Struct Table

pub struct Table { /* private fields */ }
Expand description

An owned printable table



impl Table


pub fn from_csv_string(csv_s: &str) -> Result<Self>

Create a table from a CSV string

For more customisability use from_csv()

Examples found in repository?
examples/ (lines 19-23)
16fn main() {
17    use prettytable::Table;
19    let table = Table::from_csv_string(
20        "ABC,DEFG,HIJKLMN\n\
21                                        foobar,bar,foo\n\
22                                        foobar2,bar2,foo2",
23    )
24    .unwrap();
25    table.printstd();
27    println!("");
28    println!(
29        "{}",
30        String::from_utf8(table.to_csv(Vec::new()).unwrap().into_inner().unwrap()).unwrap()
31    );

pub fn from_csv_file<P: AsRef<Path>>(csv_p: P) -> Result<Self>

Create a table from a CSV file

For more customisability use from_csv()


pub fn from_csv<R: Read>(reader: &mut Reader<R>) -> Self

Create a table from a CSV reader


pub fn to_csv<W: Write>(&self, w: W) -> Result<Writer<W>>

Write the table to the specified writer.

Examples found in repository?
examples/ (line 30)
16fn main() {
17    use prettytable::Table;
19    let table = Table::from_csv_string(
20        "ABC,DEFG,HIJKLMN\n\
21                                        foobar,bar,foo\n\
22                                        foobar2,bar2,foo2",
23    )
24    .unwrap();
25    table.printstd();
27    println!("");
28    println!(
29        "{}",
30        String::from_utf8(table.to_csv(Vec::new()).unwrap().into_inner().unwrap()).unwrap()
31    );

pub fn to_csv_writer<W: Write>(&self, writer: Writer<W>) -> Result<Writer<W>>

Write the table to the specified writer.

This allows for format customisation.


impl Table


pub fn new() -> Table

Create an empty table

Examples found in repository?
examples/ (line 22)
21fn main() {
22    let mut table = Table::new();
23    table.add_row(row!["ABC", "DEFG", "HIJKLMN"]);
24    table.add_row(row!["foobar", "bar", "foo"]);
25    table.add_row(Row::new(vec![
26        Cell::new("foobar2"),
27        Cell::new("bar2"),
28        Cell::new("foo2"),
29    ]));
30    table.printstd();
31    println!("Modified : ");
32    table.set_element("new_foo", 2, 1).unwrap();
33    table.printstd();
35    // The same table can be built the following way :
36    let _table = table!(
37        ["ABC", "DEFG", "HIJKLMN"],
38        ["foobar", "bar", "foo"],
39        ["foobar2", "bar2", "foo2"]
40    );
42    // Or directly print it like this
43    let _table = ptable!(
44        ["ABC", "DEFG", "HIJKLMN"],
45        ["foobar", "bar", "foo"],
46        ["foobar2", "bar2", "foo2"]
47    );
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examples/ (line 8)
6fn main() {
7    let _ = table!();
8    let mut table = Table::new();
9    // Add style to a cell
10    table.add_row(row![FrByb->"ABC", "DEFG", "HIJKLMN"]);
11    // Add style to a full row
12    table.add_row(row![FY => "styled", "bar", "foo"]);
13    table.add_row(Row::new(vec![
14        Cell::new("foobar2"),
15        // Create a cell with a red foreground color
16        Cell::new("bar2").with_style(Attr::ForegroundColor(color::RED)),
17        // Create a cell with red foreground color, yellow background color, with bold characters
18        Cell::new("foo2").style_spec("FrByb"),
19        // Using the cell! macro
20        cell!(Fr->"red"),
21    ]));
23    table.printstd();
25    // Print a table with some styles on it :
26    // FrBybl means : Foregound red, Background yellow, bold, left align
27    ptable!([FrBybl->"A", "B", FrBybr->"C"], [123, 234, 345, 456], [Fg => 1, 2, 3]);
29    // You can also apply style to full rows :
30    let mut table = table!([Frb => "A", "B", "C"], [1, 2, 3, 4], ["A\nBCCZZZ\nDDD", 2, table]);
31    // Set a title line, with all text centered in the cell
32    table.set_titles(row![c => "Title 1", "Title 2"]);
33    table.printstd();

pub fn init(rows: Vec<Row>) -> Table

Create a table initialized with rows


pub fn set_format(&mut self, format: TableFormat)

