Trait PrimitiveInt

pub trait PrimitiveInt:
    + AbsDiff<Self>
    + Add<Self, Output = Self>
    + AddAssign<Self>
    + AddMul<Self, Self, Output = Self>
    + AddMulAssign<Self, Self>
    + ArithmeticCheckedShl<i128, Output = Self>
    + ArithmeticCheckedShl<i16, Output = Self>
    + ArithmeticCheckedShl<i32, Output = Self>
    + ArithmeticCheckedShl<i64, Output = Self>
    + ArithmeticCheckedShl<i8, Output = Self>
    + ArithmeticCheckedShl<isize, Output = Self>
    + ArithmeticCheckedShl<u128, Output = Self>
    + ArithmeticCheckedShl<u16, Output = Self>
    + ArithmeticCheckedShl<u32, Output = Self>
    + ArithmeticCheckedShl<u64, Output = Self>
    + ArithmeticCheckedShl<u8, Output = Self>
    + ArithmeticCheckedShl<usize, Output = Self>
    + ArithmeticCheckedShr<i128, Output = Self>
    + ArithmeticCheckedShr<i16, Output = Self>
    + ArithmeticCheckedShr<i32, Output = Self>
    + ArithmeticCheckedShr<i64, Output = Self>
    + ArithmeticCheckedShr<i8, Output = Self>
    + ArithmeticCheckedShr<isize, Output = Self>
    + Binary
    + BinomialCoefficient<Self>
    + BitAccess
    + BitAnd<Self, Output = Self>
    + BitAndAssign<Self>
    + BitBlockAccess
    + BitConvertible
    + BitIterable
    + BitOr<Self, Output = Self>
    + BitOrAssign<Self>
    + BitScan
    + BitXor<Self, Output = Self>
    + BitXorAssign<Self>
    + CeilingRoot<u64, Output = Self>
    + CeilingRootAssign<u64>
    + CeilingSqrt<Output = Self>
    + CeilingSqrtAssign
    + CheckedAdd<Self, Output = Self>
    + CheckedAddMul<Self, Self, Output = Self>
    + CheckedBinomialCoefficient<Self>
    + CheckedDiv<Self, Output = Self>
    + CheckedMul<Self, Output = Self>
    + CheckedNeg<Output = Self>
    + CheckedPow<u64, Output = Self>
    + CheckedRoot<u64, Output = Self>
    + CheckedSqrt<Output = Self>
    + CheckedSquare<Output = Self>
    + CheckedSub<Self, Output = Self>
    + CheckedSubMul<Self, Self, Output = Self>
    + Clone
    + ConvertibleFrom<f32>
    + ConvertibleFrom<f64>
    + ConvertibleFrom<i128>
    + ConvertibleFrom<i16>
    + ConvertibleFrom<i32>
    + ConvertibleFrom<i64>
    + ConvertibleFrom<i8>
    + ConvertibleFrom<isize>
    + ConvertibleFrom<u128>
    + ConvertibleFrom<u16>
    + ConvertibleFrom<u32>
    + ConvertibleFrom<u64>
    + ConvertibleFrom<u8>
    + ConvertibleFrom<usize>
    + Copy
    + CountOnes
    + CountZeros
    + Debug
    + Default
    + Display
    + Div<Self, Output = Self>
    + DivAssign<Self>
    + DivAssignMod<Self, ModOutput = Self>
    + DivAssignRem<Self, RemOutput = Self>
    + DivExact<Self, Output = Self>
    + DivExactAssign<Self>
    + DivMod<Self, DivOutput = Self, ModOutput = Self>
    + DivRem<Self, DivOutput = Self, RemOutput = Self>
    + DivRound<Self, Output = Self>
    + DivRoundAssign<Self>
    + DivisibleBy<Self>
    + DivisibleByPowerOf2
    + Eq
    + EqAbs<Self>
    + EqMod<Self, Self>
    + EqModPowerOf2<Self>
    + ExactFrom<i128>
    + ExactFrom<i16>
    + ExactFrom<i32>
    + ExactFrom<i64>
    + ExactFrom<i8>
    + ExactFrom<isize>
    + ExactFrom<u128>
    + ExactFrom<u16>
    + ExactFrom<u32>
    + ExactFrom<u64>
    + ExactFrom<u8>
    + ExactFrom<usize>
    + ExactInto<i128>
    + ExactInto<i16>
    + ExactInto<i32>
    + ExactInto<i64>
    + ExactInto<i8>
    + ExactInto<isize>
    + ExactInto<u128>
    + ExactInto<u16>
    + ExactInto<u32>
    + ExactInto<u64>
    + ExactInto<u8>
    + ExactInto<usize>
    + ExtendedGcd<Self>
    + FloorRoot<u64, Output = Self>
    + FloorRootAssign<u64>
    + FloorSqrt<Output = Self>
    + FloorSqrtAssign
    + From<bool>
    + FromSciString
    + FromStr
    + FromStringBase
    + Hash
    + IsInteger
    + JacobiSymbol<Self>
    + KroneckerSymbol<Self>
    + LeadingZeros
    + LegendreSymbol<Self>
    + LowMask
    + LowerHex
    + Max
    + Min
    + Mod<Self, Output = Self>
    + ModAssign<Self>
    + ModPowerOf2
    + ModPowerOf2Assign
