Enum pgrx_pg_sys::NodeTag

source ·
pub enum NodeTag {
Show 432 variants T_Invalid = 0, T_IndexInfo = 1, T_ExprContext = 2, T_ProjectionInfo = 3, T_JunkFilter = 4, T_OnConflictSetState = 5, T_ResultRelInfo = 6, T_EState = 7, T_TupleTableSlot = 8, T_Plan = 9, T_Result = 10, T_ProjectSet = 11, T_ModifyTable = 12, T_Append = 13, T_MergeAppend = 14, T_RecursiveUnion = 15, T_BitmapAnd = 16, T_BitmapOr = 17, T_Scan = 18, T_SeqScan = 19, T_SampleScan = 20, T_IndexScan = 21, T_IndexOnlyScan = 22, T_BitmapIndexScan = 23, T_BitmapHeapScan = 24, T_TidScan = 25, T_TidRangeScan = 26, T_SubqueryScan = 27, T_FunctionScan = 28, T_ValuesScan = 29, T_TableFuncScan = 30, T_CteScan = 31, T_NamedTuplestoreScan = 32, T_WorkTableScan = 33, T_ForeignScan = 34, T_CustomScan = 35, T_Join = 36, T_NestLoop = 37, T_MergeJoin = 38, T_HashJoin = 39, T_Material = 40, T_Memoize = 41, T_Sort = 42, T_IncrementalSort = 43, T_Group = 44, T_Agg = 45, T_WindowAgg = 46, T_Unique = 47, T_Gather = 48, T_GatherMerge = 49, T_Hash = 50, T_SetOp = 51, T_LockRows = 52, T_Limit = 53, T_NestLoopParam = 54, T_PlanRowMark = 55, T_PartitionPruneInfo = 56, T_PartitionedRelPruneInfo = 57, T_PartitionPruneStepOp = 58, T_PartitionPruneStepCombine = 59, T_PlanInvalItem = 60, T_PlanState = 61, T_ResultState = 62, T_ProjectSetState = 63, T_ModifyTableState = 64, T_AppendState = 65, T_MergeAppendState = 66, T_RecursiveUnionState = 67, T_BitmapAndState = 68, T_BitmapOrState = 69, T_ScanState = 70, T_SeqScanState = 71, T_SampleScanState = 72, T_IndexScanState = 73, T_IndexOnlyScanState = 74, T_BitmapIndexScanState = 75, T_BitmapHeapScanState = 76, T_TidScanState = 77, T_TidRangeScanState = 78, T_SubqueryScanState = 79, T_FunctionScanState = 80, T_TableFuncScanState = 81, T_ValuesScanState = 82, T_CteScanState = 83, T_NamedTuplestoreScanState = 84, T_WorkTableScanState = 85, T_ForeignScanState = 86, T_CustomScanState = 87, T_JoinState = 88, T_NestLoopState = 89, T_MergeJoinState = 90, T_HashJoinState = 91, T_MaterialState = 92, T_MemoizeState = 93, T_SortState = 94, T_IncrementalSortState = 95, T_GroupState = 96, T_AggState = 97, T_WindowAggState = 98, T_UniqueState = 99, T_GatherState = 100, T_GatherMergeState = 101, T_HashState = 102, T_SetOpState = 103, T_LockRowsState = 104, T_LimitState = 105, T_Alias = 106, T_RangeVar = 107, T_TableFunc = 108, T_Expr = 109, T_Var = 110, T_Const = 111, T_Param = 112, T_Aggref = 113, T_GroupingFunc = 114, T_WindowFunc = 