Change the table format. Eg : Separators

Examples found in repository?
examples/ (line 15)
3fn main() {
4    let mut table = table!(["Value 1", "Value 2"], ["Value three", "Value four"]);
5    table.set_titles(row!["Title 1", "Title 2"]);
7    // Print
8    // +-------------+------------+
9    // | Title 1     | Title 2    |
10    // +-------------+------------+
11    // | Value 1     | Value 2    |
12    // | Value three | Value four |
13    // +-------------+------------+
14    println!("FORMAT_NO_LINESEP_WITH_TITLE :");
15    table.set_format(*format::consts::FORMAT_NO_LINESEP_WITH_TITLE);
16    table.printstd();
17    println!("");
19    // Print
20    // -------------------------
21    //  Title 1      Title 2
22    // =========================
23    //  Value 1      Value 2
24    // -------------------------
25    //  Value three  Value four
26    // -------------------------
27    println!("FORMAT_NO_COLSEP :");
28    table.set_format(*format::consts::FORMAT_NO_COLSEP);
29    table.printstd();
30    println!("");
32    // Print
33    // +-------------------------+
34    // | Title 1      Title 2    |
35    // +=========================+
36    // | Value 1      Value 2    |
37    // | Value three  Value four |
38    // +-------------------------+
39    println!("FORMAT_BORDERS_ONLY :");
40    table.set_format(*format::consts::FORMAT_BORDERS_ONLY);
41    table.printstd();
42    println!("");
44    // Custom format can be implemented using `prettytable::format::FormatBuilder`
45    // Example to print
46    // +-------------+------------+
47    // | Title 1     | Title 2    |
48    // | Value 1     | Value 2    |
49    // | Value three | Value four |
50    // +-------------+------------+
51    println!("Custom :");
52    table.set_format(
53        format::FormatBuilder::new()
54            .column_separator('|')
55            .borders('|')
56            .separators(
57                &[format::LinePosition::Top, format::LinePosition::Bottom],
58                format::LineSeparator::new('-', '+', '+', '+'),
59            )
60            .padding(1, 1)
61            .build(),
62    );
63    table.printstd();
65    // Customized format with unicode
66    // Example to print
67    // ┌─────────────┬────────────┐
68    // │ Title 1     │ Title 2    │
69    // ├─────────────┼────────────┤
70    // │ Value 1     │ Value 2    │
71    // ├─────────────┼────────────┤
72    // │ Value three │ Value four │
73    // └─────────────┴────────────┘
74    println!("With unicode:");
75    table.set_format(
76        format::FormatBuilder::new()
77            .column_separator('│')
78            .borders('│')
79            .separators(
80                &[format::LinePosition::Top],
81                format::LineSeparator::new('─', '┬', '┌', '┐'),
82            )
83            .separators(
84                &[format::LinePosition::Intern],
85                format::LineSeparator::new('─', '┼', '├', '┤'),
86            )
87            .separators(
88                &[format::LinePosition::Bottom],
89                format::LineSeparator::new('─', '┴', '└', '┘'),
90            )
91            .padding(1, 1)
92            .build(),
93    );
94    table.printstd();
96    // Customized format with unicode and different padding
97    // Example to print
98    // ┌───────────────┬──────────────┐
99    // │  Title 1      │  Title 2     │
100    // ├───────────────┼──────────────┤
101    // │  Value 1      │  Value 2     │
102    // ├───────────────┼──────────────┤
103    // │  Value three  │  Value four  │
104    // └───────────────┴──────────────┘
105    // Change individual format settings
106    println!("With unicode and padding:");
107    table.get_format().padding(2, 2);
108    table.printstd();

pub fn get_format(&mut self) -> &mut TableFormat

Get a mutable reference to the internal format

Examples found in repository?
examples/ (line 107)
3fn main() {
4    let mut table = table!(["Value 1", "Value 2"], ["Value three", "Value four"]);
5    table.set_titles(row!["Title 1", "Title 2"]);
7    // Print
8    // +-------------+------------+
9    // | Title 1     | Title 2    |
10    // +-------------+------------+
11    // | Value 1     | Value 2    |
12    // | Value three | Value four |
13    // +-------------+------------+
14    println!("FORMAT_NO_LINESEP_WITH_TITLE :");
15    table.set_format(*format::consts::FORMAT_NO_LINESEP_WITH_TITLE);
16    table.printstd();
17    println!("");
19    // Print
20    // -------------------------
21    //  Title 1      Title 2
22    // =========================
23    //  Value 1      Value 2
24    // -------------------------
25    //  Value three  Value four
26    // -------------------------
27    println!("FORMAT_NO_COLSEP :");
28    table.set_format(*format::consts::FORMAT_NO_COLSEP);
29    table.printstd();
30    println!("");
32    // Print
33    // +-------------------------+
34    // | Title 1      Title 2    |
35    // +=========================+
36    // | Value 1      Value 2    |
37    // | Value three  Value four |
38    // +-------------------------+
39    println!("FORMAT_BORDERS_ONLY :");
40    table.set_format(*format::consts::FORMAT_BORDERS_ONLY);
41    table.printstd();
42    println!("");
44    // Custom format can be implemented using `prettytable::format::FormatBuilder`
45    // Example to print
46    // +-------------+------------+
47    // | Title 1     | Title 2    |
48    // | Value 1     | Value 2    |
49    // | Value three | Value four |
50    // +-------------+------------+
51    println!("Custom :");
52    table.set_format(
53        format::FormatBuilder::new()
54            .column_separator('|')
55            .borders('|')
56            .separators(
57                &[format::LinePosition::Top, format::LinePosition::Bottom],
58                format::LineSeparator::new('-', '+', '+', '+'),
59            )
60            .padding(1, 1)
61            .build(),
62    );
63    table.printstd();
65    // Customized format with unicode
66    // Example to print
67    // ┌─────────────┬────────────┐
68    // │ Title 1     │ Title 2    │
69    // ├─────────────┼────────────┤
70    // │ Value 1     │ Value 2    │
71    // ├─────────────┼────────────┤
72    // │ Value three │ Value four │
73    // └─────────────┴────────────┘
74    println!("With unicode:");
75    table.set_format(
76        format::FormatBuilder::new()
77            .column_separator('│')
78            .borders('│')
79            .separators(
80                &[format::LinePosition::Top],
81                format::LineSeparator::new('─', '┬', '┌', '┐'),
82            )
83            .separators(
84                &[format::LinePosition::Intern],
85                format::LineSeparator::new('─', '┼', '├', '┤'),
86            )
87            .separators(
88                &[format::LinePosition::Bottom],
89                format::LineSeparator::new('─', '┴', '└', '┘'),
90            )
91            .padding(1, 1)
92            .build(),
93    );
94    table.printstd();
96    // Customized format with unicode and different padding
97    // Example to print
98    // ┌───────────────┬──────────────┐
99    // │  Title 1      │  Title 2     │
100    // ├───────────────┼──────────────┤
101    // │  Value 1      │  Value 2     │
102    // ├───────────────┼──────────────┤
103    // │  Value three  │  Value four  │
104    // └───────────────┴──────────────┘
105    // Change individual format settings
106    println!("With unicode and padding:");
107    table.get_format().padding(2, 2);
108    table.printstd();

