Trait objc2_ui_kit::UITableViewDelegate

source ·
pub unsafe trait UITableViewDelegate: NSObjectProtocol + UIScrollViewDelegate + IsMainThreadOnly {
Show 53 methods // Provided methods unsafe fn tableView_willDisplayCell_forRowAtIndexPath( &self, table_view: &UITableView, cell: &UITableViewCell, index_path: &NSIndexPath ) where Self: Sized + Message { ... } unsafe fn tableView_willDisplayHeaderView_forSection( &self, table_view: &UITableView, view: &UIView, section: NSInteger ) where Self: Sized + Message { ... } unsafe fn tableView_willDisplayFooterView_forSection( &self, table_view: &UITableView, view: &UIView, section: NSInteger ) where Self: Sized + Message { ... } unsafe fn tableView_didEndDisplayingCell_forRowAtIndexPath( &self, table_view: &UITableView, cell: &UITableViewCell, index_path: &NSIndexPath ) where Self: Sized + Message { ... } unsafe fn tableView_didEndDisplayingHeaderView_forSection( &self, table_view: &UITableView, view: &UIView, section: NSInteger ) where Self: Sized + Message { ... } unsafe fn tableView_didEndDisplayingFooterView_forSection( &self, table_view: &UITableView, view: &UIView, section: NSInteger ) where Self: Sized + Message { ... } unsafe fn tableView_heightForRowAtIndexPath( &self, table_view: &UITableView, index_path: &NSIndexPath ) -> CGFloat where Self: Sized + Message { ... } unsafe fn tableView_heightForHeaderInSection( &self, table_view: &UITableView, section: NSInteger ) -> CGFloat where Self: Sized + Message { ... } unsafe fn tableView_heightForFooterInSection( &self, table_view: &UITableView, section: NSInteger ) -> CGFloat where Self: Sized + Message { ... } unsafe fn tableView_estimatedHeightForRowAtIndexPath( &self, table_view: &UITableView, index_path: &NSIndexPath ) -> CGFloat where Self: Sized + Message { ... } unsafe fn tableView_estimatedHeightForHeaderInSection( &self, table_view: &UITableView, section: NSInteger ) -> CGFloat where Self: Sized + Message { ... } unsafe fn tableView_estimatedHeightForFooterInSection( &self, table_view: &UITableView, section: NSInteger ) -> CGFloat where Self: Sized + Message { ... } unsafe fn tableView_viewForHeaderInSection( &self, table_view: &UITableView, section: NSInteger ) -> Option<Retained<UIView>> where Self: Sized + Message { ... } unsafe fn tableView_viewForFooterInSection( &self, table_view: &UITableView, section: NSInteger ) -> Option<Retained<UIView>> where Self: Sized + Message { ... } unsafe fn tableView_accessoryTypeForRowWithIndexPath( &self, table_view: &UITableView, index_path: &NSIndexPath ) -> UITableViewCellAccessoryType where Self: Sized + Message { ... } unsafe fn tableView_accessoryButtonTappedForRowWithIndexPath( &self, table_view: &UITableView, index_path: &NSIndexPath ) where Self: Sized + Message { ... } unsafe fn tableView_shouldHighlightRowAtIndexPath( &self, table_view: &UITableView, index_path: &NSIndexPath ) -> bool where Self: Sized + Message { ... } unsafe fn tableView_didHighlightRowAtIndexPath( &self, table_view: &UITableView, index_path: &NSIndexPath ) where Self: Sized + Message { ... } unsafe fn tableView_didUnhighlightRowAtIndexPath( &self, table_view: &UITableView, index_path: &NSIndexPath ) where Self: Sized + Message { ... } unsafe fn tableView_willSelectRowAtIndexPath( &self, table_view: &UITableView, index_path: &NSIndexPath ) -> Option<Retained<NSIndexPath>> where Self: Sized + Message { ... } unsafe fn tableView_willDeselectRowAtIndexPath( &self, table_view: &UITableView, index_path: &NSIndexPath ) -> Option<Retained<NSIndexPath>> where Self: Sized + Message { ... } unsafe fn tableView_didSelectRowAtIndexPath( &self, table_view: &UITableView, index_path: &NSIndexPath ) where Self: Sized + Message { ... } unsafe fn tableView_didDeselectRowAtIndexPath( &self, table_view: &UITableView, index_path: &NSIndexPath ) where Self: Sized + Message { ... } unsafe fn tableView_canPerformPrimaryActionForRowAtIndexPath( &self, table_view: &UITableView, index_path: &NSIndexPath ) -> bool where Self: Sized + Message { ... } unsafe fn tableView_performPrimaryActionForRowAtIndexPath( &self, table_view: &UITableView, index_path: &NSIndexPath ) where Self: Sized + Message { ... } unsafe fn tableView_editingStyleForRowAtIndexPath( &self, table_view: &UITableView, index_path: &NSIndexPath ) -> UITableViewCellEditingStyle where Self: Sized + Message { ... } unsafe fn tableView_titleForDeleteConfirmationButtonForRowAtIndexPath( &self, table_view: &UITableView, index_path: &NSIndexPath ) -> Option<Retained<NSString>> where Self: Sized + Message { ... } unsafe fn tableView_editActionsForRowAtIndexPath( &self, table_view: &UITableView, index_path: &NSIndexPath ) -> Option<Retained<NSArray<UITableViewRowAction>>> where Self: Sized + Message { ... } unsafe fn tableView_leadingSwipeActionsConfigurationForRowAtIndexPath( &self, table_view: &UITableView, index_path: &NSIndexPath ) -> Option<Retained<UISwipeActionsConfiguration>> where Self: Sized + Message { ... } unsafe fn tableView_trailingSwipeActionsConfigurationForRowAtIndexPath( &self, table_view: &UITableView, index_path: &NSIndexPath ) -> Option<Retained<UISwipeActionsConfiguration>> where Self: Sized + Message { ... } unsafe fn tableView_shouldIndentWhileEditingRowAtIndexPath( &self, table_view: &UITableView, index_path: &NSIndexPath ) -> bool where Self: Sized + Message { ... } unsafe fn tableView_willBeginEditingRowAtIndexPath( &self, table_view: &UITableView, index_path: &NSIndexPath ) where Self: Sized + Message { ... } unsafe fn tableView_didEndEditingRowAtIndexPath( &self, table_view: &UITableView, index_path: Option<&NSIndexPath> ) where Self: Sized + Message { ... } unsafe fn tableView_targetIndexPathForMoveFromRowAtIndexPath_toProposedIndexPath( &self, table_view: &UITableView, source_index_path: &NSIndexPath, proposed_destination_index_path: &NSIndexPath ) -> Retained<NSIndexPath> where Self: Sized + Message { ... } unsafe fn tableView_indentationLevelForRowAtIndexPath( &self, table_view: &UITableView, index_path: &NSIndexPath ) -> NSInteger where Self: Sized + Message { ... } unsafe fn tableView_shouldShowMenuForRowAtIndexPath( &self, table_view: &UITableView, index_path: &NSIndexPath ) -> bool where Self: Sized + Message { ... } unsafe fn tableView_canPerformAction_forRowAtIndexPath_withSender( &self, table_view: &UITableView, action: Sel, index_path: &NSIndexPath, sender: Option<&AnyObject> ) -> bool where Self: Sized + Message { ... } unsafe fn tableView_performAction_forRowAtIndexPath_withSender( &self, table_view: &UITableView, action: Sel, index_path: &NSIndexPath, sender: Option<&AnyObject> ) where Self: Sized + Message { ... } unsafe fn tableView_canFocusRowAtIndexPath( &self, table_view: &UITableView, index_path: &NSIndexPath ) -> bool where Self: Sized + Message { ... } unsafe fn tableView_shouldUpdateFocusInContext( &self, table_view: &UITableView, context: &UITableViewFocusUpdateContext ) -> bool where Self: Sized + Message { ... } unsafe fn tableView_didUpdateFocusInContext_withAnimationCoordinator( &self, table_view: &UITableView, context: &UITableViewFocusUpdateContext, coordinator: &UIFocusAnimationCoordinator ) where Self: Sized + Message { ... } unsafe fn indexPathForPreferredFocusedViewInTableView( &self, table_view: &UITableView ) -> Option<Retained<NSIndexPath>> where Self: Sized + Message { ... } unsafe fn tableView_selectionFollowsFocusForRowAtIndexPath( &self, table_view: &UITableView, index_path: &NSIndexPath ) -> bool where Self: Sized + Message { ... } unsafe fn tableView_shouldSpringLoadRowAtIndexPath_withContext( &self, table_view: &UITableView, index_path: &NSIndexPath, context: &ProtocolObject<dyn UISpringLoadedInteractionContext> ) -> bool where Self: Sized + Message { ... } unsafe fn tableView_shouldBeginMultipleSelectionInteractionAtIndexPath( &self, table_view: &UITableView, index_path: &NSIndexPath ) -> bool where Self: Sized + Message { ... } unsafe fn tableView_didBeginMultipleSelectionInteractionAtIndexPath( &self, table_view: &UITableView, index_path: &NSIndexPath ) where Self: Sized + Message { ... } unsafe fn tableViewDidEndMultipleSelectionInteraction( &self, table_view: &UITableView ) where Self: Sized + Message { ... } unsafe fn tableView_contextMenuConfigurationForRowAtIndexPath_point( &self, table_view: &UITableView, index_path: &NSIndexPath, point: CGPoint ) -> Option<Retained<UIContextMenuConfiguration>> where Self: Sized + Message { ... } unsafe fn tableView_previewForHighlightingContextMenuWithConfiguration( &self, table_view: &UITableView, configuration: &UIContextMenuConfiguration ) -> Option<Retained<UITargetedPreview>> where Self: Sized + Message { ... } unsafe fn tableView_previewForDismissingContextMenuWithConfiguration( &self, table_view: &UITableView, configuration: &UIContextMenuConfiguration ) -> Option<Retained<UITargetedPreview>> where Self: Sized + Message { ... } unsafe fn tableView_willPerformPreviewActionForMenuWithConfiguration_animator( &self, table_view: &UITableView, configuration: &UIContextMenuConfiguration, animator: &ProtocolObject<dyn UIContextMenuInteractionCommitAnimating> ) where Self: Sized + Message { ... } unsafe fn tableView_willDisplayContextMenuWithConfiguration_animator( &self, table_view: &UITableView, configuration: &UIContextMenuConfiguration, animator: Option<&ProtocolObject<dyn UIContextMenuInteractionAnimating>> ) where Self: Sized + Message { ... } unsafe fn tableView_willEndContextMenuInteractionWithConfiguration_animator( &self, table_view: &UITableView, configuration: &UIContextMenuConfiguration, animator: Option<&ProtocolObject<dyn UIContextMenuInteractionAnimating>> ) where Self: Sized + Message { ... }
Available on crate features UIScrollView and UITableView only.

