pub trait PrimitiveUnsigned:
AbsDiff<Self, Output = Self>
+ AbsDiffAssign<Self>
+ BitBlockAccess<Bits = Self>
+ CeilingLogBase<Output = u64>
+ CeilingLogBase2<Output = u64>
+ CeilingLogBasePowerOf2<u64, Output = u64>
+ CeilingDivAssignNegMod<Self, ModOutput = Self>
+ CeilingDivNegMod<Self, DivOutput = Self, ModOutput = Self>
+ CheckedDoubleFactorial
+ CheckedFactorial
+ CheckedMultifactorial
+ CheckedPrimorial
+ CheckedSubfactorial
+ CheckedLcm<Self, Output = Self>
+ CheckedLogBase<Output = u64>
+ CheckedLogBase2<Output = u64>
+ CheckedLogBasePowerOf2<u64, Output = u64>
+ CheckedNextPowerOf2<Output = Self>
+ CoprimeWith<Self>
+ DoubleFactorial
+ Digits<u8>
+ Digits<u16>
+ Digits<u32>
+ Digits<u64>
+ Digits<u128>
+ Digits<usize>
+ ExtendedGcd<Self, Gcd = Self>
+ Factorial
+ FloorLogBase<Output = u64>
+ FloorLogBase2<Output = u64>
+ FloorLogBasePowerOf2<u64, Output = u64>
+ From<u8>
+ FromOtherTypeSlice<u8>
+ FromOtherTypeSlice<u16>
+ FromOtherTypeSlice<u32>
+ FromOtherTypeSlice<u64>
+ FromOtherTypeSlice<u128>
+ FromOtherTypeSlice<usize>
+ Gcd<Self, Output = Self>
+ GcdAssign<Self>
+ HammingDistance
+ IntegerMantissaAndExponent<Self, u64>
+ IsPowerOf2
+ Lcm<Self, Output = Self>
+ LcmAssign<Self>
+ ModIsReduced<Self>
+ ModAdd<Self, Self, Output = Self>
+ ModAddAssign<Self, Self>
+ ModInverse<Self, Output = Self>
+ ModMul<Self, Self, Output = Self>
+ ModMulAssign<Self, Self>
+ ModMulPrecomputed<Self, Self, Output = Self>
+ ModMulPrecomputedAssign<Self, Self>
+ ModNeg<Self, Output = Self>
+ ModNegAssign<Self>
+ ModPow<u64, Self, Output = Self>
+ ModPowAssign<u64, Self>
+ ModPowerOf2<Output = Self>
+ ModPowerOf2Add<Self, Output = Self>
+ ModPowerOf2AddAssign<Self>
+ ModPowerOf2Inverse<Output = Self>
+ ModPowerOf2IsReduced
+ ModPowerOf2Mul<Self, Output = Self>
+ ModPowerOf2MulAssign<Self>
+ ModPowerOf2Neg<Output = Self>
+ ModPowerOf2NegAssign
+ ModPowerOf2Pow<u64, Output = Self>
+ ModPowerOf2PowAssign<u64>
+ ModPowerOf2Shl<i8, Output = Self>
+ ModPowerOf2Shl<i16, Output = Self>
+ ModPowerOf2Shl<i32, Output = Self>
+ ModPowerOf2Shl<i64, Output = Self>
+ ModPowerOf2Shl<i128, Output = Self>
+ ModPowerOf2Shl<u8, Output = Self>
+ ModPowerOf2Shl<u16, Output = Self>
+ ModPowerOf2Shl<u32, Output = Self>
+ ModPowerOf2Shl<u64, Output = Self>
+ ModPowerOf2Shl<u128, Output = Self>
+ ModPowerOf2ShlAssign<u8>
+ ModPowerOf2ShlAssign<u16>
+ ModPowerOf2ShlAssign<u32>
+ ModPowerOf2ShlAssign<u64>
+ ModPowerOf2ShlAssign<u128>
+ ModPowerOf2ShlAssign<usize>
+ ModPowerOf2ShlAssign<i8>
+ ModPowerOf2ShlAssign<i16>
+ ModPowerOf2ShlAssign<i32>
+ ModPowerOf2ShlAssign<i64>
+ ModPowerOf2ShlAssign<i128>
+ ModPowerOf2ShlAssign<isize>
+ ModPowerOf2Shr<i8, Output = Self>
+ ModPowerOf2Shr<i16, Output = Self>
+ ModPowerOf2Shr<i32, Output = Self>
+ ModPowerOf2Shr<i64, Output = Self>
+ ModPowerOf2Shr<i128, Output = Self>
+ ModPowerOf2ShrAssign<i8>
+ ModPowerOf2ShrAssign<i16>
+ ModPowerOf2ShrAssign<i32>
+ ModPowerOf2ShrAssign<i64>
+ ModPowerOf2ShrAssign<i128>
+ ModPowerOf2ShrAssign<isize>
+ ModPowerOf2Square<Output = Self>
+ ModPowerOf2SquareAssign
+ ModPowerOf2Sub<Self, Output = Self>
+ ModPowerOf2SubAssign<Self>
+ ModPowPrecomputed<u64, Self, Output = Self>
+ ModPowPrecomputedAssign<u64, Self>
+ ModSquare<Self, Output = Self>
+ ModSquareAssign<Self>
+ ModSquarePrecomputed<u64, Self, Output = Self>
+ ModSquarePrecomputedAssign<u64, Self>
+ ModSub<Self, Self, Output = Self>
+ ModSubAssign<Self, Self>
+ Multifactorial
+ NegMod<Self, Output = Self>
+ NegModAssign<Self>
+ NegModPowerOf2<Output = Self>
+ NegModPowerOf2Assign
+ NextPowerOf2<Output = Self>
+ NextPowerOf2Assign
+ PowerOf2Digits<u8>
+ PowerOf2Digits<u16>
+ PowerOf2Digits<u32>
+ PowerOf2Digits<u64>
+ PowerOf2Digits<u128>
+ PowerOf2Digits<usize>
+ PowerOf2DigitIterable<u8>
+ PowerOf2DigitIterable<u16>
+ PowerOf2DigitIterable<u32>
+ PowerOf2DigitIterable<u64>
+ PowerOf2DigitIterable<u128>
+ PowerOf2DigitIterable<usize>
+ Primes<I = PrimesIterator<Self>, LI = PrimesLessThanIterator<Self>>
+ PrimitiveInt
+ Primorial
+ RootRem<u64, RootOutput = Self, RemOutput = Self>
+ RootAssignRem<u64, RemOutput = Self>
+ SciMantissaAndExponent<f32, u64>
+ SciMantissaAndExponent<f64, u64>
+ SqrtRem<SqrtOutput = Self, RemOutput = Self>
+ SqrtAssignRem<RemOutput = Self>
+ Subfactorial
+ VecFromOtherType<u8>
+ VecFromOtherType<u16>
+ VecFromOtherType<u32>
+ VecFromOtherType<u64>
+ VecFromOtherType<u128>
+ VecFromOtherType<usize>
+ VecFromOtherTypeSlice<u8>
+ VecFromOtherTypeSlice<u16>
+ VecFromOtherTypeSlice<u32>
+ VecFromOtherTypeSlice<u64>
+ VecFromOtherTypeSlice<u128>
+ VecFromOtherTypeSlice<usize>
Expand description
Defines functions on primitive unsigned integer types: uxx and usize.
Dyn Compatibility§
This trait is not dyn compatible.
In older versions of Rust, dyn compatibility was called "object safety", so this trait is not object safe.