    + Mul<Self, Output = Self>
    + MulAssign<Self>
    + Named
    + Not<Output = Self>
    + NotAssign
    + Octal
    + One
    + Ord
    + OrdAbs
    + OverflowingAdd<Self, Output = Self>
    + OverflowingAddAssign<Self>
    + OverflowingAddMul<Self, Self, Output = Self>
    + OverflowingAddMulAssign<Self, Self>
    + OverflowingDiv<Self, Output = Self>
    + OverflowingDivAssign<Self>
    + OverflowingFrom<i128>
    + OverflowingFrom<i16>
    + OverflowingFrom<i32>
    + OverflowingFrom<i64>
    + OverflowingFrom<i8>
    + OverflowingFrom<isize>
    + OverflowingFrom<u128>
    + OverflowingFrom<u16>
    + OverflowingFrom<u32>
    + OverflowingFrom<u64>
    + OverflowingFrom<u8>
    + OverflowingFrom<usize>
    + OverflowingInto<i128>
    + OverflowingInto<i16>
    + OverflowingInto<i32>
    + OverflowingInto<i64>
    + OverflowingInto<i8>
    + OverflowingInto<isize>
    + OverflowingInto<u128>
    + OverflowingInto<u16>
    + OverflowingInto<u32>
    + OverflowingInto<u64>
    + OverflowingInto<u8>
    + OverflowingInto<usize>
    + OverflowingMul<Self, Output = Self>
    + OverflowingMulAssign<Self>
    + OverflowingNeg<Output = Self>
    + OverflowingNegAssign
    + OverflowingPow<u64, Output = Self>
    + OverflowingPowAssign<u64>
    + OverflowingSquare<Output = Self>
    + OverflowingSquareAssign
    + OverflowingSub<Self, Output = Self>
    + OverflowingSubAssign<Self>
    + OverflowingSubMul<Self, Self, Output = Self>
    + OverflowingSubMulAssign<Self, Self>
    + Parity
    + PartialEq<Self>
    + PartialOrd<Self>
    + PartialOrdAbs<Self>
    + Pow<u64, Output = Self>
    + PowAssign<u64>
    + PowerOf2<u64>
    + Product
    + RefUnwindSafe
    + Rem<Self, Output = Self>
    + RemAssign<Self>
    + RemPowerOf2<Output = Self>
    + RemPowerOf2Assign
    + RotateLeft<Output = Self>
    + RotateLeftAssign
    + RotateRight<Output = Self>
    + RotateRightAssign
    + RoundToMultiple<Self, Output = Self>
    + RoundToMultipleAssign<Self>
    + RoundToMultipleOfPowerOf2<u64, Output = Self>
    + RoundToMultipleOfPowerOf2Assign<u64>
    + RoundingFrom<f32>
    + RoundingFrom<f64>
    + RoundingInto<f32>
    + RoundingInto<f64>
    + SaturatingAdd<Self, Output = Self>
    + SaturatingAddAssign<Self>
    + SaturatingAddMul<Self, Self, Output = Self>
    + SaturatingAddMulAssign<Self, Self>
    + SaturatingFrom<i128>
    + SaturatingFrom<i16>
    + SaturatingFrom<i32>
    + SaturatingFrom<i64>
    + SaturatingFrom<i8>
    + SaturatingFrom<isize>
    + SaturatingFrom<u128>
    + SaturatingFrom<u16>
    + SaturatingFrom<u32>
    + SaturatingFrom<u64>
    + SaturatingFrom<u8>
    + SaturatingFrom<usize>
    + SaturatingInto<i128>
    + SaturatingInto<i16>
    + SaturatingInto<i32>
    + SaturatingInto<i64>
    + SaturatingInto<i8>
    + SaturatingInto<isize>
    + SaturatingInto<u128>
    + SaturatingInto<u16>
    + SaturatingInto<u32>
    + SaturatingInto<u64>
    + SaturatingInto<u8>
    + SaturatingInto<usize>
    + SaturatingMul<Self, Output = Self>
    + SaturatingMulAssign<Self>
    + SaturatingPow<u64, Output = Self>
    + SaturatingPowAssign<u64>
    + SaturatingSquare<Output = Self>
    + SaturatingSquareAssign
    + SaturatingSub<Self, Output = Self>
    + SaturatingSubAssign<Self>
    + SaturatingSubMul<Self, Self, Output = Self>
    + SaturatingSubMulAssign<Self, Self>
    + Shl<i128, Output = Self>
    + Shl<i16, Output = Self>
    + Shl<i32, Output = Self>
    + Shl<i64, Output = Self>
    + Shl<i8, Output = Self>
    + Shl<u128, Output = Self>
    + Shl<u16, Output = Self>
    + Shl<u32, Output = Self>
    + Shl<u64, Output = Self>
    + Shl<u8, Output = Self>
    + ShlAssign<i128>
    + ShlAssign<i16>
    + ShlAssign<i32>
    + ShlAssign<i64>
    + ShlAssign<i8>
    + ShlAssign<isize>
    + ShlAssign<u128>
    + ShlAssign<u16>
    + ShlAssign<u32>
    + ShlAssign<u64>
    + ShlAssign<u8>
    + ShlAssign<usize>