Provided Methods§


unsafe fn tableView_willDisplayCell_forRowAtIndexPath( &self, table_view: &UITableView, cell: &UITableViewCell, index_path: &NSIndexPath )
where Self: Sized + Message,

Available on crate features UIResponder and UITableViewCell and UIView only.

unsafe fn tableView_willDisplayHeaderView_forSection( &self, table_view: &UITableView, view: &UIView, section: NSInteger )
where Self: Sized + Message,

Available on crate features UIResponder and UIView only.

unsafe fn tableView_willDisplayFooterView_forSection( &self, table_view: &UITableView, view: &UIView, section: NSInteger )
where Self: Sized + Message,

Available on crate features UIResponder and UIView only.

unsafe fn tableView_didEndDisplayingCell_forRowAtIndexPath( &self, table_view: &UITableView, cell: &UITableViewCell, index_path: &NSIndexPath )
where Self: Sized + Message,

Available on crate features UIResponder and UITableViewCell and UIView only.

unsafe fn tableView_didEndDisplayingHeaderView_forSection( &self, table_view: &UITableView, view: &UIView, section: NSInteger )
where Self: Sized + Message,

Available on crate features UIResponder and UIView only.

unsafe fn tableView_didEndDisplayingFooterView_forSection( &self, table_view: &UITableView, view: &UIView, section: NSInteger )
where Self: Sized + Message,

Available on crate features UIResponder and UIView only.

unsafe fn tableView_heightForRowAtIndexPath( &self, table_view: &UITableView, index_path: &NSIndexPath ) -> CGFloat
where Self: Sized + Message,

