#[repr(u8)]pub enum KeyCode {
Show 124 variants
Escape = 0,
F1 = 1,
F2 = 2,
F3 = 3,
F4 = 4,
F5 = 5,
F6 = 6,
F7 = 7,
F8 = 8,
F9 = 9,
F10 = 10,
F11 = 11,
F12 = 12,
PrintScreen = 13,
SysRq = 14,
ScrollLock = 15,
PauseBreak = 16,
Oem8 = 17,
Key1 = 18,
Key2 = 19,
Key3 = 20,
Key4 = 21,
Key5 = 22,
Key6 = 23,
Key7 = 24,
Key8 = 25,
Key9 = 26,
Key0 = 27,
OemMinus = 28,
OemPlus = 29,
Backspace = 30,
Insert = 31,
Home = 32,
PageUp = 33,
NumpadLock = 34,
NumpadDivide = 35,
NumpadMultiply = 36,
NumpadSubtract = 37,
Tab = 38,
Q = 39,
W = 40,
E = 41,
R = 42,
T = 43,
Y = 44,
U = 45,
I = 46,
O = 47,
P = 48,
Oem4 = 49,
Oem6 = 50,
Oem5 = 51,
Oem7 = 52,
Delete = 53,
End = 54,
PageDown = 55,
Numpad7 = 56,
Numpad8 = 57,
Numpad9 = 58,
NumpadAdd = 59,
CapsLock = 60,
A = 61,
S = 62,
D = 63,
F = 64,
G = 65,
H = 66,
J = 67,
K = 68,
L = 69,
Oem1 = 70,
Oem3 = 71,
Return = 72,
Numpad4 = 73,
Numpad5 = 74,
Numpad6 = 75,
LShift = 76,
Z = 77,
X = 78,
C = 79,
V = 80,
B = 81,
N = 82,
M = 83,
OemComma = 84,
OemPeriod = 85,
Oem2 = 86,
RShift = 87,
ArrowUp = 88,
Numpad1 = 89,
Numpad2 = 90,
Numpad3 = 91,
NumpadEnter = 92,
LControl = 93,
LWin = 94,
LAlt = 95,
Spacebar = 96,
RAltGr = 97,
RWin = 98,
Apps = 99,
RControl = 100,
ArrowLeft = 101,
ArrowDown = 102,
ArrowRight = 103,
Numpad0 = 104,
NumpadPeriod = 105,
Oem9 = 106,
Oem10 = 107,
Oem11 = 108,
Oem12 = 109,
Oem13 = 110,
PrevTrack = 111,
NextTrack = 112,
Mute = 113,
Calculator = 114,
Play = 115,
Stop = 116,
VolumeDown = 117,
VolumeUp = 118,
WWWHome = 119,
PowerOnTestOk = 120,
TooManyKeys = 121,
RControl2 = 122,
RAlt2 = 123,
Expand description
Keycodes that can be generated by a keyboard.
We use this enum to abstract over Scan Code Set 1 and Scan Code Set 2.
See https://kbdlayout.info/kbduk/shiftstates+virtualkeys/base
Escape = 0
Top Left of the Keyboard
F1 = 1
Function Key F1
F2 = 2
Function Key F2
F3 = 3
Function Key F3
F4 = 4
Function Key F4
F5 = 5
Function Key F5
F6 = 6
Function Key F6
F7 = 7
Function Key F7
F8 = 8
Function Key F8
F9 = 9
Function Key F9
F10 = 10
Function Key F10
F11 = 11
Function Key F11
F12 = 12
Function Key F12
PrintScreen = 13
The Print Screen Key
SysRq = 14
The Sys Req key (you get this keycode with Alt + PrintScreen)
ScrollLock = 15
The Scroll Lock key
PauseBreak = 16
The Pause/Break key
Oem8 = 17
Symbol key to the left of Key1
Key1 = 18
Number Line, Digit 1
Key2 = 19
Number Line, Digit 2
Key3 = 20
Number Line, Digit 3
Key4 = 21
Number Line, Digit 4
Key5 = 22
Number Line, Digit 5
Key6 = 23
Number Line, Digit 6
Key7 = 24
Number Line, Digit 7
Key8 = 25
Number Line, Digit 8
Key9 = 26
Number Line, Digit 9
Key0 = 27
Number Line, Digit 0
OemMinus = 28
US Minus/Underscore Key (right of ‘Key0’)
OemPlus = 29
US Equals/Plus Key (right of ‘OemMinus’)
Backspace = 30
Insert = 31
Top Left of the Extended Block
Home = 32
Top Middle of the Extended Block
PageUp = 33
Top Right of the Extended Block
NumpadLock = 34
The Num Lock key
NumpadDivide = 35
The Numpad Divide (or Slash) key
NumpadMultiply = 36
The Numpad Multiple (or Star) key
NumpadSubtract = 37
The Numpad Subtract (or Minus) key
Tab = 38
The Tab Key
Q = 39
Letters, Top Row #1
W = 40
Letters, Top Row #2
E = 41