115, T_SubscriptingRef = 116, T_FuncExpr = 117, T_NamedArgExpr = 118, T_OpExpr = 119, T_DistinctExpr = 120, T_NullIfExpr = 121, T_ScalarArrayOpExpr = 122, T_BoolExpr = 123, T_SubLink = 124, T_SubPlan = 125, T_AlternativeSubPlan = 126, T_FieldSelect = 127, T_FieldStore = 128, T_RelabelType = 129, T_CoerceViaIO = 130, T_ArrayCoerceExpr = 131, T_ConvertRowtypeExpr = 132, T_CollateExpr = 133, T_CaseExpr = 134, T_CaseWhen = 135, T_CaseTestExpr = 136, T_ArrayExpr = 137, T_RowExpr = 138, T_RowCompareExpr = 139, T_CoalesceExpr = 140, T_MinMaxExpr = 141, T_SQLValueFunction = 142, T_XmlExpr = 143, T_NullTest = 144, T_BooleanTest = 145, T_CoerceToDomain = 146, T_CoerceToDomainValue = 147, T_SetToDefault = 148, T_CurrentOfExpr = 149, T_NextValueExpr = 150, T_InferenceElem = 151, T_TargetEntry = 152, T_RangeTblRef = 153, T_JoinExpr = 154, T_FromExpr = 155, T_OnConflictExpr = 156, T_IntoClause = 157, T_ExprState = 158, T_WindowFuncExprState = 159, T_SetExprState = 160, T_SubPlanState = 161, T_DomainConstraintState = 162, T_PlannerInfo = 163, T_PlannerGlobal = 164, T_RelOptInfo = 165, T_IndexOptInfo = 166, T_ForeignKeyOptInfo = 167, T_ParamPathInfo = 168, T_Path = 169, T_IndexPath = 170, T_BitmapHeapPath = 171, T_BitmapAndPath = 172, T_BitmapOrPath = 173, T_TidPath = 174, T_TidRangePath = 175, T_SubqueryScanPath = 176, T_ForeignPath = 177, T_CustomPath = 178, T_NestPath = 179, T_MergePath = 180, T_HashPath = 181, T_AppendPath = 182, T_MergeAppendPath = 183, T_GroupResultPath = 184, T_MaterialPath = 185, T_MemoizePath = 186, T_UniquePath = 187, T_GatherPath = 188, T_GatherMergePath = 189, T_ProjectionPath = 190, T_ProjectSetPath = 191, T_SortPath = 192, T_IncrementalSortPath = 193, T_GroupPath = 194, T_UpperUniquePath = 195, T_AggPath = 196, T_GroupingSetsPath = 197, T_MinMaxAggPath = 198, T_WindowAggPath = 199, T_SetOpPath = 200, T_RecursiveUnionPath = 201, T_LockRowsPath = 202, T_ModifyTablePath = 203, T_LimitPath = 204, T_EquivalenceClass = 205, T_EquivalenceMember = 206, T_PathKey = 207, T_PathTarget = 208, T_RestrictInfo = 209, T_IndexClause = 210, T_PlaceHolderVar = 211, T_SpecialJoinInfo = 212, T_AppendRelInfo = 213, T_RowIdentityVarInfo = 214, T_PlaceHolderInfo = 215, T_MinMaxAggInfo = 216, T_PlannerParamItem = 217, T_RollupData = 218, T_GroupingSetData = 219, T_StatisticExtInfo = 220, T_MemoryContext = 221, T_AllocSetContext = 222, T_SlabContext = 223, T_GenerationContext = 224, T_Value = 225, T_Integer = 226, T_Float = 