Available on crate features UIResponder and UIView only.

unsafe fn tableView_heightForHeaderInSection( &self, table_view: &UITableView, section: NSInteger ) -> CGFloat
where Self: Sized + Message,

Available on crate features UIResponder and UIView only.

unsafe fn tableView_heightForFooterInSection( &self, table_view: &UITableView, section: NSInteger ) -> CGFloat
where Self: Sized + Message,

Available on crate features UIResponder and UIView only.

unsafe fn tableView_estimatedHeightForRowAtIndexPath( &self, table_view: &UITableView, index_path: &NSIndexPath ) -> CGFloat
where Self: Sized + Message,

Available on crate features UIResponder and UIView only.

unsafe fn tableView_estimatedHeightForHeaderInSection( &self, table_view: &UITableView, section: NSInteger ) -> CGFloat
where Self: Sized + Message,

Available on crate features UIResponder and UIView only.

unsafe fn tableView_estimatedHeightForFooterInSection( &self, table_view: &UITableView, section: NSInteger ) -> CGFloat
where Self: Sized + Message,

Available on crate features UIResponder and UIView only.

unsafe fn tableView_viewForHeaderInSection( &self, table_view: &UITableView, section: NSInteger ) -> Option<Retained<UIView>>
where Self: Sized + Message,

Available on crate features UIResponder and UIView only.

unsafe fn tableView_viewForFooterInSection( &self, table_view: &UITableView, section: NSInteger ) -> Option<Retained<UIView>>
where Self: Sized + Message,

Available on crate features UIResponder and UIView only.

unsafe fn tableView_accessoryTypeForRowWithIndexPath( &self, table_view: &UITableView, index_path: &NSIndexPath ) -> UITableViewCellAccessoryType
where Self: Sized + Message,

Available on crate features UIResponder and UITableViewCell and UIView only.

unsafe fn tableView_accessoryButtonTappedForRowWithIndexPath( &self, table_view: &UITableView, index_path: &NSIndexPath )
where Self: Sized + Message,

Available on crate features UIResponder and UIView only.

unsafe fn tableView_shouldHighlightRowAtIndexPath( &self, table_view: &UITableView, index_path: &NSIndexPath ) -> bool
where Self: Sized + Message,

Available on crate features UIResponder and UIView only.

unsafe fn tableView_didHighlightRowAtIndexPath( &self, table_view: &UITableView, index_path: &NSIndexPath )
where Self: Sized + Message,

Available on crate features UIResponder and UIView only.

unsafe fn tableView_didUnhighlightRowAtIndexPath( &self, table_view: &UITableView, index_path: &NSIndexPath )
where Self: Sized + Message,

Available on crate features UIResponder and UIView only.

unsafe fn tableView_willSelectRowAtIndexPath( &self, table_view: &UITableView, index_path: &NSIndexPath ) -> Option<Retained<NSIndexPath>>
where Self: Sized + Message,

Available on crate features UIResponder and UIView only.

unsafe fn tableView_willDeselectRowAtIndexPath( &self, table_view: &UITableView, index_path: &NSIndexPath ) -> Option<Retained<NSIndexPath>>
where Self: Sized + Message,

Available on crate features UIResponder and UIView only.

unsafe fn tableView_didSelectRowAtIndexPath( &self, table_view: &UITableView, index_path: &NSIndexPath )
where Self: Sized + Message,

Available on crate features UIResponder and UIView only.

unsafe fn tableView_didDeselectRowAtIndexPath( &self, table_view: &UITableView, index_path: &NSIndexPath )
where Self: Sized + Message,

Available on crate features UIResponder and UIView only.

unsafe fn tableView_canPerformPrimaryActionForRowAtIndexPath( &self, table_view: &UITableView, index_path: &NSIndexPath ) -> bool
where Self: Sized + Message,

Available on crate features UIResponder and UIView only.

unsafe fn tableView_performPrimaryActionForRowAtIndexPath( &self, table_view: &UITableView, index_path: &NSIndexPath )
where Self: Sized + Message,

Available on crate features UIResponder and UIView only.

unsafe fn tableView_editingStyleForRowAtIndexPath( &self, table_view: &UITableView, index_path: &NSIndexPath ) -> UITableViewCellEditingStyle
where Self: Sized + Message,

