
Macro options

macro_rules! options {
    ( $( $opt_name:ident : $opt_value:expr ),* ) => { ... };
Expand description

options! is a declarative macro that facilitates the creation of an Options instance.


This macro can be used to construct an instance of Options using a more readable and ergonomic syntax. The syntax of the macro is:

    OptionName1: value1,
    OptionName2: value2,

Here, OptionNameN is the identifier of the option you want to set, and valueN is the value you want to assign to that option.


let options = options!{
    FooBar: "lol",
    SomeReadyMadeOption: "another_value"

In this example, an instance of Options is being created with two options: FooBar and SomeReadyMadeOption, which are set to "lol" and "another_value", respectively.


  • The option identifier (OptionNameN) must match an enum variant in Opt. If the identifier does not match any of the Opt variants, a compilation error will occur.

  • The value (valueN) should be of a type that is acceptable for the corresponding option. If the value type does not match the expected type for the option, a compilation error will occur.