Crate poem_openapi
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OpenAPI support for Poem.
allows you to easily implement APIs that comply with the
specification. It uses procedural macros to generate a lots of
boilerplate code, so that you only need to focus on the more
important business implementations.
Table of contents
- Type safety If your codes can be compiled, then it is fully compliant
with the
OpenAPI v3
specification. - Rustfmt friendly Do not create any DSL that does not conform to Rust’s syntax specifications.
- IDE friendly Any code generated by the procedural macro will not be used directly.
- Minimal overhead All generated code is necessary, and there is almost no overhead.
name = "helloworld"
version = "0.1.0"
edition = "2021"
poem = "1.2"
poem-openapi = { version = "1.2", features = ["swagger-ui"] }
tokio = { version = "1", features = ["macros", "rt-multi-thread"] }
use poem::{listener::TcpListener, Route, Server};
use poem_openapi::{payload::PlainText, OpenApi, OpenApiService};
struct Api;
impl Api {
/// Hello world
#[oai(path = "/", method = "get")]
async fn index(&self) -> PlainText<&'static str> {
PlainText("Hello World")
let api_service =
OpenApiService::new(Api, "Hello World", "1.0").server("http://localhost:3000");
let docs = api_service.swagger_ui();
let app = Route::new().nest("/", api_service).nest("/docs", docs);
Check it
Open your browser at
You will see the plaintext response as:
Hello World
Interactive API docs
Now go to
You will see the automatic interactive API documentation (provided by Swagger UI):
Crate features
To avoid compiling unused dependencies, Poem gates certain features, some of which are disabled by default:
Feature | Description |
chrono | Integrate with the chrono crate. |
swagger-ui | Add swagger UI support |
rapidoc | Add RapiDoc UI support |
redoc | Add Redoc UI support |
Support for email address string | |
hostname | Support for hostname string |
uuid | Integrate with the uuid crate |
url | Integrate with the url crate |
Some certificate types for security scheme.
Some common error types.
Parameter types for the API operation.
Commonly used payload types.
Commonly used data types.
An object representing a external document.
Options for the parameter extractor.
A license information for the exposed API.
An OpenAPI service for Poem.
An object representing a Server.
API extractor types.
Represents a OpenAPI extractor.
Represents a OpenAPI responses object.
Represents a OAuth scopes.
Represents a OpenAPI object.
Represents a OpenAPI response content object.
Represents a OpenAPI tags.
Represents a validator for validate the input value.
Represents a webhook object.
Attribute Macros
Derive Macros
Define a OpenAPI request.
Define a OpenAPI response.
Define a OpenAPI enum
Define a OpenAPI payload.
Define a OAuth scopes.
Define a OpenAPI object
Define a OpenAPI response content.
Define a OpenAPI Security Scheme.
Define a OpenAPI Tags.
Define a OpenAPI discriminator object.