Expand description
A streaming rpc system for transports that support multiple bidirectional streams, such as QUIC and HTTP2.
A lightweight memory transport is provided for cases where you want have multiple cleanly separated substreams in the same process.
For supported transports, see the transport module.
See the README
use quic_rpc::{message::RpcMsg, Service, RpcClient, RpcServer};
use serde::{Serialize, Deserialize};
use derive_more::{From, TryInto};
// Define your messages
#[derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)]
struct Ping;
#[derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)]
struct Pong;
// Define your RPC service and its request/response types
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
struct PingService;
#[derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize, From, TryInto)]
enum PingRequest {
#[derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize, From, TryInto)]
enum PingResponse {
impl Service for PingService {
type Req = PingRequest;
type Res = PingResponse;
// Define interaction patterns for each request type
impl RpcMsg<PingService> for Ping {
type Response = Pong;
// create a transport channel, here a memory channel for testing
let (server, client) = quic_rpc::transport::flume::connection::<PingService>(1);
// client side
// create the rpc client given the channel and the service type
let mut client = RpcClient::<PingService, _>::new(client);
// call the service
let res = client.rpc(Ping).await?;
// server side
// create the rpc server given the channel and the service type
let mut server = RpcServer::<PingService, _>::new(server);
let handler = Handler;
loop {
// accept connections
let (msg, chan) = server.accept().await?.read_first().await?;
// dispatch the message to the appropriate handler
match msg {
PingRequest::Ping(ping) => chan.rpc(ping, handler, Handler::ping).await?,
// the handler. For a more complex example, this would contain any state
// needed to handle the request.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
struct Handler;
impl Handler {
// the handle fn for a Ping request.
// The return type is the response type for the service.
// Note that this must take self by value, not by reference.
async fn ping(self, _req: Ping) -> Pong {
- Client side api
- Service definition
- Predefined interaction patterns.
- Server side api
- Transports for quic-rpc
- Declare a message to be a server streaming message for a service.
- Declare a message to be a server streaming message for a service.
- Declare a message to be a rpc message for a service.
- Declare a message to be a server streaming message for a service.
- Derive a set of RPC types and message implementation from a declaration.
- Requirements for an internal error
- Requirements for a RPC message
- A service
- A connection to a specific service on a specific remote machine
- A server endpoint for a specific service