    + ShlRound<i128, Output = Self>
    + ShlRound<i16, Output = Self>
    + ShlRound<i32, Output = Self>
    + ShlRound<i64, Output = Self>
    + ShlRound<i8, Output = Self>
    + ShlRound<isize, Output = Self>
    + ShlRoundAssign<i128>
    + ShlRoundAssign<i16>
    + ShlRoundAssign<i32>
    + ShlRoundAssign<i64>
    + ShlRoundAssign<i8>
    + ShlRoundAssign<isize>
    + Shr<i128, Output = Self>
    + Shr<i16, Output = Self>
    + Shr<i32, Output = Self>
    + Shr<i64, Output = Self>
    + Shr<i8, Output = Self>
    + Shr<isize, Output = Self>
    + Shr<u128, Output = Self>
    + Shr<u16, Output = Self>
    + Shr<u32, Output = Self>
    + Shr<u64, Output = Self>
    + Shr<u8, Output = Self>
    + Shr<usize, Output = Self>
    + ShrAssign<i128>
    + ShrAssign<i16>
    + ShrAssign<i32>
    + ShrAssign<i64>
    + ShrAssign<i8>
    + ShrAssign<isize>
    + ShrAssign<u128>
    + ShrAssign<u16>
    + ShrAssign<u32>
    + ShrAssign<u64>
    + ShrAssign<u8>
    + ShrAssign<usize>
    + ShrRound<i128, Output = Self>
    + ShrRound<i16, Output = Self>
    + ShrRound<i32, Output = Self>
    + ShrRound<i64, Output = Self>
    + ShrRound<i8, Output = Self>
    + ShrRound<isize, Output = Self>
    + ShrRound<u128, Output = Self>
    + ShrRound<u16, Output = Self>
    + ShrRound<u32, Output = Self>
    + ShrRound<u64, Output = Self>
    + ShrRound<u8, Output = Self>
    + ShrRound<usize, Output = Self>
    + ShrRoundAssign<i128>
    + ShrRoundAssign<i16>
    + ShrRoundAssign<i32>
    + ShrRoundAssign<i64>
    + ShrRoundAssign<i8>
    + ShrRoundAssign<isize>
    + ShrRoundAssign<u128>
    + ShrRoundAssign<u16>
    + ShrRoundAssign<u32>
    + ShrRoundAssign<u64>
    + ShrRoundAssign<u8>
    + ShrRoundAssign<usize>
    + Sign
    + SignificantBits
    + Sized
    + Square<Output = Self>
    + SquareAssign
    + Sub<Self, Output = Self>
    + SubAssign<Self>
    + SubMul<Self, Self, Output = Self>
    + SubMulAssign<Self, Self>
    + Sum<Self>
    + ToSci
    + ToStringBase
    + TrailingZeros
    + TryFrom<NiceFloat<f32>>
    + TryFrom<i128>
    + TryFrom<i16>
    + TryFrom<i32>
    + TryFrom<i64>
    + TryFrom<i8>
    + TryFrom<isize>
    + TryFrom<u128>
    + TryFrom<u16>
    + TryFrom<u32>
    + TryFrom<u64>
    + TryFrom<u8>
    + TryFrom<usize>
    + TryInto<NiceFloat<f32>>
    + TryInto<i128>
    + TryInto<i16>
    + TryInto<i32>
    + TryInto<i64>
    + TryInto<i8>
    + TryInto<isize>
    + TryInto<u128>
    + TryInto<u16>
    + TryInto<u32>
    + TryInto<u64>
    + TryInto<u8>
    + TryInto<usize>
    + Two
    + UnwindSafe
    + UpperHex
    + WrappingAdd<Self, Output = Self>
    + WrappingAddAssign<Self>
    + WrappingAddMul<Self, Self, Output = Self>
    + WrappingAddMulAssign<Self, Self>
    + WrappingDiv<Self, Output = Self>
    + WrappingDivAssign<Self>
    + WrappingFrom<i128>
    + WrappingFrom<i16>
    + WrappingFrom<i32>
    + WrappingFrom<i64>
    + WrappingFrom<i8>
    + WrappingFrom<isize>
    + WrappingFrom<u128>
    + WrappingFrom<u16>
    + WrappingFrom<u32>
    + WrappingFrom<u64>
    + WrappingFrom<u8>
    + WrappingFrom<usize>
    + WrappingInto<i128>
    + WrappingInto<i16>
    + WrappingInto<i32>
    + WrappingInto<i64>
    + WrappingInto<i8>
    + WrappingInto<isize>
    + WrappingInto<u128>
    + WrappingInto<u16>
    + WrappingInto<u32>
    + WrappingInto<u64>
    + WrappingInto<u8>
    + WrappingInto<usize>
    + WrappingMul<Self, Output = Self>
    + WrappingMulAssign<Self>
    + WrappingNeg<Output = Self>
    + WrappingNegAssign
    + WrappingPow<u64, Output = Self>
    + WrappingPowAssign<u64>
    + WrappingSquare<Output = Self>
    + WrappingSquareAssign
    + WrappingSub<Self, Output = Self>
    + WrappingSubAssign<Self>
    + WrappingSubMul<Self, Self, Output = Self>
    + WrappingSubMulAssign<Self, Self>
    + Zero {
    const WIDTH: u64;
    const LOG_WIDTH: u64 = _;
    const WIDTH_MASK: u64 = _;