227, T_String = 228, T_BitString = 229, T_Null = 230, T_List = 231, T_IntList = 232, T_OidList = 233, T_ExtensibleNode = 234, T_RawStmt = 235, T_Query = 236, T_PlannedStmt = 237, T_InsertStmt = 238, T_DeleteStmt = 239, T_UpdateStmt = 240, T_SelectStmt = 241, T_ReturnStmt = 242, T_PLAssignStmt = 243, T_AlterTableStmt = 244, T_AlterTableCmd = 245, T_AlterDomainStmt = 246, T_SetOperationStmt = 247, T_GrantStmt = 248, T_GrantRoleStmt = 249, T_AlterDefaultPrivilegesStmt = 250, T_ClosePortalStmt = 251, T_ClusterStmt = 252, T_CopyStmt = 253, T_CreateStmt = 254, T_DefineStmt = 255, T_DropStmt = 256, T_TruncateStmt = 257, T_CommentStmt = 258, T_FetchStmt = 259, T_IndexStmt = 260, T_CreateFunctionStmt = 261, T_AlterFunctionStmt = 262, T_DoStmt = 263, T_RenameStmt = 264, T_RuleStmt = 265, T_NotifyStmt = 266, T_ListenStmt = 267, T_UnlistenStmt = 268, T_TransactionStmt = 269, T_ViewStmt = 270, T_LoadStmt = 271, T_CreateDomainStmt = 272, T_CreatedbStmt = 273, T_DropdbStmt = 274, T_VacuumStmt = 275, T_ExplainStmt = 276, T_CreateTableAsStmt = 277, T_CreateSeqStmt = 278, T_AlterSeqStmt = 279, T_VariableSetStmt = 280, T_VariableShowStmt = 281, T_DiscardStmt = 282, T_CreateTrigStmt = 283, T_CreatePLangStmt = 284, T_CreateRoleStmt = 285, T_AlterRoleStmt = 286, T_DropRoleStmt = 287, T_LockStmt = 288, T_ConstraintsSetStmt = 289, T_ReindexStmt = 290, T_CheckPointStmt = 291, T_CreateSchemaStmt = 292, T_AlterDatabaseStmt = 293, T_AlterDatabaseSetStmt = 294, T_AlterRoleSetStmt = 295, T_CreateConversionStmt = 296, T_CreateCastStmt = 297, T_CreateOpClassStmt = 298, T_CreateOpFamilyStmt = 299, T_AlterOpFamilyStmt = 300, T_PrepareStmt = 301, T_ExecuteStmt = 302, T_DeallocateStmt = 303, T_DeclareCursorStmt = 304, T_CreateTableSpaceStmt = 305, T_DropTableSpaceStmt = 306, T_AlterObjectDependsStmt = 307, T_AlterObjectSchemaStmt = 308, T_AlterOwnerStmt = 309, T_AlterOperatorStmt = 310, T_AlterTypeStmt = 311, T_DropOwnedStmt = 312, T_ReassignOwnedStmt = 313, T_CompositeTypeStmt = 314, T_CreateEnumStmt = 315, T_CreateRangeStmt = 316, T_AlterEnumStmt = 317, T_AlterTSDictionaryStmt = 318, T_AlterTSConfigurationStmt = 319, T_CreateFdwStmt = 320, T_AlterFdwStmt = 321, T_CreateForeignServerStmt = 322, T_AlterForeignServerStmt = 323, T_CreateUserMappingStmt = 324, T_AlterUserMappingStmt = 325, T_DropUserMappingStmt = 326, T_AlterTableSpaceOptionsStmt = 327, T_AlterTableMoveAllStmt = 328, T_SecLabelStmt = 329, T_CreateForeignTableStmt = 330, T_ImportForeignSchemaStmt = 331, T_CreateExtensionStmt = 332, T_AlterExtensionStmt = 333, T_AlterExtensionContentsStmt = 334, T_CreateEventTrigStmt = 335, T_AlterEventTrigStmt = 336, T_RefreshMatViewStmt = 337, T_ReplicaIdentityStmt = 338, T_AlterSystemStmt = 339, T_CreatePolicyStmt = 340, T_AlterPolicyStmt = 341, T_CreateTransformStmt = 342, T_CreateAmStmt = 343, T_CreatePublicationStmt = 344, T_AlterPublicationStmt = 345, T_CreateSubscriptionStmt = 346, T_AlterSubscriptionStmt = 347, T_DropSubscriptionStmt = 348, T_CreateStatsStmt = 349, T_AlterCollationStmt = 350, T_CallStmt = 351, T_AlterStatsStmt = 352, T_A_Expr = 353, T_ColumnRef = 354, T_ParamRef = 355, T_A_Const = 356, T_FuncCall = 357, T_A_Star = 358, T_A_Indices = 359, T_A_Indirection = 360, T_A_ArrayExpr = 361, T_ResTarget = 362, T_MultiAssignRef = 363, T_TypeCast = 364, T_CollateClause = 365, T_SortBy = 366, T_WindowDef = 367, T_RangeSubselect = 368, T_RangeFunction = 369, T_RangeTableSample = 370, T_RangeTableFunc = 371, T_RangeTableFuncCol = 372, T_TypeName = 373, T_ColumnDef = 374, T_IndexElem = 375, T_StatsElem = 376, T_Constraint = 377, T_DefElem = 378, T_RangeTblEntry = 379, T_RangeTblFunction = 380, T_TableSampleClause = 381, T_WithCheckOption = 382, T_SortGroupClause = 383, T_GroupingSet = 384, T_WindowClause = 385, T_ObjectWithArgs = 386, T_AccessPriv = 387, T_CreateOpClassItem = 388, T_TableLikeClause = 389, T_FunctionParameter = 390, T_LockingClause = 391, T_RowMarkClause = 392, T_XmlSerialize = 393, T_WithClause = 394, T_InferClause = 395, T_OnConflictClause = 396, T_CTESearchClause = 397, T_CTECycleClause = 398, T_CommonTableExpr = 399, T_RoleSpec = 400, T_TriggerTransition = 401, T_PartitionElem = 402, T_PartitionSpec = 403, T_PartitionBoundSpec = 404, T_PartitionRangeDatum = 405, T_PartitionCmd = 406, T_VacuumRelation = 407, T_IdentifySystemCmd = 408, T_BaseBackupCmd = 409, T_CreateReplicationSlotCmd = 410, T_DropReplicationSlotCmd = 411, T_StartReplicationCmd = 412, T_TimeLineHistoryCmd = 413, T_SQLCmd = 414, T_TriggerData = 415, T_EventTriggerData = 416, T_ReturnSetInfo = 417, T_WindowObjectData = 418, T_TIDBitmap = 419, T_InlineCodeBlock = 420, T_FdwRoutine = 421, T_IndexAmRoutine = 422, T_TableAmRoutine = 423, T_TsmRoutine = 424, T_ForeignKeyCacheInfo = 425, T_CallContext = 426, T_SupportRequestSimplify = 427, T_SupportRequestSelectivity = 428, T_SupportRequestCost = 429, T_SupportRequestRows = 430, T_SupportRequestIndexCondition = 431,

