Trait objc2_ui_kit::UITableViewDataSource

source ·
pub unsafe trait UITableViewDataSource: NSObjectProtocol + IsMainThreadOnly {
    // Provided methods
    unsafe fn tableView_numberOfRowsInSection(
        table_view: &UITableView,
        section: NSInteger
    ) -> NSInteger
       where Self: Sized + Message { ... }
    unsafe fn tableView_cellForRowAtIndexPath(
        table_view: &UITableView,
        index_path: &NSIndexPath
    ) -> Retained<UITableViewCell>
       where Self: Sized + Message { ... }
    unsafe fn numberOfSectionsInTableView(
        table_view: &UITableView
    ) -> NSInteger
       where Self: Sized + Message { ... }
    unsafe fn tableView_titleForHeaderInSection(
        table_view: &UITableView,
        section: NSInteger
    ) -> Option<Retained<NSString>>
       where Self: Sized + Message { ... }
    unsafe fn tableView_titleForFooterInSection(
        table_view: &UITableView,
        section: NSInteger
    ) -> Option<Retained<NSString>>
       where Self: Sized + Message { ... }
    unsafe fn tableView_canEditRowAtIndexPath(
        table_view: &UITableView,
        index_path: &NSIndexPath
    ) -> bool
       where Self: Sized + Message { ... }
    unsafe fn tableView_canMoveRowAtIndexPath(
        table_view: &UITableView,
        index_path: &NSIndexPath
    ) -> bool
       where Self: Sized + Message { ... }
    unsafe fn sectionIndexTitlesForTableView(
        table_view: &UITableView
    ) -> Option<Retained<NSArray<NSString>>>
       where Self: Sized + Message { ... }
    unsafe fn tableView_sectionForSectionIndexTitle_atIndex(
        table_view: &UITableView,
        title: &NSString,
        index: NSInteger
    ) -> NSInteger
       where Self: Sized + Message { ... }
    unsafe fn tableView_commitEditingStyle_forRowAtIndexPath(
        table_view: &UITableView,
        editing_style: UITableViewCellEditingStyle,
        index_path: &NSIndexPath
       where Self: Sized + Message { ... }
    unsafe fn tableView_moveRowAtIndexPath_toIndexPath(
        table_view: &UITableView,
        source_index_path: &NSIndexPath,
        destination_index_path: &NSIndexPath
       where Self: Sized + Message { ... }
Available on crate feature UITableView only.

Provided Methods§


unsafe fn tableView_numberOfRowsInSection( &self, table_view: &UITableView, section: NSInteger ) -> NSInteger
where Self: Sized + Message,

Available on crate features UIResponder and UIScrollView and UIView only.

unsafe fn tableView_cellForRowAtIndexPath( &self, table_view: &UITableView, index_path: &NSIndexPath ) -> Retained<UITableViewCell>
where Self: Sized + Message,

Available on crate features UIResponder and UIScrollView and UITableViewCell and UIView only.

unsafe fn numberOfSectionsInTableView( &self, table_view: &UITableView ) -> NSInteger
where Self: Sized + Message,

Available on crate features UIResponder and UIScrollView and UIView only.

unsafe fn tableView_titleForHeaderInSection( &self, table_view: &UITableView, section: NSInteger ) -> Option<Retained<NSString>>
where Self: Sized + Message,

Available on crate features UIResponder and UIScrollView and UIView only.

unsafe fn tableView_titleForFooterInSection( &self, table_view: &UITableView, section: NSInteger ) -> Option<Retained<NSString>>
where Self: Sized + Message,

Available on crate features UIResponder and UIScrollView and UIView only.

unsafe fn tableView_canEditRowAtIndexPath( &self, table_view: &UITableView, index_path: &NSIndexPath ) -> bool
where Self: Sized + Message,

Available on crate features UIResponder and UIScrollView and UIView only.

unsafe fn tableView_canMoveRowAtIndexPath( &self, table_view: &UITableView, index_path: &NSIndexPath ) -> bool
where Self: Sized + Message,

Available on crate features UIResponder and UIScrollView and UIView only.

unsafe fn sectionIndexTitlesForTableView( &self, table_view: &UITableView ) -> Option<Retained<NSArray<NSString>>>
where Self: Sized + Message,

Available on crate features UIResponder and UIScrollView and UIView only.

unsafe fn tableView_sectionForSectionIndexTitle_atIndex( &self, table_view: &UITableView, title: &NSString, index: NSInteger ) -> NSInteger
where Self: Sized + Message,

Available on crate features UIResponder and UIScrollView and UIView only.

unsafe fn tableView_commitEditingStyle_forRowAtIndexPath( &self, table_view: &UITableView, editing_style: UITableViewCellEditingStyle, index_path: &NSIndexPath )
where Self: Sized + Message,

Available on crate features UIResponder and UIScrollView and UITableViewCell and UIView only.

unsafe fn tableView_moveRowAtIndexPath_toIndexPath( &self, table_view: &UITableView, source_index_path: &NSIndexPath, destination_index_path: &NSIndexPath )
where Self: Sized + Message,

Available on crate features UIResponder and UIScrollView and UIView only.

Trait Implementations§


impl ProtocolType for dyn UITableViewDataSource


const NAME: &'static str = "UITableViewDataSource"

The name of the Objective-C protocol that this type represents.

fn protocol() -> Option<&'static AnyProtocol>

Get a reference to the Objective-C protocol object that this type represents. Read more

impl<T> ImplementedBy<T> for dyn UITableViewDataSource

Implementations on Foreign Types§


impl<T> UITableViewDataSource for ProtocolObject<T>



impl UITableViewDataSource for UITableViewController

Available on crate features UIResponder and UIViewController and UITableViewController only.

impl<SectionIdentifierType: ?Sized + Message, ItemIdentifierType: ?Sized + Message> UITableViewDataSource for UITableViewDiffableDataSource<SectionIdentifierType, ItemIdentifierType>

Available on crate feature UIDiffableDataSource only.