    // Provided method
    fn get_highest_bit(&self) -> bool { ... }
Expand description

Defines functions on primitive integer types: uxx, ixx, usize, and isize.

The different types are distinguished by whether they are signed or unsigned, and by their widths. The width $W$ is the number of bits in the type. For example, the width of u32 or i32 is 32. Each type has $2^W$ distinct values.

Let $n$ be a value of type Self. If Self is unsigned, $0 \leq n < 2^W$. If Self is signed, $2^{W-1} \leq n < 2^{W-1}$.

Required Associated Constants§


const WIDTH: u64

The number of bits of Self.

Provided Associated Constants§


const LOG_WIDTH: u64 = _

The base-2 logarithm of the number of bits of Self.

Whenever you need to use n / WIDTH, you can use n >> LOG_WIDTH instead.

This is $\log_2 W$.

Note that this value is correct for all of the built-in primitive integer types, but it will not be correct for custom types whose $W$ is not a power of 2. For such implementations, LOG_WIDTH should not be used.


const WIDTH_MASK: u64 = _

A mask that consists of LOG_WIDTH bits.

Whenever you need to use n % WIDTH, you can use n & WIDTH_MASK instead.

This is $W - 1$.

Note that this value is correct for all of the built-in primitive integer types, but it will not be correct for custom types whose $W$ is not a power of 2. For such implementations, WIDTH_MASK should not be used.

Provided Methods§


fn get_highest_bit(&self) -> bool

Gets the most-significant bit of Self. For signed integers, this is the sign bit.

If Self is unsigned, $f(n) = (n \geq 2^{W-1})$. If Self is unsigned, $f(n) = (n < 0)$.

§Worst-case complexity

Constant time and additional memory.

use malachite_base::num::basic::integers::PrimitiveInt;

assert_eq!(123u32.get_highest_bit(), false);
assert_eq!(4000000000u32.get_highest_bit(), true);
assert_eq!(2000000000i32.get_highest_bit(), false);
assert_eq!((-2000000000i32).get_highest_bit(), true);

Dyn Compatibility§

This trait is not dyn compatible.

In older versions of Rust, dyn compatibility was called "object safety", so this trait is not object safe.

Implementations on Foreign Types§


impl PrimitiveInt for i8


See here.


const WIDTH: u64 = 8u64


impl PrimitiveInt for i16


See here.


const WIDTH: u64 = 16u64


impl PrimitiveInt for i32


See here.


const WIDTH: u64 = 32u64


impl PrimitiveInt for i64


See here.


const WIDTH: u64 = 64u64


impl PrimitiveInt for i128


See here.


const WIDTH: u64 = 128u64


impl PrimitiveInt for isize


See here.


const WIDTH: u64 = 32u64


impl PrimitiveInt for u8


See here.


const WIDTH: u64 = 8u64


impl PrimitiveInt for u16


See here.


const WIDTH: u64 = 16u64


impl PrimitiveInt for u32


See here.


const WIDTH: u64 = 32u64


impl PrimitiveInt for u64


See here.


const WIDTH: u64 = 64u64


impl PrimitiveInt for u128


See here.


const WIDTH: u64 = 128u64


impl PrimitiveInt for usize


See here.


const WIDTH: u64 = 32u64