Variants (Non-exhaustive)§

This enum is marked as non-exhaustive
Non-exhaustive enums could have additional variants added in future. Therefore, when matching against variants of non-exhaustive enums, an extra wildcard arm must be added to account for any future variants.

T_Invalid = 0


T_IndexInfo = 1


T_ExprContext = 2


T_ProjectionInfo = 3


T_JunkFilter = 4


T_OnConflictSetState = 5


T_ResultRelInfo = 6


T_EState = 7


T_TupleTableSlot = 8


T_Plan = 9


T_Result = 10


T_ProjectSet = 11


T_ModifyTable = 12


T_Append = 13


T_MergeAppend = 14


T_RecursiveUnion = 15


T_BitmapAnd = 16


T_BitmapOr = 17


T_Scan = 18


T_SeqScan = 19


T_SampleScan = 20


T_IndexScan = 21


T_IndexOnlyScan = 22


T_BitmapIndexScan = 23


T_BitmapHeapScan = 24


T_TidScan = 25


T_TidRangeScan = 26


T_SubqueryScan = 27


T_FunctionScan = 28


T_ValuesScan = 29


T_TableFuncScan = 30


T_CteScan = 31


T_NamedTuplestoreScan = 32


T_WorkTableScan = 33


T_ForeignScan = 34


T_CustomScan = 35


T_Join = 36


T_NestLoop = 37


T_MergeJoin = 38


T_HashJoin = 39


T_Material = 40


T_Memoize = 41


T_Sort = 42


T_IncrementalSort = 43


T_Group = 44


T_Agg = 45


T_WindowAgg = 46


T_Unique = 47


T_Gather = 48


T_GatherMerge = 49


T_Hash = 50


T_SetOp = 51


T_LockRows = 52


T_Limit = 53


T_NestLoopParam = 54


T_PlanRowMark = 55


T_PartitionPruneInfo = 56


T_PartitionedRelPruneInfo = 57


T_PartitionPruneStepOp = 58


T_PartitionPruneStepCombine = 59


T_PlanInvalItem = 60


T_PlanState = 61


T_ResultState = 62


T_ProjectSetState = 63


T_ModifyTableState = 64


T_AppendState = 65


T_MergeAppendState = 66


T_RecursiveUnionState = 67


T_BitmapAndState = 68


T_BitmapOrState = 69


T_ScanState = 70


T_SeqScanState = 71


T_SampleScanState = 72


T_IndexScanState = 73


T_IndexOnlyScanState = 74


T_BitmapIndexScanState = 75


T_BitmapHeapScanState = 76


T_TidScanState = 77


T_TidRangeScanState = 78


T_SubqueryScanState = 79


T_FunctionScanState = 80


T_TableFuncScanState = 81


T_ValuesScanState = 82


T_CteScanState = 83


T_NamedTuplestoreScanState = 84


T_WorkTableScanState = 85


T_ForeignScanState = 86


T_CustomScanState = 87


T_JoinState = 88


T_NestLoopState = 89


T_MergeJoinState = 90


T_HashJoinState = 91


T_MaterialState = 92


T_MemoizeState = 93


T_SortState = 94


T_IncrementalSortState = 95


T_GroupState = 96


T_AggState = 97


T_WindowAggState = 98


T_UniqueState = 99


T_GatherState = 100


T_GatherMergeState = 101


T_HashState = 102


T_SetOpState = 103


T_LockRowsState = 104


T_LimitState = 105


T_Alias = 106


T_RangeVar = 107


T_TableFunc = 108


T_Expr = 109


T_Var = 110


T_Const = 111


T_Param = 112


T_Aggref = 113


T_GroupingFunc = 114


T_WindowFunc = 115


T_SubscriptingRef = 116


T_FuncExpr = 117


T_NamedArgExpr = 118


T_OpExpr = 119


T_DistinctExpr = 120


T_NullIfExpr = 121


T_ScalarArrayOpExpr = 122


T_BoolExpr = 123


T_SubPlan = 125


T_AlternativeSubPlan = 126


T_FieldSelect = 127


T_FieldStore = 128


T_RelabelType = 129


T_CoerceViaIO = 130


T_ArrayCoerceExpr = 131


T_ConvertRowtypeExpr = 132


T_CollateExpr = 133


T_CaseExpr = 134


T_CaseWhen = 135


T_CaseTestExpr = 136


T_ArrayExpr = 137


T_RowExpr = 138


T_RowCompareExpr = 139


T_CoalesceExpr = 140


T_MinMaxExpr = 141