pub fn len(&self) -> usize

Get the number of rows


pub fn is_empty(&self) -> bool

Check if the table is empty


pub fn set_titles(&mut self, titles: Row)

Set the optional title lines

Examples found in repository?
examples/ (line 12)
3fn main() {
4    let mut table = table![
5        [0, 0, 0],
6        [1, 1, 1],
7        [2, 2, 2],
8        [3, 3, 3],
9        [4, 4, 4],
10        [5, 5, 5]
11    ];
12    table.set_titles(row!["t1", "t2", "t3"]);
14    let slice = table.slice(..);
15    let slice = slice.slice(2..);
16    let slice = slice.slice(..3);
18    /*
19        Will print
20        +----+----+----+
21        | t1 | t2 | t3 |
22        +====+====+====+
23        | 2  | 2  | 2  |
24        +----+----+----+
25        | 3  | 3  | 3  |
26        +----+----+----+
27        | 4  | 4  | 4  |
28        +----+----+----+
29    */
30    slice.printstd();
32    // This is equivalent to
33    let slice = table.slice(2..5);
34    slice.printstd();
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examples/ (lines 23-27)
3fn main() {
4    /*
5        The following code will output
7        +---------------+---------------+--------------+
8        |         A table with horizontal span         |
9        +===============+===============+==============+
10        | This is a cell with span of 2 | span of 1    |
11        +---------------+---------------+--------------+
12        | span of 1     | span of 1     | span of 1    |
13        +---------------+---------------+--------------+
14        |    This cell with a span of 3 is centered    |
15        +---------------+---------------+--------------+
16    */
18    let mut table: prettytable::Table = table![
19    [H2 -> "This is a cell with span of 2", "span of 1"],
20    ["span of 1", "span of 1", "span of 1"],
21    [H03c -> "This cell with a span of 3 is centered"]
22    ];
23    table.set_titles(Row::new(vec![Cell::new_align(
24        "A table with horizontal span",
25        Alignment::CENTER,
26    )
27    .with_hspan(3)]));
28    table.printstd();
examples/ (line 32)
6fn main() {
7    let _ = table!();
8    let mut table = Table::new();
9    // Add style to a cell
10    table.add_row(row![FrByb->"ABC", "DEFG", "HIJKLMN"]);
11    // Add style to a full row
12    table.add_row(row![FY => "styled", "bar", "foo"]);
13    table.add_row(Row::new(vec![
14        Cell::new("foobar2"),
15        // Create a cell with a red foreground color
16        Cell::new("bar2").with_style(Attr::ForegroundColor(color::RED)),
17        // Create a cell with red foreground color, yellow background color, with bold characters
18        Cell::new("foo2").style_spec("FrByb"),
19        // Using the cell! macro
20        cell!(Fr->"red"),
21    ]));
23    table.printstd();
25    // Print a table with some styles on it :
26    // FrBybl means : Foregound red, Background yellow, bold, left align
27    ptable!([FrBybl->"A", "B", FrBybr->"C"], [123, 234, 345, 456], [Fg => 1, 2, 3]);
29    // You can also apply style to full rows :
30    let mut table = table!([Frb => "A", "B", "C"], [1, 2, 3, 4], ["A\nBCCZZZ\nDDD", 2, table]);
31    // Set a title line, with all text centered in the cell
32    table.set_titles(row![c => "Title 1", "Title 2"]);
33    table.printstd();
examples/ (line 5)
3fn main() {
4    let mut table = table!(["Value 1", "Value 2"], ["Value three", "Value four"]);
5    table.set_titles(row!["Title 1", "Title 2"]);
7    // Print
8    // +-------------+------------+
9    // | Title 1     | Title 2    |
10    // +-------------+------------+
11    // | Value 1     | Value 2    |
12    // | Value three | Value four |
13    // +-------------+------------+
14    println!("FORMAT_NO_LINESEP_WITH_TITLE :");
15    table.set_format(*format::consts::FORMAT_NO_LINESEP_WITH_TITLE);
16    table.printstd();
17    println!("");
19    // Print
20    // -------------------------
21    //  Title 1      Title 2
22    // =========================
23    //  Value 1      Value 2
24    // -------------------------
25    //  Value three  Value four
26    // -------------------------
27    println!("FORMAT_NO_COLSEP :");
28    table.set_format(*format::consts::FORMAT_NO_COLSEP);
29    table.printstd();
30    println!("");
32    // Print
33    // +-------------------------+
34    // | Title 1      Title 2    |
35    // +=========================+
36    // | Value 1      Value 2    |
37    // | Value three  Value four |
38    // +-------------------------+
39    println!("FORMAT_BORDERS_ONLY :");
40    table.set_format(*format::consts::FORMAT_BORDERS_ONLY);
41    table.printstd();
42    println!("");
44    // Custom format can be implemented using `prettytable::format::FormatBuilder`
45    // Example to print
46    // +-------------+------------+
47    // | Title 1     | Title 2    |
48    // | Value 1     | Value 2    |
49    // | Value three | Value four |
50    // +-------------+------------+
51    println!("Custom :");
52    table.set_format(
53        format::FormatBuilder::new()
54            .column_separator('|')
55            .borders('|')
56            .separators(
57                &[format::LinePosition::Top, format::LinePosition::Bottom],
58                format::LineSeparator::new('-', '+', '+', '+'),
59            )
60            .padding(1, 1)
61            .build(),
62    );
63    table.printstd();
65    // Customized format with unicode
66    // Example to print
67    // ┌─────────────┬────────────┐
68    // │ Title 1     │ Title 2    │
69    // ├─────────────┼────────────┤
70    // │ Value 1     │ Value 2    │
71    // ├─────────────┼────────────┤
72    // │ Value three │ Value four │
73    // └─────────────┴────────────┘
74    println!("With unicode:");
75    table.set_format(
76        format::FormatBuilder::new()
77            .column_separator('│')
78            .borders('│')
79            .separators(
80                &[format::LinePosition::Top],
81                format::LineSeparator::new('─', '┬', '┌', '┐'),
82            )
83            .separators(
84                &[format::LinePosition::Intern],
85                format::LineSeparator::new('─', '┼', '├', '┤'),
86            )
87            .separators(
88                &[format::LinePosition::Bottom],
89                format::LineSeparator::new('─', '┴', '└', '┘'),
90            )
91            .padding(1, 1)
92            .build(),
93    );
94    table.printstd();
96    // Customized format with unicode and different padding
97    // Example to print
98    // ┌───────────────┬──────────────┐
99    // │  Title 1      │  Title 2     │
100    // ├───────────────┼──────────────┤
101    // │  Value 1      │  Value 2     │
102    // ├───────────────┼──────────────┤
103    // │  Value three  │  Value four  │
104    // └───────────────┴──────────────┘
105    // Change individual format settings
106    println!("With unicode and padding:");
107    table.get_format().padding(2, 2);
108    table.printstd();

