pub unsafe trait WebFrameLoadDelegate: NSObjectProtocol {
Show 14 methods
// Provided methods
unsafe fn webView_didStartProvisionalLoadForFrame(
sender: Option<&WebView>,
frame: Option<&WebFrame>,
where Self: Sized + Message { ... }
unsafe fn webView_didReceiveServerRedirectForProvisionalLoadForFrame(
sender: Option<&WebView>,
frame: Option<&WebFrame>,
where Self: Sized + Message { ... }
unsafe fn webView_didFailProvisionalLoadWithError_forFrame(
sender: Option<&WebView>,
error: Option<&NSError>,
frame: Option<&WebFrame>,
where Self: Sized + Message { ... }
unsafe fn webView_didCommitLoadForFrame(
sender: Option<&WebView>,
frame: Option<&WebFrame>,
where Self: Sized + Message { ... }
unsafe fn webView_didReceiveTitle_forFrame(
sender: Option<&WebView>,
title: Option<&NSString>,
frame: Option<&WebFrame>,
where Self: Sized + Message { ... }
unsafe fn webView_didReceiveIcon_forFrame(
sender: Option<&WebView>,
image: Option<&NSImage>,
frame: Option<&WebFrame>,
where Self: Sized + Message { ... }
unsafe fn webView_didFinishLoadForFrame(
sender: Option<&WebView>,
frame: Option<&WebFrame>,
where Self: Sized + Message { ... }
unsafe fn webView_didFailLoadWithError_forFrame(
sender: Option<&WebView>,
error: Option<&NSError>,
frame: Option<&WebFrame>,
where Self: Sized + Message { ... }
unsafe fn webView_didChangeLocationWithinPageForFrame(
sender: Option<&WebView>,
frame: Option<&WebFrame>,
where Self: Sized + Message { ... }
unsafe fn webView_willPerformClientRedirectToURL_delay_fireDate_forFrame(
sender: Option<&WebView>,
url: Option<&NSURL>,
seconds: NSTimeInterval,
date: Option<&NSDate>,
frame: Option<&WebFrame>,
where Self: Sized + Message { ... }
unsafe fn webView_didCancelClientRedirectForFrame(
sender: Option<&WebView>,
frame: Option<&WebFrame>,
where Self: Sized + Message { ... }
unsafe fn webView_willCloseFrame(
sender: Option<&WebView>,
frame: Option<&WebFrame>,
where Self: Sized + Message { ... }
unsafe fn webView_didClearWindowObject_forFrame(
web_view: Option<&WebView>,
window_object: Option<&WebScriptObject>,
frame: Option<&WebFrame>,
where Self: Sized + Message { ... }
unsafe fn webView_windowScriptObjectAvailable(
web_view: Option<&WebView>,
window_script_object: Option<&WebScriptObject>,
where Self: Sized + Message { ... }
only.Expand description
A WebView’s WebFrameLoadDelegate tracks the loading progress of its frames. When a data source of a frame starts to load, the data source is considered “provisional”. Once at least one byte is received, the data source is considered “committed”. This is done so the contents of the frame will not be lost if the new data source fails to successfully load.
See also Apple’s documentation
Provided Methods§
Sourceunsafe fn webView_didStartProvisionalLoadForFrame(
sender: Option<&WebView>,
frame: Option<&WebFrame>,
👎DeprecatedAvailable on crate feature WebFrame
and crate feature WebView
and crate feature objc2-app-kit
and macOS only.
unsafe fn webView_didStartProvisionalLoadForFrame( &self, sender: Option<&WebView>, frame: Option<&WebFrame>, )
and crate feature WebView
and crate feature objc2-app-kit
and macOS only.Notifies the delegate that the provisional load of a frame has started
Parameter sender
: The WebView sending the message
Parameter frame
: The frame for which the provisional load has started
This method is called after the provisional data source of a frame has started to load.
Sourceunsafe fn webView_didReceiveServerRedirectForProvisionalLoadForFrame(
sender: Option<&WebView>,
frame: Option<&WebFrame>,
👎DeprecatedAvailable on crate feature WebFrame
and crate feature WebView
and crate feature objc2-app-kit
and macOS only.
unsafe fn webView_didReceiveServerRedirectForProvisionalLoadForFrame( &self, sender: Option<&WebView>, frame: Option<&WebFrame>, )
and crate feature WebView
and crate feature objc2-app-kit
and macOS only.Notifies the delegate that a server redirect occurred during the provisional load
Parameter sender
: The WebView sending the message
Parameter frame
: The frame for which the redirect occurred
Sourceunsafe fn webView_didFailProvisionalLoadWithError_forFrame(
sender: Option<&WebView>,
error: Option<&NSError>,
frame: Option<&WebFrame>,
👎DeprecatedAvailable on crate feature WebFrame
and crate feature WebView
and crate feature objc2-app-kit
and macOS only.
unsafe fn webView_didFailProvisionalLoadWithError_forFrame( &self, sender: Option<&WebView>, error: Option<&NSError>, frame: Option<&WebFrame>, )
and crate feature WebView
and crate feature objc2-app-kit
and macOS only.Notifies the delegate that the provisional load has failed
Parameter sender
: The WebView sending the message
Parameter error
: The error that occurred
Parameter frame
: The frame for which the error occurred
This method is called after the provisional data source has failed to load. The frame will continue to display the contents of the committed data source if there is one.