T_SQLValueFunction = 142


T_XmlExpr = 143


T_NullTest = 144


T_BooleanTest = 145


T_CoerceToDomain = 146


T_CoerceToDomainValue = 147


T_SetToDefault = 148


T_CurrentOfExpr = 149


T_NextValueExpr = 150


T_InferenceElem = 151


T_TargetEntry = 152


T_RangeTblRef = 153


T_JoinExpr = 154


T_FromExpr = 155


T_OnConflictExpr = 156


T_IntoClause = 157


T_ExprState = 158


T_WindowFuncExprState = 159


T_SetExprState = 160


T_SubPlanState = 161


T_DomainConstraintState = 162


T_PlannerInfo = 163


T_PlannerGlobal = 164


T_RelOptInfo = 165


T_IndexOptInfo = 166


T_ForeignKeyOptInfo = 167


T_ParamPathInfo = 168


T_Path = 169


T_IndexPath = 170


T_BitmapHeapPath = 171


T_BitmapAndPath = 172


T_BitmapOrPath = 173


T_TidPath = 174


T_TidRangePath = 175


T_SubqueryScanPath = 176


T_ForeignPath = 177


T_CustomPath = 178


T_NestPath = 179


T_MergePath = 180


T_HashPath = 181


T_AppendPath = 182


T_MergeAppendPath = 183


T_GroupResultPath = 184


T_MaterialPath = 185


T_MemoizePath = 186


T_UniquePath = 187


T_GatherPath = 188


T_GatherMergePath = 189


T_ProjectionPath = 190


T_ProjectSetPath = 191


T_SortPath = 192


T_IncrementalSortPath = 193


T_GroupPath = 194


T_UpperUniquePath = 195


T_AggPath = 196


T_GroupingSetsPath = 197


T_MinMaxAggPath = 198


T_WindowAggPath = 199


T_SetOpPath = 200


T_RecursiveUnionPath = 201


T_LockRowsPath = 202


T_ModifyTablePath = 203


T_LimitPath = 204


T_EquivalenceClass = 205


T_EquivalenceMember = 206


T_PathKey = 207


T_PathTarget = 208


T_RestrictInfo = 209


T_IndexClause = 210


T_PlaceHolderVar = 211


T_SpecialJoinInfo = 212


T_AppendRelInfo = 213


T_RowIdentityVarInfo = 214


T_PlaceHolderInfo = 215


T_MinMaxAggInfo = 216


T_PlannerParamItem = 217


T_RollupData = 218


T_GroupingSetData = 219


T_StatisticExtInfo = 220


T_MemoryContext = 221


T_AllocSetContext = 222


T_SlabContext = 223


T_GenerationContext = 224


T_Value = 225


T_Integer = 226


T_Float = 227


T_String = 228


T_BitString = 229


T_Null = 230


T_List = 231


T_IntList = 232


T_OidList = 233


T_ExtensibleNode = 234


T_RawStmt = 235


T_Query = 236


T_PlannedStmt = 237


T_InsertStmt = 238


T_DeleteStmt = 239


T_UpdateStmt = 240


T_SelectStmt = 241


T_ReturnStmt = 242


T_PLAssignStmt = 243


T_AlterTableStmt = 244


T_AlterTableCmd = 245


T_AlterDomainStmt = 246


T_SetOperationStmt = 247


T_GrantStmt = 248


T_GrantRoleStmt = 249


T_AlterDefaultPrivilegesStmt = 250


T_ClosePortalStmt = 251


T_ClusterStmt = 252


T_CopyStmt = 253


T_CreateStmt = 254


T_DefineStmt = 255


T_DropStmt = 256


T_TruncateStmt = 257


T_CommentStmt = 258


T_FetchStmt = 259


T_IndexStmt = 260


T_CreateFunctionStmt = 261


T_AlterFunctionStmt = 262


T_DoStmt = 263


T_RenameStmt = 264


T_RuleStmt = 265


T_NotifyStmt = 266


T_ListenStmt = 267


T_UnlistenStmt = 268


T_TransactionStmt = 269


T_ViewStmt = 270


T_LoadStmt = 271


T_CreateDomainStmt = 272


T_CreatedbStmt = 273


T_DropdbStmt = 274


T_VacuumStmt = 275


T_ExplainStmt = 276


T_CreateTableAsStmt = 277


T_CreateSeqStmt = 278


T_AlterSeqStmt = 279


T_VariableSetStmt = 280


T_VariableShowStmt = 281


T_DiscardStmt = 282


T_CreateTrigStmt = 283


T_CreatePLangStmt = 284


T_CreateRoleStmt = 285


T_AlterRoleStmt = 286