pub fn unset_titles(&mut self)

Unset the title line


pub fn get_mut_row(&mut self, row: usize) -> Option<&mut Row>

Get a mutable reference to a row

Examples found in repository?
examples/ (line 44)
11fn main() {
12    let mut table = table![
13        [EMPTY, EMPTY, EMPTY],
14        [EMPTY, EMPTY, EMPTY],
15        [EMPTY, EMPTY, EMPTY]
16    ];
17    let mut height = table.print_tty(false).unwrap();
18    let stdin = io::stdin();
19    let mut stdout = io::stdout();
20    let mut current = CROSS;
21    let mut terminal = term::stdout().unwrap();
22    loop {
23        let mut line = String::new();
24        print!("{} plays > ", current);
25        height += 1;
26        stdout.flush().unwrap();
27        stdin.read_line(&mut line).expect("Cannot read input");
28        let i = match usize::from_str(line.trim()) {
29            Ok(i) => i,
30            _ => {
31                println!("Bad input");
32                height += 1;
33                continue;
34            }
35        };
36        if i < 1 || i > 9 {
37            println!("Bad input, should be between 1 and 9");
38            height += 1;
39            continue;
40        }
41        let x = (i - 1) % 3;
42        let y = (i - 1) / 3;
43        {
44            let row = table.get_mut_row(y).unwrap();
45            if row.get_cell(x).unwrap().to_string() != EMPTY {
46                println!("There's already someone there");
47                height += 1;
48                continue;
49            }
50            row.set_cell(cell!(current), x).unwrap();
51        }
52        for _ in 0..height {
53            terminal.cursor_up().unwrap();
54            terminal.delete_line().unwrap();
55        }
56        height = table.print_tty(false).unwrap();
57        if check(&table) {
58            return;
59        }
60        if current == CROSS {
61            current = ROUND;
62        } else {
63            current = CROSS;
64        }
65    }

pub fn get_row(&self, row: usize) -> Option<&Row>

Get an immutable reference to a row

Examples found in repository?
examples/ (line 69)
68fn get(table: &Table, x: usize, y: usize) -> String {
69    match table.get_row(y) {
70        Some(r) => match r.get_cell(x) {
71            Some(c) => c.to_string(),
72            _ => EMPTY.to_string(),
73        },
74        _ => EMPTY.to_string(),
75    }

pub fn add_row(&mut self, row: Row) -> &mut Row

Append a row in the table, transferring ownership of this row to the table and returning a mutable reference to the row

