Trait objc2_ui_kit::UITextViewDelegate

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pub unsafe trait UITextViewDelegate: NSObjectProtocol + UIScrollViewDelegate + IsMainThreadOnly {
Show 18 methods // Provided methods unsafe fn textViewShouldBeginEditing(&self, text_view: &UITextView) -> bool where Self: Sized + Message { ... } unsafe fn textViewShouldEndEditing(&self, text_view: &UITextView) -> bool where Self: Sized + Message { ... } unsafe fn textViewDidBeginEditing(&self, text_view: &UITextView) where Self: Sized + Message { ... } unsafe fn textViewDidEndEditing(&self, text_view: &UITextView) where Self: Sized + Message { ... } unsafe fn textView_shouldChangeTextInRange_replacementText( &self, text_view: &UITextView, range: NSRange, text: &NSString ) -> bool where Self: Sized + Message { ... } unsafe fn textViewDidChange(&self, text_view: &UITextView) where Self: Sized + Message { ... } unsafe fn textViewDidChangeSelection(&self, text_view: &UITextView) where Self: Sized + Message { ... } unsafe fn textView_editMenuForTextInRange_suggestedActions( &self, text_view: &UITextView, range: NSRange, suggested_actions: &NSArray<UIMenuElement> ) -> Option<Retained<UIMenu>> where Self: Sized + Message { ... } unsafe fn textView_willPresentEditMenuWithAnimator( &self, text_view: &UITextView, animator: &ProtocolObject<dyn UIEditMenuInteractionAnimating> ) where Self: Sized + Message { ... } unsafe fn textView_willDismissEditMenuWithAnimator( &self, text_view: &UITextView, animator: &ProtocolObject<dyn UIEditMenuInteractionAnimating> ) where Self: Sized + Message { ... } unsafe fn textView_primaryActionForTextItem_defaultAction( &self, text_view: &UITextView, text_item: &UITextItem, default_action: &UIAction ) -> Option<Retained<UIAction>> where Self: Sized + Message { ... } unsafe fn textView_menuConfigurationForTextItem_defaultMenu( &self, text_view: &UITextView, text_item: &UITextItem, default_menu: &UIMenu ) -> Option<Retained<UITextItemMenuConfiguration>> where Self: Sized + Message { ... } unsafe fn textView_textItemMenuWillDisplayForTextItem_animator( &self, text_view: &UITextView, text_item: &UITextItem, animator: &ProtocolObject<dyn UIContextMenuInteractionAnimating> ) where Self: Sized + Message { ... } unsafe fn textView_textItemMenuWillEndForTextItem_animator( &self, text_view: &UITextView, text_item: &UITextItem, animator: &ProtocolObject<dyn UIContextMenuInteractionAnimating> ) where Self: Sized + Message { ... } unsafe fn textView_shouldInteractWithURL_inRange_interaction( &self, text_view: &UITextView, url: &NSURL, character_range: NSRange, interaction: UITextItemInteraction ) -> bool where Self: Sized + Message { ... } unsafe fn textView_shouldInteractWithTextAttachment_inRange_interaction( &self, text_view: &UITextView, text_attachment: &NSTextAttachment, character_range: NSRange, interaction: UITextItemInteraction ) -> bool where Self: Sized + Message { ... } unsafe fn textView_shouldInteractWithURL_inRange( &self, text_view: &UITextView, url: &NSURL, character_range: NSRange ) -> bool where Self: Sized + Message { ... } unsafe fn textView_shouldInteractWithTextAttachment_inRange( &self, text_view: &UITextView, text_attachment: &NSTextAttachment, character_range: NSRange ) -> bool where Self: Sized + Message { ... }
Available on crate features UIScrollView and UITextView only.

Provided Methods§


unsafe fn textViewShouldBeginEditing(&self, text_view: &UITextView) -> bool
where Self: Sized + Message,

Available on crate features UIResponder and UIView only.

unsafe fn textViewShouldEndEditing(&self, text_view: &UITextView) -> bool
where Self: Sized + Message,

Available on crate features UIResponder and UIView only.

unsafe fn textViewDidBeginEditing(&self, text_view: &UITextView)
where Self: Sized + Message,

Available on crate features UIResponder and UIView only.

unsafe fn textViewDidEndEditing(&self, text_view: &UITextView)
where Self: Sized + Message,

Available on crate features UIResponder and UIView only.

unsafe fn textView_shouldChangeTextInRange_replacementText( &self, text_view: &UITextView, range: NSRange, text: &NSString ) -> bool
where Self: Sized + Message,