T_DropRoleStmt = 287


T_LockStmt = 288


T_ConstraintsSetStmt = 289


T_ReindexStmt = 290


T_CheckPointStmt = 291


T_CreateSchemaStmt = 292


T_AlterDatabaseStmt = 293


T_AlterDatabaseSetStmt = 294


T_AlterRoleSetStmt = 295


T_CreateConversionStmt = 296


T_CreateCastStmt = 297


T_CreateOpClassStmt = 298


T_CreateOpFamilyStmt = 299


T_AlterOpFamilyStmt = 300


T_PrepareStmt = 301


T_ExecuteStmt = 302


T_DeallocateStmt = 303


T_DeclareCursorStmt = 304


T_CreateTableSpaceStmt = 305


T_DropTableSpaceStmt = 306


T_AlterObjectDependsStmt = 307


T_AlterObjectSchemaStmt = 308


T_AlterOwnerStmt = 309


T_AlterOperatorStmt = 310


T_AlterTypeStmt = 311


T_DropOwnedStmt = 312


T_ReassignOwnedStmt = 313


T_CompositeTypeStmt = 314


T_CreateEnumStmt = 315


T_CreateRangeStmt = 316


T_AlterEnumStmt = 317


T_AlterTSDictionaryStmt = 318


T_AlterTSConfigurationStmt = 319


T_CreateFdwStmt = 320


T_AlterFdwStmt = 321


T_CreateForeignServerStmt = 322


T_AlterForeignServerStmt = 323


T_CreateUserMappingStmt = 324


T_AlterUserMappingStmt = 325


T_DropUserMappingStmt = 326


T_AlterTableSpaceOptionsStmt = 327


T_AlterTableMoveAllStmt = 328


T_SecLabelStmt = 329


T_CreateForeignTableStmt = 330


T_ImportForeignSchemaStmt = 331


T_CreateExtensionStmt = 332


T_AlterExtensionStmt = 333


T_AlterExtensionContentsStmt = 334


T_CreateEventTrigStmt = 335


T_AlterEventTrigStmt = 336


T_RefreshMatViewStmt = 337


T_ReplicaIdentityStmt = 338


T_AlterSystemStmt = 339


T_CreatePolicyStmt = 340


T_AlterPolicyStmt = 341


T_CreateTransformStmt = 342


T_CreateAmStmt = 343


T_CreatePublicationStmt = 344


T_AlterPublicationStmt = 345


T_CreateSubscriptionStmt = 346


T_AlterSubscriptionStmt = 347


T_DropSubscriptionStmt = 348


T_CreateStatsStmt = 349


T_AlterCollationStmt = 350


T_CallStmt = 351


T_AlterStatsStmt = 352


T_A_Expr = 353


T_ColumnRef = 354


T_ParamRef = 355


T_A_Const = 356


T_FuncCall = 357


T_A_Star = 358


T_A_Indices = 359


T_A_Indirection = 360


T_A_ArrayExpr = 361


T_ResTarget = 362


T_MultiAssignRef = 363


T_TypeCast = 364


T_CollateClause = 365


T_SortBy = 366


T_WindowDef = 367


T_RangeSubselect = 368


T_RangeFunction = 369


T_RangeTableSample = 370


T_RangeTableFunc = 371


T_RangeTableFuncCol = 372


T_TypeName = 373


T_ColumnDef = 374


T_IndexElem = 375


T_StatsElem = 376


T_Constraint = 377


T_DefElem = 378


T_RangeTblEntry = 379


T_RangeTblFunction = 380


T_TableSampleClause = 381


T_WithCheckOption = 382


T_SortGroupClause = 383


T_GroupingSet = 384


T_WindowClause = 385


T_ObjectWithArgs = 386


T_AccessPriv = 387


T_CreateOpClassItem = 388


T_TableLikeClause = 389


T_FunctionParameter = 390


T_LockingClause = 391


T_RowMarkClause = 392


T_XmlSerialize = 393


T_WithClause = 394


T_InferClause = 395


T_OnConflictClause = 396


T_CTESearchClause = 397


T_CTECycleClause = 398


T_CommonTableExpr = 399


T_RoleSpec = 400


T_TriggerTransition = 401


T_PartitionElem = 402


T_PartitionSpec = 403


T_PartitionBoundSpec = 404


T_PartitionRangeDatum = 405


T_PartitionCmd = 406


T_VacuumRelation = 407


T_IdentifySystemCmd = 408


T_BaseBackupCmd = 409


T_CreateReplicationSlotCmd = 410


T_DropReplicationSlotCmd = 411


T_StartReplicationCmd = 412


T_TimeLineHistoryCmd = 413