Examples found in repository?
examples/ (line 23)
21fn main() {
22    let mut table = Table::new();
23    table.add_row(row!["ABC", "DEFG", "HIJKLMN"]);
24    table.add_row(row!["foobar", "bar", "foo"]);
25    table.add_row(Row::new(vec![
26        Cell::new("foobar2"),
27        Cell::new("bar2"),
28        Cell::new("foo2"),
29    ]));
30    table.printstd();
31    println!("Modified : ");
32    table.set_element("new_foo", 2, 1).unwrap();
33    table.printstd();
35    // The same table can be built the following way :
36    let _table = table!(
37        ["ABC", "DEFG", "HIJKLMN"],
38        ["foobar", "bar", "foo"],
39        ["foobar2", "bar2", "foo2"]
40    );
42    // Or directly print it like this
43    let _table = ptable!(
44        ["ABC", "DEFG", "HIJKLMN"],
45        ["foobar", "bar", "foo"],
46        ["foobar2", "bar2", "foo2"]
47    );
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examples/ (line 10)
6fn main() {
7    let _ = table!();
8    let mut table = Table::new();
9    // Add style to a cell
10    table.add_row(row![FrByb->"ABC", "DEFG", "HIJKLMN"]);
11    // Add style to a full row
12    table.add_row(row![FY => "styled", "bar", "foo"]);
13    table.add_row(Row::new(vec![
14        Cell::new("foobar2"),
15        // Create a cell with a red foreground color
16        Cell::new("bar2").with_style(Attr::ForegroundColor(color::RED)),
17        // Create a cell with red foreground color, yellow background color, with bold characters
18        Cell::new("foo2").style_spec("FrByb"),
19        // Using the cell! macro
20        cell!(Fr->"red"),
21    ]));
23    table.printstd();
25    // Print a table with some styles on it :
26    // FrBybl means : Foregound red, Background yellow, bold, left align
27    ptable!([FrBybl->"A", "B", FrBybr->"C"], [123, 234, 345, 456], [Fg => 1, 2, 3]);
29    // You can also apply style to full rows :
30    let mut table = table!([Frb => "A", "B", "C"], [1, 2, 3, 4], ["A\nBCCZZZ\nDDD", 2, table]);
31    // Set a title line, with all text centered in the cell
32    table.set_titles(row![c => "Title 1", "Title 2"]);
33    table.printstd();

pub fn add_empty_row(&mut self) -> &mut Row

Append an empty row in the table. Return a mutable reference to this new row.


pub fn insert_row(&mut self, index: usize, row: Row) -> &mut Row

Insert row at the position index, and return a mutable reference to this row. If index is higher than current numbers of rows, row is appended at the end of the table


pub fn set_element( &mut self, element: &str, column: usize, row: usize, ) -> Result<(), &str>

Modify a single element in the table

Examples found in repository?
examples/ (line 32)
21fn main() {
22    let mut table = Table::new();
23    table.add_row(row!["ABC", "DEFG", "HIJKLMN"]);
24    table.add_row(row!["foobar", "bar", "foo"]);
25    table.add_row(Row::new(vec![
26        Cell::new("foobar2"),
27        Cell::new("bar2"),
28        Cell::new("foo2"),
29    ]));
30    table.printstd();
31    println!("Modified : ");
32    table.set_element("new_foo", 2, 1).unwrap();
33    table.printstd();
35    // The same table can be built the following way :
36    let _table = table!(
37        ["ABC", "DEFG", "HIJKLMN"],
38        ["foobar", "bar", "foo"],
39        ["foobar2", "bar2", "foo2"]
40    );
42    // Or directly print it like this
43    let _table = ptable!(
44        ["ABC", "DEFG", "HIJKLMN"],
45        ["foobar", "bar", "foo"],
46        ["foobar2", "bar2", "foo2"]
47    );

pub fn remove_row(&mut self, index: usize)

Remove the row at position index. Silently skip if the row does not exist


pub fn column_iter(&self, column: usize) -> ColumnIter<'_>

Return an iterator over the immutable cells of the column specified by column


pub fn column_iter_mut(&mut self, column: usize) -> ColumnIterMut<'_>

Return an iterator over the mutable cells of the column specified by column


pub fn row_iter(&self) -> Iter<'_, Row>

Returns an iterator over immutable rows


pub fn row_iter_mut(&mut self) -> IterMut<'_, Row>

Returns an iterator over mutable rows


pub fn print<T: Write + ?Sized>(&self, out: &mut T) -> Result<usize, Error>

Print the table to out and returns the number of lines printed, or an error


pub fn print_term<T: Terminal + ?Sized>( &self, out: &mut T, ) -> Result<usize, Error>

Print the table to terminal out, applying styles when needed and returns the number of lines printed, or an error


pub fn print_tty(&self, force_colorize: bool) -> Result<usize, Error>

Print the table to standard output. Colors won’t be displayed unless stdout is a tty terminal, or force_colorize is set to true. In ANSI terminals, colors are displayed using ANSI escape characters. When for example the output is redirected to a file, or piped to another program, the output is considered as not beeing tty, and ANSI escape characters won’t be displayed unless force colorize is set to true.