Letters, Top Row #3
R = 42
Letters, Top Row #4
T = 43
Letters, Top Row #5
Y = 44
Letters, Top Row #6
U = 45
Letters, Top Row #7
I = 46
Letters, Top Row #8
O = 47
Letters, Top Row #9
P = 48
Letters, Top Row #10
Oem4 = 49
US ANSI Left-Square-Bracket key
Oem6 = 50
US ANSI Right-Square-Bracket key
Oem5 = 51
US ANSI Backslash Key / UK ISO Backslash Key
Oem7 = 52
The UK/ISO Hash/Tilde key (ISO layout only)
Delete = 53
The Delete key - bottom Left of the Extended Block
End = 54
The End key - bottom Middle of the Extended Block
PageDown = 55
The Page Down key - -bottom Right of the Extended Block
Numpad7 = 56
The Numpad 7/Home key
Numpad8 = 57
The Numpad 8/Up Arrow key
Numpad9 = 58
The Numpad 9/Page Up key
NumpadAdd = 59
The Numpad Add/Plus key
CapsLock = 60
Caps Lock
A = 61
Letters, Middle Row #1
S = 62
Letters, Middle Row #2
D = 63
Letters, Middle Row #3
F = 64
Letters, Middle Row #4
G = 65
Letters, Middle Row #5
H = 66
Letters, Middle Row #6
J = 67
Letters, Middle Row #7
K = 68
Letters, Middle Row #8
L = 69
Letters, Middle Row #9
Oem1 = 70
The US ANSI Semicolon/Colon key
Oem3 = 71
The US ANSI Single-Quote/At key
Return = 72
The Return Key
Numpad4 = 73
The Numpad 4/Left Arrow key
Numpad5 = 74
The Numpad 5 Key
Numpad6 = 75
The Numpad 6/Right Arrow key
LShift = 76
Left Shift
Z = 77
Letters, Bottom Row #1
X = 78
Letters, Bottom Row #2
C = 79
Letters, Bottom Row #3
V = 80
Letters, Bottom Row #4
B = 81
Letters, Bottom Row #5
N = 82
Letters, Bottom Row #6
M = 83
Letters, Bottom Row #7
OemComma = 84
OemPeriod = 85
Oem2 = 86
RShift = 87
Right Shift
ArrowUp = 88
The up-arrow in the inverted-T
Numpad1 = 89
Numpad 1/End Key
Numpad2 = 90
Numpad 2/Arrow Down Key
Numpad3 = 91
Numpad 3/Page Down Key
NumpadEnter = 92
Numpad Enter
LControl = 93
The left-hand Control key
LWin = 94
The left-hand ‘Windows’ key
LAlt = 95
The left-hand Alt key
Spacebar = 96
The Space Bar
RAltGr = 97
The right-hand AltGr key
RWin = 98
The right-hand Win key
Apps = 99
The ‘Apps’ key (aka ‘Menu’ or ‘Right-Click’)
RControl = 100
The right-hand Control key
ArrowLeft = 101
The left-arrow in the inverted-T
ArrowDown = 102
The down-arrow in the inverted-T
ArrowRight = 103
The right-arrow in the inverted-T
Numpad0 = 104
The Numpad 0/Insert Key
NumpadPeriod = 105
The Numppad Period/Delete Key
Oem9 = 106
Extra JIS key (0x7B)
Oem10 = 107
Extra JIS key (0x79)
Oem11 = 108
Extra JIS key (0x70)
Oem12 = 109
Extra JIS symbol key (0x73)
Oem13 = 110
Extra JIS symbol key (0x7D)
PrevTrack = 111
Multi-media keys - Previous Track
NextTrack = 112
Multi-media keys - Next Track
Mute = 113
Multi-media keys - Volume Mute Toggle
Calculator = 114
Multi-media keys - Open Calculator
Play = 115
Multi-media keys - Play
Stop = 116
Multi-media keys - Stop
VolumeDown = 117
Multi-media keys - Increase Volume
VolumeUp = 118
Multi-media keys - Decrease Volume
WWWHome = 119
Multi-media keys - Open Browser
PowerOnTestOk = 120
Sent when the keyboard boots
TooManyKeys = 121
Sent by the keyboard when too many keys are pressed
RControl2 = 122
Used as a ‘hidden’ Right Control Key (Pause = RControl2 + Num Lock)
RAlt2 = 123
Used as a ‘hidden’ Right Alt Key (Print Screen = RAlt2 + PrntScr)