T_SQLCmd = 414


T_TriggerData = 415


T_EventTriggerData = 416


T_ReturnSetInfo = 417


T_WindowObjectData = 418


T_TIDBitmap = 419


T_InlineCodeBlock = 420


T_FdwRoutine = 421


T_IndexAmRoutine = 422


T_TableAmRoutine = 423


T_TsmRoutine = 424


T_ForeignKeyCacheInfo = 425


T_CallContext = 426


T_SupportRequestSimplify = 427


T_SupportRequestSelectivity = 428


T_SupportRequestCost = 429


T_SupportRequestRows = 430


T_SupportRequestIndexCondition = 431

Trait Implementations§


impl Clone for NodeTag


fn clone(&self) -> NodeTag

Returns a copy of the value. Read more
1.0.0 · source§

fn clone_from(&mut self, source: &Self)

Performs copy-assignment from source. Read more

impl Debug for NodeTag


fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> Result

Formats the value using the given formatter. Read more

impl Hash for NodeTag


fn hash<__H: Hasher>(&self, state: &mut __H)

Feeds this value into the given Hasher. Read more
1.3.0 · source§

fn hash_slice<H>(data: &[Self], state: &mut H)
where H: Hasher, Self: Sized,

Feeds a slice of this type into the given Hasher. Read more

impl PartialEq for NodeTag


fn eq(&self, other: &NodeTag) -> bool

This method tests for self and other values to be equal, and is used by ==.
1.0.0 · source§

fn ne(&self, other: &Rhs) -> bool

This method tests for !=. The default implementation is almost always sufficient, and should not be overridden without very good reason.

impl Copy for NodeTag


impl Eq for NodeTag


impl StructuralPartialEq for NodeTag

Auto Trait Implementations§

Blanket Implementations§


impl<T> Any for T
where T: 'static + ?Sized,


fn type_id(&self) -> TypeId

Gets the TypeId of self. Read more

impl<T> Borrow<T> for T
where T: ?Sized,


fn borrow(&self) -> &T

Immutably borrows from an owned value. Read more

impl<T> BorrowMut<T> for T
where T: ?Sized,


fn borrow_mut(&mut self) -> &mut T

Mutably borrows from an owned value. Read more

impl<Q, K> Equivalent<K> for Q
where Q: Eq + ?Sized, K: Borrow<Q> + ?Sized,


fn equivalent(&self, key: &K) -> bool

Checks if this value is equivalent to the given key. Read more

impl<Q, K> Equivalent<K> for Q
where Q: Eq + ?Sized, K: Borrow<Q> + ?Sized,


fn equivalent(&self, key: &K) -> bool

Compare self to key and return true if they are equal.

impl<T> From<T> for T


fn from(t: T) -> T

Returns the argument unchanged.


impl<T, U> Into<U> for T
where U: From<T>,


fn into(self) -> U

Calls U::from(self).

That is, this conversion is whatever the implementation of From<T> for U chooses to do.


impl<T> ToOwned for T
where T: Clone,


type Owned = T

The resulting type after obtaining ownership.

fn to_owned(&self) -> T

Creates owned data from borrowed data, usually by cloning. Read more

fn clone_into(&self, target: &mut T)

Uses borrowed data to replace owned data, usually by cloning. Read more

impl<T, U> TryFrom<U> for T
where U: Into<T>,


type Error = Infallible

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

fn try_from(value: U) -> Result<T, <T as TryFrom<U>>::Error>

Performs the conversion.

impl<T, U> TryInto<U> for T
where U: TryFrom<T>,


type Error = <U as TryFrom<T>>::Error

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

fn try_into(self) -> Result<U, <U as TryFrom<T>>::Error>

Performs the conversion.