Trait objc2_app_kit::NSOutlineViewDataSource

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pub unsafe trait NSOutlineViewDataSource: NSObjectProtocol {
Show 16 methods // Provided methods unsafe fn outlineView_numberOfChildrenOfItem( &self, outline_view: &NSOutlineView, item: Option<&AnyObject> ) -> NSInteger where Self: Sized + Message { ... } unsafe fn outlineView_child_ofItem( &self, outline_view: &NSOutlineView, index: NSInteger, item: Option<&AnyObject> ) -> Retained<AnyObject> where Self: Sized + Message { ... } unsafe fn outlineView_isItemExpandable( &self, outline_view: &NSOutlineView, item: &AnyObject ) -> bool where Self: Sized + Message { ... } unsafe fn outlineView_objectValueForTableColumn_byItem( &self, outline_view: &NSOutlineView, table_column: Option<&NSTableColumn>, item: Option<&AnyObject> ) -> Option<Retained<AnyObject>> where Self: Sized + Message { ... } unsafe fn outlineView_setObjectValue_forTableColumn_byItem( &self, outline_view: &NSOutlineView, object: Option<&AnyObject>, table_column: Option<&NSTableColumn>, item: Option<&AnyObject> ) where Self: Sized + Message { ... } unsafe fn outlineView_itemForPersistentObject( &self, outline_view: &NSOutlineView, object: &AnyObject ) -> Option<Retained<AnyObject>> where Self: Sized + Message { ... } unsafe fn outlineView_persistentObjectForItem( &self, outline_view: &NSOutlineView, item: Option<&AnyObject> ) -> Option<Retained<AnyObject>> where Self: Sized + Message { ... } unsafe fn outlineView_sortDescriptorsDidChange( &self, outline_view: &NSOutlineView, old_descriptors: &NSArray<NSSortDescriptor> ) where Self: Sized + Message { ... } unsafe fn outlineView_pasteboardWriterForItem( &self, outline_view: &NSOutlineView, item: &AnyObject ) -> Option<Retained<ProtocolObject<dyn NSPasteboardWriting>>> where Self: Sized + Message { ... } unsafe fn outlineView_draggingSession_willBeginAtPoint_forItems( &self, outline_view: &NSOutlineView, session: &NSDraggingSession, screen_point: NSPoint, dragged_items: &NSArray ) where Self: Sized + Message { ... } unsafe fn outlineView_draggingSession_endedAtPoint_operation( &self, outline_view: &NSOutlineView, session: &NSDraggingSession, screen_point: NSPoint, operation: NSDragOperation ) where Self: Sized + Message { ... } unsafe fn outlineView_writeItems_toPasteboard( &self, outline_view: &NSOutlineView, items: &NSArray, pasteboard: &NSPasteboard ) -> bool where Self: Sized + Message { ... } unsafe fn outlineView_updateDraggingItemsForDrag( &self, outline_view: &NSOutlineView, dragging_info: &ProtocolObject<dyn NSDraggingInfo> ) where Self: Sized + Message { ... } unsafe fn outlineView_validateDrop_proposedItem_proposedChildIndex( &self, outline_view: &NSOutlineView, info: &ProtocolObject<dyn NSDraggingInfo>, item: Option<&AnyObject>, index: NSInteger ) -> NSDragOperation where Self: Sized + Message { ... } unsafe fn outlineView_acceptDrop_item_childIndex( &self, outline_view: &NSOutlineView, info: &ProtocolObject<dyn NSDraggingInfo>, item: Option<&AnyObject>, index: NSInteger ) -> bool where Self: Sized + Message { ... } unsafe fn outlineView_namesOfPromisedFilesDroppedAtDestination_forDraggedItems( &self, outline_view: &NSOutlineView, drop_destination: &NSURL, items: &NSArray ) -> Retained<NSArray<NSString>> where Self: Sized + Message { ... }
Available on crate feature NSOutlineView only.

Provided Methods§


unsafe fn outlineView_numberOfChildrenOfItem( &self, outline_view: &NSOutlineView, item: Option<&AnyObject> ) -> NSInteger
where Self: Sized + Message,

Available on crate features NSControl and NSResponder and NSTableView and NSView only.

unsafe fn outlineView_child_ofItem( &self, outline_view: &NSOutlineView, index: NSInteger, item: Option<&AnyObject> ) -> Retained<AnyObject>
where Self: Sized + Message,

Available on crate features NSControl and NSResponder and NSTableView and NSView only.

unsafe fn outlineView_isItemExpandable( &self, outline_view: &NSOutlineView, item: &AnyObject ) -> bool
where Self: Sized + Message,

Available on crate features NSControl and NSResponder and NSTableView and NSView only.

