
pub use crate::config_path::ConfigPath;
pub use crate::value::column_path::ColumnPath;
pub use crate::value::column_path::PathMember;
pub use crate::value::column_path::UnspannedPathMember;
pub use crate::value::dict::Dictionary;
pub use crate::value::dict::TaggedDictBuilder;
pub use crate::value::did_you_mean::did_you_mean;
pub use crate::value::primitive::Primitive;
pub use crate::value::primitive::format_date;
pub use crate::value::primitive::format_duration;
pub use crate::value::primitive::format_primitive;
pub use crate::value::range::Range;
pub use crate::value::range::RangeInclusion;
pub use crate::value::value_structure::ValueResource;
pub use crate::value::value_structure::ValueStructure;
pub use crate::value::merge_descriptors;
pub use crate::value::UntaggedValue;
pub use crate::value::Value;



Outputs to standard error

Outputs to standard out

Outputs to standard out with a newline added


Associated information for the call of a command, including the args passed to the command and a tag that spans the name of the command being called

The set of positional and named arguments, after their values have been evaluated.

A shape representation of the type of a row

The full signature of a command. All commands have a signature similar to a function signature. Commands will use this information to register themselves with Nu’s core engine so that the command can be invoked, help can be displayed, and calls to the command can be error-checked.


The inner set of actions for the command processor. Each denotes a way to change state in the processor without changing it directly from the command itself.

Helper type to allow passing something that may potentially be owned, but could also be borrowed

The types of named parameter that a command can have

The type of positional arguments

The fundamental success type in the pipeline. Commands return these values as their main responsibility

The syntactic shapes that values must match to be passed into a command. You can think of this as the type-checking that occurs when you call a function.

Representation of for the type of a value in Nu


A trait to enable pretty-printing of type information

A trait that allows structures to define a known .type_name() which pretty-prints the type

A trait that allows structures to define a known way to return a spanned type name

Type Definitions

The core Result type for pipelines