Crate ptr_meta

Expand description

A radioactive stabilization of the ptr_meta RFC.

This crate provides the Pointee trait, from_raw_parts and to_raw_parts functions, and proc macros for deriving Pointee for structs and implementing Pointee for trait objects.


Raw pointers can be decomposed into the data address and metadata components with to_raw_parts or to_raw_parts_mut.

Alternatively, metadata alone can be extracted with the metadata function. Although metadata accepts pointers, references can be passed and will be implicitly coerced.

A pointer can be created from its address and metadata with from_raw_parts or from_raw_parts_mut.

§Provided impls

ptr_meta provides inherent implementations for many builtin types:

  • All Sized types implement Pointee via a blanket implementation.
  • slice, str, and CStr
  • OsStr (requires std)
  • dyn Any, optionally with + Send and/or + Sync
  • dyn Error, optionally with + Send and/or + Sync

§Structs with trailing DSTs

You can derive Pointee for structs with trailing DSTs:

use ptr_meta::Pointee;

struct Block<H, T> {
    header: H,
    elements: [T],

Note that the last field is required to be a DST. Structs with a generic type as the last field may have conflicting blanket implementations, as the generic type may be Sized. A collection of specific implementations may be required in these cases, with the generic parameter set (for example) a slice, str, or specific trait object.

§Trait objects

You can generate Pointee implementations for trait objects:

use ptr_meta::pointee;

// Generates Pointee for dyn Stringy
trait Stringy {
    fn as_string(&self) -> String;

Note that this will not produce implementations for Trait + Send + Sync.


  • derive: Re-exports the macros from ptr_meta_derive. Enabled by default.
  • std: Enables additional impls for std types. Enabled by default.


// Get the associated metadata for pointers
let str = "hello world";
assert_eq!(ptr_meta::metadata(str), str.len());

let slice = &[1, 2, 3, 4, 5] as &[i32];
assert_eq!(ptr_meta::metadata(slice), slice.len());

// Make your own wide pointers from data pointers and metadata
let bytes = [b'h', b'e', b'l', b'l', b'o'];
let ptr = ptr_meta::from_raw_parts::<str>(bytes.as_ptr().cast(), 5);
println!("{} world!", unsafe { &*ptr }); // prints "hello world!"

// Derive Pointee on your own types
struct CoolStr {
    inner: str,

impl CoolStr {
    fn print_cool(&self) {
        println!("😎 {} 😎", &self.inner);

let ptr = ptr_meta::from_raw_parts::<CoolStr>(bytes.as_ptr().cast(), 5);
let cool = unsafe { &*ptr };
cool.print_cool(); // prints "😎 hello 😎"

// Implement Pointee for trait objects
trait Printable {
    fn print(&self);

impl Printable for i32 {
    fn print(&self) {
        println!("i32: {self}");

let i32_vtable = ptr_meta::metadata(&0i32 as &dyn Printable);
let one_hundred = 100i32;
let printable = ptr_meta::from_raw_parts::<dyn Printable>(
    (&one_hundred as *const i32).cast(),
unsafe {
    (*printable).print(); // prints "i32: 100"


The metadata for a trait object.


A trait which associates pointer metadata with a pointee type.


Returns a raw pointer with the given data address and metadata.
Returns a mutable raw pointer with the given data address and metadata.
Returns the metadata of the given pointer.
Returns the data address and metadata of the given pointer.
Returns the mutable data address and metadata of the given pointer.

Attribute Macros§

Generates a Pointee implementation for trait object of the labeled trait.

Derive Macros§

Derives Pointee for the labeled struct which has a trailing DST.