Sourceunsafe fn webView_didCommitLoadForFrame(
sender: Option<&WebView>,
frame: Option<&WebFrame>,
👎DeprecatedAvailable on crate feature WebFrame
and crate feature WebView
and crate feature objc2-app-kit
and macOS only.
unsafe fn webView_didCommitLoadForFrame( &self, sender: Option<&WebView>, frame: Option<&WebFrame>, )
and crate feature WebView
and crate feature objc2-app-kit
and macOS only.Notifies the delegate that the load has changed from provisional to committed
Parameter sender
: The WebView sending the message
Parameter frame
: The frame for which the load has committed
This method is called after the provisional data source has become the committed data source.
In some cases, a single load may be committed more than once. This happens in the case of multipart/x-mixed-replace, also known as “server push”. In this case, a single location change leads to multiple documents that are loaded in sequence. When this happens, a new commit will be sent for each document.
Sourceunsafe fn webView_didReceiveTitle_forFrame(
sender: Option<&WebView>,
title: Option<&NSString>,
frame: Option<&WebFrame>,
👎DeprecatedAvailable on crate feature WebFrame
and crate feature WebView
and crate feature objc2-app-kit
and macOS only.
unsafe fn webView_didReceiveTitle_forFrame( &self, sender: Option<&WebView>, title: Option<&NSString>, frame: Option<&WebFrame>, )
and crate feature WebView
and crate feature objc2-app-kit
and macOS only.Notifies the delegate that the page title for a frame has been received
Parameter sender
: The WebView sending the message
Parameter title
: The new page title
Parameter frame
: The frame for which the title has been received
The title may update during loading; clients should be prepared for this.
Sourceunsafe fn webView_didReceiveIcon_forFrame(
sender: Option<&WebView>,
image: Option<&NSImage>,
frame: Option<&WebFrame>,
👎DeprecatedAvailable on crate feature WebFrame
and crate feature WebView
and crate feature objc2-app-kit
and macOS only.
unsafe fn webView_didReceiveIcon_forFrame( &self, sender: Option<&WebView>, image: Option<&NSImage>, frame: Option<&WebFrame>, )
and crate feature WebView
and crate feature objc2-app-kit
and macOS only.Notifies the delegate that a page icon image for a frame has been received
Parameter webView
: The WebView sending the message
Parameter image
: The icon image. Also known as a “favicon”.
Parameter frame
: The frame for which a page icon has been received
Sourceunsafe fn webView_didFinishLoadForFrame(
sender: Option<&WebView>,
frame: Option<&WebFrame>,
👎DeprecatedAvailable on crate feature WebFrame
and crate feature WebView
and crate feature objc2-app-kit
and macOS only.
unsafe fn webView_didFinishLoadForFrame( &self, sender: Option<&WebView>, frame: Option<&WebFrame>, )
and crate feature WebView
and crate feature objc2-app-kit
and macOS only.Notifies the delegate that the committed load of a frame has completed
Parameter sender
: The WebView sending the message
Parameter frame
: The frame that finished loading
This method is called after the committed data source of a frame has successfully loaded and will only be called when all subresources such as images and stylesheets are done loading. Plug-In content and JavaScript-requested loads may occur after this method is called.
Sourceunsafe fn webView_didFailLoadWithError_forFrame(
sender: Option<&WebView>,
error: Option<&NSError>,
frame: Option<&WebFrame>,
👎DeprecatedAvailable on crate feature WebFrame
and crate feature WebView
and crate feature objc2-app-kit
and macOS only.
unsafe fn webView_didFailLoadWithError_forFrame( &self, sender: Option<&WebView>, error: Option<&NSError>, frame: Option<&WebFrame>, )
and crate feature WebView
and crate feature objc2-app-kit
and macOS only.Notifies the delegate that the committed load of a frame has failed
Parameter sender
: The WebView sending the message
Parameter error
: The error that occurred
Parameter frame
: The frame that failed to load
This method is called after a data source has committed but failed to completely load.
Sourceunsafe fn webView_didChangeLocationWithinPageForFrame(
sender: Option<&WebView>,
frame: Option<&WebFrame>,
👎DeprecatedAvailable on crate feature WebFrame
and crate feature WebView
and crate feature objc2-app-kit
and macOS only.
unsafe fn webView_didChangeLocationWithinPageForFrame( &self, sender: Option<&WebView>, frame: Option<&WebFrame>, )
and crate feature WebView
and crate feature objc2-app-kit
and macOS only.Notifies the delegate that the scroll position in a frame has changed
Parameter sender
: The WebView sending the message
Parameter frame
: The frame that scrolled
This method is called when anchors within a page have been clicked.