Available on crate features UIResponder and UITableViewCell and UIView only.

unsafe fn tableView_titleForDeleteConfirmationButtonForRowAtIndexPath( &self, table_view: &UITableView, index_path: &NSIndexPath ) -> Option<Retained<NSString>>
where Self: Sized + Message,

Available on crate features UIResponder and UIView only.

unsafe fn tableView_editActionsForRowAtIndexPath( &self, table_view: &UITableView, index_path: &NSIndexPath ) -> Option<Retained<NSArray<UITableViewRowAction>>>
where Self: Sized + Message,

Available on crate features UIResponder and UIView only.

unsafe fn tableView_leadingSwipeActionsConfigurationForRowAtIndexPath( &self, table_view: &UITableView, index_path: &NSIndexPath ) -> Option<Retained<UISwipeActionsConfiguration>>
where Self: Sized + Message,

Available on crate features UIResponder and UISwipeActionsConfiguration and UIView only.

unsafe fn tableView_trailingSwipeActionsConfigurationForRowAtIndexPath( &self, table_view: &UITableView, index_path: &NSIndexPath ) -> Option<Retained<UISwipeActionsConfiguration>>
where Self: Sized + Message,

Available on crate features UIResponder and UISwipeActionsConfiguration and UIView only.

unsafe fn tableView_shouldIndentWhileEditingRowAtIndexPath( &self, table_view: &UITableView, index_path: &NSIndexPath ) -> bool
where Self: Sized + Message,

Available on crate features UIResponder and UIView only.

unsafe fn tableView_willBeginEditingRowAtIndexPath( &self, table_view: &UITableView, index_path: &NSIndexPath )
where Self: Sized + Message,

Available on crate features UIResponder and UIView only.

unsafe fn tableView_didEndEditingRowAtIndexPath( &self, table_view: &UITableView, index_path: Option<&NSIndexPath> )
where Self: Sized + Message,

Available on crate features UIResponder and UIView only.

unsafe fn tableView_targetIndexPathForMoveFromRowAtIndexPath_toProposedIndexPath( &self, table_view: &UITableView, source_index_path: &NSIndexPath, proposed_destination_index_path: &NSIndexPath ) -> Retained<NSIndexPath>
where Self: Sized + Message,

Available on crate features UIResponder and UIView only.

unsafe fn tableView_indentationLevelForRowAtIndexPath( &self, table_view: &UITableView, index_path: &NSIndexPath ) -> NSInteger
where Self: Sized + Message,

Available on crate features UIResponder and UIView only.

unsafe fn tableView_shouldShowMenuForRowAtIndexPath( &self, table_view: &UITableView, index_path: &NSIndexPath ) -> bool
where Self: Sized + Message,

Available on crate features UIResponder and UIView only.

unsafe fn tableView_canPerformAction_forRowAtIndexPath_withSender( &self, table_view: &UITableView, action: Sel, index_path: &NSIndexPath, sender: Option<&AnyObject> ) -> bool
where Self: Sized + Message,

Available on crate features UIResponder and UIView only.

unsafe fn tableView_performAction_forRowAtIndexPath_withSender( &self, table_view: &UITableView, action: Sel, index_path: &NSIndexPath, sender: Option<&AnyObject> )
where Self: Sized + Message,

Available on crate features UIResponder and UIView only.

unsafe fn tableView_canFocusRowAtIndexPath( &self, table_view: &UITableView, index_path: &NSIndexPath ) -> bool
where Self: Sized + Message,

Available on crate features UIResponder and UIView only.

unsafe fn tableView_shouldUpdateFocusInContext( &self, table_view: &UITableView, context: &UITableViewFocusUpdateContext ) -> bool
where Self: Sized + Message,

Available on crate features UIFocus and UIResponder and UIView only.

unsafe fn tableView_didUpdateFocusInContext_withAnimationCoordinator( &self, table_view: &UITableView, context: &UITableViewFocusUpdateContext, coordinator: &UIFocusAnimationCoordinator )
where Self: Sized + Message,

Available on crate features UIFocus and UIFocusAnimationCoordinator and UIResponder and UIView only.