A Result holding the number of lines printed, or an io::Error if any failure happens

Examples found in repository?
examples/ (line 17)
11fn main() {
12    let mut table = table![
13        [EMPTY, EMPTY, EMPTY],
14        [EMPTY, EMPTY, EMPTY],
15        [EMPTY, EMPTY, EMPTY]
16    ];
17    let mut height = table.print_tty(false).unwrap();
18    let stdin = io::stdin();
19    let mut stdout = io::stdout();
20    let mut current = CROSS;
21    let mut terminal = term::stdout().unwrap();
22    loop {
23        let mut line = String::new();
24        print!("{} plays > ", current);
25        height += 1;
26        stdout.flush().unwrap();
27        stdin.read_line(&mut line).expect("Cannot read input");
28        let i = match usize::from_str(line.trim()) {
29            Ok(i) => i,
30            _ => {
31                println!("Bad input");
32                height += 1;
33                continue;
34            }
35        };
36        if i < 1 || i > 9 {
37            println!("Bad input, should be between 1 and 9");
38            height += 1;
39            continue;
40        }
41        let x = (i - 1) % 3;
42        let y = (i - 1) / 3;
43        {
44            let row = table.get_mut_row(y).unwrap();
45            if row.get_cell(x).unwrap().to_string() != EMPTY {
46                println!("There's already someone there");
47                height += 1;
48                continue;
49            }
50            row.set_cell(cell!(current), x).unwrap();
51        }
52        for _ in 0..height {
53            terminal.cursor_up().unwrap();
54            terminal.delete_line().unwrap();
55        }
56        height = table.print_tty(false).unwrap();
57        if check(&table) {
58            return;
59        }
60        if current == CROSS {
61            current = ROUND;
62        } else {
63            current = CROSS;
64        }
65    }

pub fn printstd(&self)

Print the table to standard output. Colors won’t be displayed unless stdout is a tty terminal. This means that if stdout is redirected to a file, or piped to another program, no color will be displayed. To force colors rendering, use print_tty() method. Any failure to print is ignored. For better control, use print_tty(). Calling printstd() is equivalent to calling print_tty(false) and ignoring the result.