Sourceunsafe fn webView_willPerformClientRedirectToURL_delay_fireDate_forFrame(
sender: Option<&WebView>,
url: Option<&NSURL>,
seconds: NSTimeInterval,
date: Option<&NSDate>,
frame: Option<&WebFrame>,
👎DeprecatedAvailable on crate feature WebFrame
and crate feature WebView
and crate feature objc2-app-kit
and macOS only.
unsafe fn webView_willPerformClientRedirectToURL_delay_fireDate_forFrame( &self, sender: Option<&WebView>, url: Option<&NSURL>, seconds: NSTimeInterval, date: Option<&NSDate>, frame: Option<&WebFrame>, )
and crate feature WebView
and crate feature objc2-app-kit
and macOS only.Notifies the delegate that a frame will perform a client-side redirect
Parameter sender
: The WebView sending the message
Parameter URL
: The URL to be redirected to
Parameter seconds
: Seconds in which the redirect will happen
Parameter date
: The fire date
Parameter frame
: The frame on which the redirect will occur
This method can be used to continue progress feedback while a client-side redirect is pending.
Sourceunsafe fn webView_didCancelClientRedirectForFrame(
sender: Option<&WebView>,
frame: Option<&WebFrame>,
👎DeprecatedAvailable on crate feature WebFrame
and crate feature WebView
and crate feature objc2-app-kit
and macOS only.
unsafe fn webView_didCancelClientRedirectForFrame( &self, sender: Option<&WebView>, frame: Option<&WebFrame>, )
and crate feature WebView
and crate feature objc2-app-kit
and macOS only.Notifies the delegate that a pending client-side redirect has been cancelled
Parameter sender
: The WebView sending the message
Parameter frame
: The frame for which the pending redirect was cancelled
A client-side redirect can be cancelled if a frame changes location before the timeout.
Sourceunsafe fn webView_willCloseFrame(
sender: Option<&WebView>,
frame: Option<&WebFrame>,
👎DeprecatedAvailable on crate feature WebFrame
and crate feature WebView
and crate feature objc2-app-kit
and macOS only.
unsafe fn webView_willCloseFrame( &self, sender: Option<&WebView>, frame: Option<&WebFrame>, )
and crate feature WebView
and crate feature objc2-app-kit
and macOS only.Notifies the delegate that a frame will be closed
Parameter sender
: The WebView sending the message
Parameter frame
: The frame that will be closed
This method is called right before WebKit is done with the frame and the objects that it contains.
Sourceunsafe fn webView_didClearWindowObject_forFrame(
web_view: Option<&WebView>,
window_object: Option<&WebScriptObject>,
frame: Option<&WebFrame>,
👎DeprecatedAvailable on crate feature WebFrame
and crate feature WebScriptObject
and crate feature WebView
and crate feature objc2-app-kit
and macOS only.
unsafe fn webView_didClearWindowObject_forFrame( &self, web_view: Option<&WebView>, window_object: Option<&WebScriptObject>, frame: Option<&WebFrame>, )
and crate feature WebScriptObject
and crate feature WebView
and crate feature objc2-app-kit
and macOS only.Notifies the delegate that the JavaScript window object in a frame has been cleared in preparation for a new load. This is the preferred place to set custom properties on the window object using the WebScriptObject and JavaScriptCore APIs.
Parameter webView
: The webView sending the message.
Parameter windowObject
: The WebScriptObject representing the frame’s JavaScript window object.
Parameter frame
: The WebFrame to which windowObject belongs.
If a delegate implements both webView:didClearWindowObject:forFrame: and webView:windowScriptObjectAvailable:, only webView:didClearWindowObject:forFrame: will be invoked. This enables a delegate to implement both methods for backwards compatibility with older versions of WebKit.
Sourceunsafe fn webView_windowScriptObjectAvailable(
web_view: Option<&WebView>,
window_script_object: Option<&WebScriptObject>,
👎DeprecatedAvailable on crate feature WebScriptObject
and crate feature WebView
and crate feature objc2-app-kit
and macOS only.
unsafe fn webView_windowScriptObjectAvailable( &self, web_view: Option<&WebView>, window_script_object: Option<&WebScriptObject>, )
and crate feature WebView
and crate feature objc2-app-kit
and macOS only.Notifies the delegate that the scripting object for a page is available. This is called before the page is loaded. It may be useful to allow delegates to bind native objects to the window.
Parameter webView
: The webView sending the message.
Parameter windowScriptObject
: The WebScriptObject for the window in the scripting environment.
This method is deprecated. Consider using webView:didClearWindowObject:forFrame: instead.