unsafe fn indexPathForPreferredFocusedViewInTableView( &self, table_view: &UITableView ) -> Option<Retained<NSIndexPath>>
where Self: Sized + Message,

Available on crate features UIResponder and UIView only.

unsafe fn tableView_selectionFollowsFocusForRowAtIndexPath( &self, table_view: &UITableView, index_path: &NSIndexPath ) -> bool
where Self: Sized + Message,

Available on crate features UIResponder and UIView only.

unsafe fn tableView_shouldSpringLoadRowAtIndexPath_withContext( &self, table_view: &UITableView, index_path: &NSIndexPath, context: &ProtocolObject<dyn UISpringLoadedInteractionContext> ) -> bool
where Self: Sized + Message,

Available on crate features UIResponder and UISpringLoadedInteraction and UIView only.

unsafe fn tableView_shouldBeginMultipleSelectionInteractionAtIndexPath( &self, table_view: &UITableView, index_path: &NSIndexPath ) -> bool
where Self: Sized + Message,

Available on crate features UIResponder and UIView only.

unsafe fn tableView_didBeginMultipleSelectionInteractionAtIndexPath( &self, table_view: &UITableView, index_path: &NSIndexPath )
where Self: Sized + Message,

Available on crate features UIResponder and UIView only.

unsafe fn tableViewDidEndMultipleSelectionInteraction( &self, table_view: &UITableView )
where Self: Sized + Message,

Available on crate features UIResponder and UIView only.

unsafe fn tableView_contextMenuConfigurationForRowAtIndexPath_point( &self, table_view: &UITableView, index_path: &NSIndexPath, point: CGPoint ) -> Option<Retained<UIContextMenuConfiguration>>
where Self: Sized + Message,

Available on crate features UIContextMenuConfiguration and UIResponder and UIView only.

unsafe fn tableView_previewForHighlightingContextMenuWithConfiguration( &self, table_view: &UITableView, configuration: &UIContextMenuConfiguration ) -> Option<Retained<UITargetedPreview>>
where Self: Sized + Message,

Available on crate features UIContextMenuConfiguration and UIResponder and UITargetedPreview and UIView only.

unsafe fn tableView_previewForDismissingContextMenuWithConfiguration( &self, table_view: &UITableView, configuration: &UIContextMenuConfiguration ) -> Option<Retained<UITargetedPreview>>
where Self: Sized + Message,

Available on crate features UIContextMenuConfiguration and UIResponder and UITargetedPreview and UIView only.

unsafe fn tableView_willPerformPreviewActionForMenuWithConfiguration_animator( &self, table_view: &UITableView, configuration: &UIContextMenuConfiguration, animator: &ProtocolObject<dyn UIContextMenuInteractionCommitAnimating> )
where Self: Sized + Message,

Available on crate features UIContextMenuConfiguration and UIContextMenuInteraction and UIResponder and UIView only.

unsafe fn tableView_willDisplayContextMenuWithConfiguration_animator( &self, table_view: &UITableView, configuration: &UIContextMenuConfiguration, animator: Option<&ProtocolObject<dyn UIContextMenuInteractionAnimating>> )
where Self: Sized + Message,

Available on crate features UIContextMenuConfiguration and UIContextMenuInteraction and UIResponder and UIView only.

unsafe fn tableView_willEndContextMenuInteractionWithConfiguration_animator( &self, table_view: &UITableView, configuration: &UIContextMenuConfiguration, animator: Option<&ProtocolObject<dyn UIContextMenuInteractionAnimating>> )
where Self: Sized + Message,

Available on crate features UIContextMenuConfiguration and UIContextMenuInteraction and UIResponder and UIView only.

Trait Implementations§


impl ProtocolType for dyn UITableViewDelegate


const NAME: &'static str = "UITableViewDelegate"

The name of the Objective-C protocol that this type represents.

fn protocol() -> Option<&'static AnyProtocol>

Get a reference to the Objective-C protocol object that this type represents. Read more

impl<T> ImplementedBy<T> for dyn UITableViewDelegate

Implementations on Foreign Types§


impl<T> UITableViewDelegate for ProtocolObject<T>



impl UITableViewDelegate for UITableViewController

Available on crate features UIResponder and UIViewController and UITableViewController only.