Examples found in repository?
examples/ (line 31)
20fn main() {
21    let table1 = table!(
22        ["ABC", "DEFG", "HIJKLMN"],
23        ["foobar", "bar", "foo"],
24        ["foobar2", "bar2", "foo2"]
25    );
26    let table2 = table!(
27        ["Title 1", "Title 2"],
28        ["This is\na multiline\ncell", "foo"],
29        ["Yo dawg ;) You can even\nprint tables\ninto tables", table1]
30    );
31    table2.printstd();
More examples
Hide additional examples
examples/ (line 25)
16fn main() {
17    use prettytable::Table;
19    let table = Table::from_csv_string(
20        "ABC,DEFG,HIJKLMN\n\
21                                        foobar,bar,foo\n\
22                                        foobar2,bar2,foo2",
23    )
24    .unwrap();
25    table.printstd();
27    println!("");
28    println!(
29        "{}",
30        String::from_utf8(table.to_csv(Vec::new()).unwrap().into_inner().unwrap()).unwrap()
31    );
examples/ (line 30)
21fn main() {
22    let mut table = Table::new();
23    table.add_row(row!["ABC", "DEFG", "HIJKLMN"]);
24    table.add_row(row!["foobar", "bar", "foo"]);
25    table.add_row(Row::new(vec![
26        Cell::new("foobar2"),
27        Cell::new("bar2"),
28        Cell::new("foo2"),
29    ]));
30    table.printstd();
31    println!("Modified : ");
32    table.set_element("new_foo", 2, 1).unwrap();
33    table.printstd();
35    // The same table can be built the following way :
36    let _table = table!(
37        ["ABC", "DEFG", "HIJKLMN"],
38        ["foobar", "bar", "foo"],
39        ["foobar2", "bar2", "foo2"]
40    );
42    // Or directly print it like this
43    let _table = ptable!(
44        ["ABC", "DEFG", "HIJKLMN"],
45        ["foobar", "bar", "foo"],
46        ["foobar2", "bar2", "foo2"]
47    );
examples/ (line 28)
3fn main() {
4    /*
5        The following code will output
7        +---------------+---------------+--------------+
8        |         A table with horizontal span         |
9        +===============+===============+==============+
10        | This is a cell with span of 2 | span of 1    |
11        +---------------+---------------+--------------+
12        | span of 1     | span of 1     | span of 1    |
13        +---------------+---------------+--------------+
14        |    This cell with a span of 3 is centered    |
15        +---------------+---------------+--------------+
16    */
18    let mut table: prettytable::Table = table![
19    [H2 -> "This is a cell with span of 2", "span of 1"],
20    ["span of 1", "span of 1", "span of 1"],
21    [H03c -> "This cell with a span of 3 is centered"]
22    ];
23    table.set_titles(Row::new(vec![Cell::new_align(
24        "A table with horizontal span",
25        Alignment::CENTER,
26    )
27    .with_hspan(3)]));
28    table.printstd();
examples/ (line 23)
6fn main() {
7    let _ = table!();
8    let mut table = Table::new();
9    // Add style to a cell
10    table.add_row(row![FrByb->"ABC", "DEFG", "HIJKLMN"]);
11    // Add style to a full row
12    table.add_row(row![FY => "styled", "bar", "foo"]);
13    table.add_row(Row::new(vec![
14        Cell::new("foobar2"),
15        // Create a cell with a red foreground color
16        Cell::new("bar2").with_style(Attr::ForegroundColor(color::RED)),
17        // Create a cell with red foreground color, yellow background color, with bold characters
18        Cell::new("foo2").style_spec("FrByb"),
19        // Using the cell! macro
20        cell!(Fr->"red"),
21    ]));
23    table.printstd();
25    // Print a table with some styles on it :
26    // FrBybl means : Foregound red, Background yellow, bold, left align
27    ptable!([FrBybl->"A", "B", FrBybr->"C"], [123, 234, 345, 456], [Fg => 1, 2, 3]);
29    // You can also apply style to full rows :
30    let mut table = table!([Frb => "A", "B", "C"], [1, 2, 3, 4], ["A\nBCCZZZ\nDDD", 2, table]);
31    // Set a title line, with all text centered in the cell
32    table.set_titles(row![c => "Title 1", "Title 2"]);
33    table.printstd();
examples/ (line 16)
3fn main() {
4    let mut table = table!(["Value 1", "Value 2"], ["Value three", "Value four"]);
5    table.set_titles(row!["Title 1", "Title 2"]);
7    // Print
8    // +-------------+------------+
9    // | Title 1     | Title 2    |
10    // +-------------+------------+
11    // | Value 1     | Value 2    |
12    // | Value three | Value four |
13    // +-------------+------------+
14    println!("FORMAT_NO_LINESEP_WITH_TITLE :");
15    table.set_format(*format::consts::FORMAT_NO_LINESEP_WITH_TITLE);
16    table.printstd();
17    println!("");
19    // Print
20    // -------------------------
21    //  Title 1      Title 2
22    // =========================
23    //  Value 1      Value 2
24    // -------------------------
25    //  Value three  Value four
26    // -------------------------
27    println!("FORMAT_NO_COLSEP :");
28    table.set_format(*format::consts::FORMAT_NO_COLSEP);
29    table.printstd();
30    println!("");
32    // Print
33    // +-------------------------+
34    // | Title 1      Title 2    |
35    // +=========================+
36    // | Value 1      Value 2    |
37    // | Value three  Value four |
38    // +-------------------------+
39    println!("FORMAT_BORDERS_ONLY :");
40    table.set_format(*format::consts::FORMAT_BORDERS_ONLY);
41    table.printstd();
42    println!("");
44    // Custom format can be implemented using `prettytable::format::FormatBuilder`
45    // Example to print
46    // +-------------+------------+
47    // | Title 1     | Title 2    |
48    // | Value 1     | Value 2    |
49    // | Value three | Value four |
50    // +-------------+------------+
51    println!("Custom :");
52    table.set_format(
53        format::FormatBuilder::new()
54            .column_separator('|')
55            .borders('|')
56            .separators(
57                &[format::LinePosition::Top, format::LinePosition::Bottom],
58                format::LineSeparator::new('-', '+', '+', '+'),
59            )
60            .padding(1, 1)
61            .build(),
62    );
63    table.printstd();
65    // Customized format with unicode
66    // Example to print
67    // ┌─────────────┬────────────┐
68    // │ Title 1     │ Title 2    │
69    // ├─────────────┼────────────┤
70    // │ Value 1     │ Value 2    │
71    // ├─────────────┼────────────┤
72    // │ Value three │ Value four │
73    // └─────────────┴────────────┘
74    println!("With unicode:");
75    table.set_format(
76        format::FormatBuilder::new()
77            .column_separator('│')
78            .borders('│')
79            .separators(
80                &[format::LinePosition::Top],
81                format::LineSeparator::new('─', '┬', '┌', '┐'),
82            )
83            .separators(
84                &[format::LinePosition::Intern],
85                format::LineSeparator::new('─', '┼', '├', '┤'),
86            )
87            .separators(
88                &[format::LinePosition::Bottom],
89                format::LineSeparator::new('─', '┴', '└', '┘'),
90            )
91            .padding(1, 1)
92            .build(),
93    );
94    table.printstd();
96    // Customized format with unicode and different padding
97    // Example to print
98    // ┌───────────────┬──────────────┐
99    // │  Title 1      │  Title 2     │
100    // ├───────────────┼──────────────┤
101    // │  Value 1      │  Value 2     │
102    // ├───────────────┼──────────────┤
103    // │  Value three  │  Value four  │
104    // └───────────────┴──────────────┘
105    // Change individual format settings
106    println!("With unicode and padding:");
107    table.get_format().padding(2, 2);
108    table.printstd();

pub fn print_html<T: Write + ?Sized>(&self, out: &mut T) -> Result<(), Error>

Print table in HTML format to out.