unsafe fn outlineView_objectValueForTableColumn_byItem( &self, outline_view: &NSOutlineView, table_column: Option<&NSTableColumn>, item: Option<&AnyObject> ) -> Option<Retained<AnyObject>>
where Self: Sized + Message,

Available on crate features NSControl and NSResponder and NSTableColumn and NSTableView and NSView only.

unsafe fn outlineView_setObjectValue_forTableColumn_byItem( &self, outline_view: &NSOutlineView, object: Option<&AnyObject>, table_column: Option<&NSTableColumn>, item: Option<&AnyObject> )
where Self: Sized + Message,

Available on crate features NSControl and NSResponder and NSTableColumn and NSTableView and NSView only.

unsafe fn outlineView_itemForPersistentObject( &self, outline_view: &NSOutlineView, object: &AnyObject ) -> Option<Retained<AnyObject>>
where Self: Sized + Message,

Available on crate features NSControl and NSResponder and NSTableView and NSView only.

unsafe fn outlineView_persistentObjectForItem( &self, outline_view: &NSOutlineView, item: Option<&AnyObject> ) -> Option<Retained<AnyObject>>
where Self: Sized + Message,

Available on crate features NSControl and NSResponder and NSTableView and NSView only.

unsafe fn outlineView_sortDescriptorsDidChange( &self, outline_view: &NSOutlineView, old_descriptors: &NSArray<NSSortDescriptor> )
where Self: Sized + Message,

Available on crate features NSControl and NSResponder and NSTableView and NSView only.

unsafe fn outlineView_pasteboardWriterForItem( &self, outline_view: &NSOutlineView, item: &AnyObject ) -> Option<Retained<ProtocolObject<dyn NSPasteboardWriting>>>
where Self: Sized + Message,

Available on crate features NSControl and NSPasteboard and NSResponder and NSTableView and NSView only.

unsafe fn outlineView_draggingSession_willBeginAtPoint_forItems( &self, outline_view: &NSOutlineView, session: &NSDraggingSession, screen_point: NSPoint, dragged_items: &NSArray )
where Self: Sized + Message,

Available on crate features NSControl and NSDraggingSession and NSResponder and NSTableView and NSView only.

unsafe fn outlineView_draggingSession_endedAtPoint_operation( &self, outline_view: &NSOutlineView, session: &NSDraggingSession, screen_point: NSPoint, operation: NSDragOperation )
where Self: Sized + Message,

Available on crate features NSControl and NSDragging and NSDraggingSession and NSResponder and NSTableView and NSView only.

unsafe fn outlineView_writeItems_toPasteboard( &self, outline_view: &NSOutlineView, items: &NSArray, pasteboard: &NSPasteboard ) -> bool
where Self: Sized + Message,

👎Deprecated: Use -outlineView:pasteboardWriterForItem: instead
Available on crate features NSControl and NSPasteboard and NSResponder and NSTableView and NSView only.

unsafe fn outlineView_updateDraggingItemsForDrag( &self, outline_view: &NSOutlineView, dragging_info: &ProtocolObject<dyn NSDraggingInfo> )
where Self: Sized + Message,

Available on crate features NSControl and NSDragging and NSResponder and NSTableView and NSView only.

unsafe fn outlineView_validateDrop_proposedItem_proposedChildIndex( &self, outline_view: &NSOutlineView, info: &ProtocolObject<dyn NSDraggingInfo>, item: Option<&AnyObject>, index: NSInteger ) -> NSDragOperation
where Self: Sized + Message,

Available on crate features NSControl and NSDragging and NSResponder and NSTableView and NSView only.

unsafe fn outlineView_acceptDrop_item_childIndex( &self, outline_view: &NSOutlineView, info: &ProtocolObject<dyn NSDraggingInfo>, item: Option<&AnyObject>, index: NSInteger ) -> bool
where Self: Sized + Message,

Available on crate features NSControl and NSDragging and NSResponder and NSTableView and NSView only.

unsafe fn outlineView_namesOfPromisedFilesDroppedAtDestination_forDraggedItems( &self, outline_view: &NSOutlineView, drop_destination: &NSURL, items: &NSArray ) -> Retained<NSArray<NSString>>
where Self: Sized + Message,

👎Deprecated: Use NSFilePromiseReceiver objects instead
Available on crate features NSControl and NSResponder and NSTableView and NSView only.

Trait Implementations§


impl ProtocolType for dyn NSOutlineViewDataSource


const NAME: &'static str = "NSOutlineViewDataSource"

The name of the Objective-C protocol that this type represents.

fn protocol() -> Option<&'static AnyProtocol>

Get a reference to the Objective-C protocol object that this type represents. Read more

impl<T> ImplementedBy<T> for dyn NSOutlineViewDataSource

Implementations on Foreign Types§


impl<T> NSOutlineViewDataSource for ProtocolObject<T>