Available on crate features UIResponder and UIView only.

unsafe fn textViewDidChange(&self, text_view: &UITextView)
where Self: Sized + Message,

Available on crate features UIResponder and UIView only.

unsafe fn textViewDidChangeSelection(&self, text_view: &UITextView)
where Self: Sized + Message,

Available on crate features UIResponder and UIView only.

unsafe fn textView_editMenuForTextInRange_suggestedActions( &self, text_view: &UITextView, range: NSRange, suggested_actions: &NSArray<UIMenuElement> ) -> Option<Retained<UIMenu>>
where Self: Sized + Message,

Available on crate features UIMenu and UIMenuElement and UIResponder and UIView only.

unsafe fn textView_willPresentEditMenuWithAnimator( &self, text_view: &UITextView, animator: &ProtocolObject<dyn UIEditMenuInteractionAnimating> )
where Self: Sized + Message,

Available on crate features UIEditMenuInteraction and UIResponder and UIView only.

unsafe fn textView_willDismissEditMenuWithAnimator( &self, text_view: &UITextView, animator: &ProtocolObject<dyn UIEditMenuInteractionAnimating> )
where Self: Sized + Message,

Available on crate features UIEditMenuInteraction and UIResponder and UIView only.

unsafe fn textView_primaryActionForTextItem_defaultAction( &self, text_view: &UITextView, text_item: &UITextItem, default_action: &UIAction ) -> Option<Retained<UIAction>>
where Self: Sized + Message,

Available on crate features UIAction and UIMenuElement and UIResponder and UITextItem and UIView only.

unsafe fn textView_menuConfigurationForTextItem_defaultMenu( &self, text_view: &UITextView, text_item: &UITextItem, default_menu: &UIMenu ) -> Option<Retained<UITextItemMenuConfiguration>>
where Self: Sized + Message,

Available on crate features UIMenu and UIMenuElement and UIResponder and UITextItem and UIView only.

unsafe fn textView_textItemMenuWillDisplayForTextItem_animator( &self, text_view: &UITextView, text_item: &UITextItem, animator: &ProtocolObject<dyn UIContextMenuInteractionAnimating> )
where Self: Sized + Message,

Available on crate features UIContextMenuInteraction and UIResponder and UITextItem and UIView only.

unsafe fn textView_textItemMenuWillEndForTextItem_animator( &self, text_view: &UITextView, text_item: &UITextItem, animator: &ProtocolObject<dyn UIContextMenuInteractionAnimating> )
where Self: Sized + Message,

Available on crate features UIContextMenuInteraction and UIResponder and UITextItem and UIView only.

unsafe fn textView_shouldInteractWithURL_inRange_interaction( &self, text_view: &UITextView, url: &NSURL, character_range: NSRange, interaction: UITextItemInteraction ) -> bool
where Self: Sized + Message,

👎Deprecated: Replaced by primaryActionForTextItem: and menuConfigurationForTextItem: for additional customization options.
Available on crate features UIResponder and UITextItemInteraction and UIView only.

unsafe fn textView_shouldInteractWithTextAttachment_inRange_interaction( &self, text_view: &UITextView, text_attachment: &NSTextAttachment, character_range: NSRange, interaction: UITextItemInteraction ) -> bool
where Self: Sized + Message,

👎Deprecated: Replaced by primaryActionForTextItem: and menuConfigurationForTextItem: for additional customization options.
Available on crate features NSTextAttachment and UIResponder and UITextItemInteraction and UIView only.

unsafe fn textView_shouldInteractWithURL_inRange( &self, text_view: &UITextView, url: &NSURL, character_range: NSRange ) -> bool
where Self: Sized + Message,

Available on crate features UIResponder and UIView only.

unsafe fn textView_shouldInteractWithTextAttachment_inRange( &self, text_view: &UITextView, text_attachment: &NSTextAttachment, character_range: NSRange ) -> bool
where Self: Sized + Message,

Available on crate features NSTextAttachment and UIResponder and UIView only.

Trait Implementations§


impl ProtocolType for dyn UITextViewDelegate


const NAME: &'static str = "UITextViewDelegate"

The name of the Objective-C protocol that this type represents.

fn protocol() -> Option<&'static AnyProtocol>

Get a reference to the Objective-C protocol object that this type represents. Read more

impl<T> ImplementedBy<T> for dyn UITextViewDelegate

Implementations on Foreign Types§


impl<T> UITextViewDelegate for ProtocolObject<T>
