pub unsafe trait WKDownloadDelegate: NSObjectProtocol + MainThreadOnly {
// Provided methods
unsafe fn download_decideDestinationUsingResponse_suggestedFilename_completionHandler(
download: &WKDownload,
response: &NSURLResponse,
suggested_filename: &NSString,
completion_handler: &Block<dyn Fn(*mut NSURL)>,
where Self: Sized + Message { ... }
unsafe fn download_willPerformHTTPRedirection_newRequest_decisionHandler(
download: &WKDownload,
response: &NSHTTPURLResponse,
request: &NSURLRequest,
decision_handler: &Block<dyn Fn(WKDownloadRedirectPolicy)>,
where Self: Sized + Message { ... }
unsafe fn download_didReceiveAuthenticationChallenge_completionHandler(
download: &WKDownload,
challenge: &NSURLAuthenticationChallenge,
completion_handler: &Block<dyn Fn(NSURLSessionAuthChallengeDisposition, *mut NSURLCredential)>,
where Self: Sized + Message { ... }
unsafe fn downloadDidFinish(&self, download: &WKDownload)
where Self: Sized + Message { ... }
unsafe fn download_didFailWithError_resumeData(
download: &WKDownload,
error: &NSError,
resume_data: Option<&NSData>,
where Self: Sized + Message { ... }
unsafe fn download_decidePlaceholderPolicy(
download: &WKDownload,
completion_handler: &Block<dyn Fn(WKDownloadPlaceholderPolicy, *mut NSURL)>,
where Self: Sized + Message { ... }
unsafe fn download_didReceivePlaceholderURL_completionHandler(
download: &WKDownload,
url: &NSURL,
completion_handler: &Block<dyn Fn()>,
where Self: Sized + Message { ... }
unsafe fn download_didReceiveFinalURL(
download: &WKDownload,
url: &NSURL,
where Self: Sized + Message { ... }
Available on crate feature
only.Expand description
Provided Methods§
unsafe fn download_decideDestinationUsingResponse_suggestedFilename_completionHandler( &self, download: &WKDownload, response: &NSURLResponse, suggested_filename: &NSString, completion_handler: &Block<dyn Fn(*mut NSURL)>, )
Available on crate features
and block2
only.unsafe fn download_willPerformHTTPRedirection_newRequest_decisionHandler( &self, download: &WKDownload, response: &NSHTTPURLResponse, request: &NSURLRequest, decision_handler: &Block<dyn Fn(WKDownloadRedirectPolicy)>, )
Available on crate features
and block2
only.unsafe fn download_didReceiveAuthenticationChallenge_completionHandler( &self, download: &WKDownload, challenge: &NSURLAuthenticationChallenge, completion_handler: &Block<dyn Fn(NSURLSessionAuthChallengeDisposition, *mut NSURLCredential)>, )
Available on crate features
and block2
only.unsafe fn downloadDidFinish(&self, download: &WKDownload)
Available on crate feature
only.unsafe fn download_didFailWithError_resumeData( &self, download: &WKDownload, error: &NSError, resume_data: Option<&NSData>, )
Available on crate feature
only.unsafe fn download_decidePlaceholderPolicy( &self, download: &WKDownload, completion_handler: &Block<dyn Fn(WKDownloadPlaceholderPolicy, *mut NSURL)>, )
Available on crate features
and block2
only.unsafe fn download_didReceivePlaceholderURL_completionHandler( &self, download: &WKDownload, url: &NSURL, completion_handler: &Block<dyn Fn()>, )
Available on crate features
and block2
only.unsafe fn download_didReceiveFinalURL(&self, download: &WKDownload, url: &NSURL)
Available on crate feature