Trait Implementations§


impl AsTableSlice for Table


fn as_slice(&self) -> TableSlice<'_>

Get a slice from self

impl Clone for Table


fn clone(&self) -> Table

Returns a copy of the value. Read more
1.0.0 · Source§

fn clone_from(&mut self, source: &Self)

Performs copy-assignment from source. Read more

impl Debug for Table


fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> Result

Formats the value using the given formatter. Read more

impl Default for Table


fn default() -> Table

Returns the “default value” for a type. Read more

impl Display for Table


fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> Result<(), Error>

Formats the value using the given formatter. Read more

impl<A: Into<Row>> Extend<A> for Table


fn extend<T: IntoIterator<Item = A>>(&mut self, iter: T)

Extends a collection with the contents of an iterator. Read more

fn extend_one(&mut self, item: A)

🔬This is a nightly-only experimental API. (extend_one)
Extends a collection with exactly one element.

fn extend_reserve(&mut self, additional: usize)

🔬This is a nightly-only experimental API. (extend_one)
Reserves capacity in a collection for the given number of additional elements. Read more

impl<T, A, B> From<T> for Table
where B: ToString, A: IntoIterator<Item = B>, T: IntoIterator<Item = A>,


fn from(it: T) -> Table

Converts to this type from the input type.

impl<B: ToString, A: IntoIterator<Item = B>> FromIterator<A> for Table


fn from_iter<T>(iterator: T) -> Table
where T: IntoIterator<Item = A>,

Creates a value from an iterator. Read more

impl FromIterator<Row> for Table


fn from_iter<T>(iterator: T) -> Table
where T: IntoIterator<Item = Row>,

Creates a value from an iterator. Read more

impl Hash for Table


fn hash<__H: Hasher>(&self, state: &mut __H)

Feeds this value into the given Hasher. Read more
1.3.0 · Source§

fn hash_slice<H>(data: &[Self], state: &mut H)
where H: Hasher, Self: Sized,

Feeds a slice of this type into the given Hasher. Read more

impl Index<usize> for Table


type Output = Row

The returned type after indexing.

fn index(&self, idx: usize) -> &Self::Output

Performs the indexing (container[index]) operation. Read more

impl IndexMut<usize> for Table


fn index_mut(&mut self, idx: usize) -> &mut Self::Output

Performs the mutable indexing (container[index]) operation. Read more

impl<'a> IntoIterator for &'a Table


type Item = &'a Row

The type of the elements being iterated over.

type IntoIter = Iter<'a, Row>

Which kind of iterator are we turning this into?

fn into_iter(self) -> Self::IntoIter

Creates an iterator from a value. Read more

impl<'a> IntoIterator for &'a mut Table


type Item = &'a mut Row

The type of the elements being iterated over.

type IntoIter = IterMut<'a, Row>

Which kind of iterator are we turning this into?

fn into_iter(self) -> Self::IntoIter

Creates an iterator from a value. Read more

impl PartialEq for Table


fn eq(&self, other: &Table) -> bool

Tests for self and other values to be equal, and is used by ==.
1.0.0 · Source§

fn ne(&self, other: &Rhs) -> bool

Tests for !=. The default implementation is almost always sufficient, and should not be overridden without very good reason.

impl Eq for Table


impl StructuralPartialEq for Table

Auto Trait Implementations§


impl Freeze for Table


impl RefUnwindSafe for Table


impl Send for Table


impl Sync for Table


impl Unpin for Table


impl UnwindSafe for Table

Blanket Implementations§


impl<T> Any for T
where T: 'static + ?Sized,


fn type_id(&self) -> TypeId

Gets the TypeId of self. Read more

impl<T> Borrow<T> for T
where T: ?Sized,


fn borrow(&self) -> &T

Immutably borrows from an owned value. Read more

impl<T> BorrowMut<T> for T
where T: ?Sized,


fn borrow_mut(&mut self) -> &mut T

Mutably borrows from an owned value. Read more

impl<T> CloneToUninit for T
where T: Clone,


unsafe fn clone_to_uninit(&self, dst: *mut u8)

🔬This is a nightly-only experimental API. (clone_to_uninit)
Performs copy-assignment from self to dst. Read more

impl<T> From<T> for T


fn from(t: T) -> T

Returns the argument unchanged.


impl<T, U> Into<U> for T
where U: From<T>,


fn into(self) -> U

Calls U::from(self).

That is, this conversion is whatever the implementation of From<T> for U chooses to do.


impl<'a, T, E> Slice<'a, E> for T
where T: AsTableSlice, [Row]: Index<E, Output = [Row]>,


type Output = TableSlice<'a>

Type output after slicing

fn slice(&'a self, arg: E) -> <T as Slice<'a, E>>::Output

Get a slice from self

impl<T> ToOwned for T
where T: Clone,


type Owned = T

The resulting type after obtaining ownership.

fn to_owned(&self) -> T

Creates owned data from borrowed data, usually by cloning. Read more

fn clone_into(&self, target: &mut T)

Uses borrowed data to replace owned data, usually by cloning. Read more

impl<T> ToString for T
where T: Display + ?Sized,


fn to_string(&self) -> String

Converts the given value to a String. Read more

impl<T, U> TryFrom<U> for T
where U: Into<T>,


type Error = Infallible

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

fn try_from(value: U) -> Result<T, <T as TryFrom<U>>::Error>

Performs the conversion.

impl<T, U> TryInto<U> for T
where U: TryFrom<T>,


type Error = <U as TryFrom<T>>::Error

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

fn try_into(self) -> Result<U, <U as TryFrom<T>>::Error>

Performs the conversion.