::z_stream::default();

let version = libz_rs_sys::zlibVersion();
let stream_size = core::mem::size_of_val(&strm) as i32;

let level = 6; // the default compression level
let err = unsafe { libz_rs_sys::deflateInit_(&mut strm, level, version, stream_size) };
assert_eq!(err, libz_rs_sys::Z_OK);

let input = "Hello, World!";
strm.avail_in = input.len() as _;
strm.next_in = input.as_ptr();

let mut output = [0u8; 32];
strm.avail_out = output.len() as _;
strm.next_out = output.as_mut_ptr();

let err = unsafe { libz_rs_sys::deflate(&mut strm, libz_rs_sys::Z_FINISH) };
assert_eq!(err, libz_rs_sys::Z_STREAM_END);

let err = unsafe { libz_rs_sys::deflateEnd(&mut strm) };
assert_eq!(err, libz_rs_sys::Z_OK);

let deflated = &mut output[..strm.total_out as usize];

let mut strm = libz_rs_sys::z_stream::default();
let err = unsafe { libz_rs_sys::inflateInit_(&mut strm, version, stream_size) };
assert_eq!(err, libz_rs_sys::Z_OK);

strm.avail_in = deflated.len() as _;
strm.next_in = deflated.as_ptr();

let mut output = [0u8; 32];
strm.avail_out = output.len() as _;
strm.next_out = output.as_mut_ptr();

let err = unsafe { libz_rs_sys::inflate(&mut strm, libz_rs_sys::Z_FINISH) };
assert_eq!(err, libz_rs_sys::Z_STREAM_END);

let err = unsafe { libz_rs_sys::inflateEnd(&mut strm) };
assert_eq!(err, libz_rs_sys::Z_OK);

let inflated = &output[..strm.total_out as usize];

assert_eq!(inflated, input.as_bytes())


Most of the functions in this module are unsafe fns, meaning that their behavior may be undefined if certain assumptions are broken by the caller. In most cases, documentation in this module refers to the safety assumptions of standard library functions.

In most cases, pointers must be either NULL or satisfy the requirements of &*ptr or &mut *ptr. This requirement maps to the requirements of pointer::as_ref and pointer::as_mut for immutable and mutable pointers respectively.

For pointer and length pairs, describing some sequence of elements in memory, the requirements of core::slice::from_raw_parts or core::slice::from_raw_parts_mut apply. In some cases, the element type T is converted into MaybeUninit<T>, meaning that while the slice must be valid, the elements in the slice can be uninitialized. Using uninitialized buffers for output is more performant.

Finally, some functions accept a string argument, which must either be NULL or satisfy the requirements of core::ffi::CStr::from_ptr.


  • gzip header information passed to and from zlib routines. See RFC 1952 for more details on the meanings of these fields.




  • Calculates the adler32 checksum of a sequence of bytes.
  • Combines the checksum of two slices into one.
  • Compresses source into dest, and writes the final deflated size into destLen.
  • Compresses source into dest, and writes the final deflated size into destLen.
  • Returns an upper bound on the compressed size after compress or compress2 on sourceLen bytes.
  • Calculates the crc32 checksum of a sequence of bytes.
  • Combines the checksum of two slices into one.
  • Compresses as much data as possible, and stops when the input buffer becomes empty or the output buffer becomes full.
  • Returns an upper bound on the compressed size after deflation of sourceLen bytes.
  • Sets the destination stream as a complete copy of the source stream.
  • Deallocates all dynamically allocated data structures for this stream.
  • Initializes the state for compression
  • Initializes the state for compression
  • Dynamically update the compression level and compression strategy.
  • Returns the number of bytes and bits of output that have been generated, but not yet provided in the available output.
  • Inserts bits in the deflate output stream.
  • This function is equivalent to deflateEnd followed by deflateInit_, but does not free and reallocate the internal compression state.
  • Initializes the compression dictionary from the given byte sequence without producing any compressed output.
  • Provides gzip header information for when a gzip stream is requested by deflateInit2_.
  • Fine tune deflate’s internal compression parameters.
  • Decompresses as much data as possible, and stops when the input buffer becomes empty or the output buffer becomes full.
  • Decompresses as much data as possible, and stops when the input buffer becomes empty or the output buffer becomes full.
  • Deallocates all dynamically allocated data structures for this stream.
  • Initializes the state for decompression
  • Sets the destination stream as a complete copy of the source stream.
  • Deallocates all dynamically allocated data structures for this stream.
  • Requests that gzip header information be stored in the provided gz_header structure.
  • Initializes the state for decompression
  • Initializes the state for decompression
  • Gives information about the current location of the input stream.
  • Inserts bits in the inflate input stream.
  • Equivalent to inflateEnd followed by inflateInit_, but does not free and reallocate the internal decompression state.
  • This function is the same as inflateReset, but it also permits changing the wrap and window size requests.
  • Initializes the decompression dictionary from the given uncompressed byte sequence.
  • Skips invalid compressed data until
  • Inflates source into dest, and writes the final inflated size into destLen.
  • Get the error message for an error. This could be the value returned by e.g. compress or inflate.
  • The version of the zlib library.

Type Aliases§