Trait WindowAttributesExtWindows

pub trait WindowAttributesExtWindows {
Show 15 methods // Required methods fn with_owner_window(self, parent: HWND) -> Self; fn with_menu(self, menu: HMENU) -> Self; fn with_taskbar_icon(self, taskbar_icon: Option<Icon>) -> Self; fn with_no_redirection_bitmap(self, flag: bool) -> Self; fn with_drag_and_drop(self, flag: bool) -> Self; fn with_skip_taskbar(self, skip: bool) -> Self; fn with_class_name<S: Into<String>>(self, class_name: S) -> Self; fn with_undecorated_shadow(self, shadow: bool) -> Self; fn with_system_backdrop(self, backdrop_type: BackdropType) -> Self; fn with_clip_children(self, flag: bool) -> Self; fn with_border_color(self, color: Option<Color>) -> Self; fn with_title_background_color(self, color: Option<Color>) -> Self; fn with_title_text_color(self, color: Color) -> Self; fn with_corner_preference(self, corners: CornerPreference) -> Self; fn with_cloaked(self, cloaked: bool) -> Self;
Expand description

Additional methods on WindowAttributes that are specific to Windows.

Required Methods§


fn with_owner_window(self, parent: HWND) -> Self

Set an owner to the window to be created. Can be used to create a dialog box, for example. This only works when WindowAttributes::with_parent_window isn’t called or set to None. Can be used in combination with WindowExtWindows::set_enable(false) on the owner window to create a modal dialog box.

From MSDN:

  • An owned window is always above its owner in the z-order.
  • The system automatically destroys an owned window when its owner is destroyed.
  • An owned window is hidden when its owner is minimized.

For more information, see


fn with_menu(self, menu: HMENU) -> Self

Sets a menu on the window to be created.

Parent and menu are mutually exclusive; a child window cannot have a menu!

The menu must have been manually created beforehand with [CreateMenu] or similar.

Note: Dark mode cannot be supported for win32 menus, it’s simply not possible to change how the menus look. If you use this, it is recommended that you combine it with with_theme(Some(Theme::Light)) to avoid a jarring effect. [CreateMenu]: #only-available-on-windows


fn with_taskbar_icon(self, taskbar_icon: Option<Icon>) -> Self

This sets ICON_BIG. A good ceiling here is 256x256.


fn with_no_redirection_bitmap(self, flag: bool) -> Self



fn with_drag_and_drop(self, flag: bool) -> Self

Enables or disables drag and drop support (enabled by default). Will interfere with other crates that use multi-threaded COM API (CoInitializeEx with COINIT_MULTITHREADED instead of COINIT_APARTMENTTHREADED) on the same thread. Note that winit may still attempt to initialize COM API regardless of this option. Currently only fullscreen mode does that, but there may be more in the future. If you need COM API with COINIT_MULTITHREADED you must initialize it before calling any winit functions. See for more information.


fn with_skip_taskbar(self, skip: bool) -> Self

Whether show or hide the window icon in the taskbar.


fn with_class_name<S: Into<String>>(self, class_name: S) -> Self

Customize the window class name.


fn with_undecorated_shadow(self, shadow: bool) -> Self

Shows or hides the background drop shadow for undecorated windows.

The shadow is hidden by default. Enabling the shadow causes a thin 1px line to appear on the top of the window.


fn with_system_backdrop(self, backdrop_type: BackdropType) -> Self

Sets system-drawn backdrop type.

Requires Windows 11 build 22523+.


fn with_clip_children(self, flag: bool) -> Self

This sets or removes WS_CLIPCHILDREN style.


fn with_border_color(self, color: Option<Color>) -> Self

Sets the color of the window border.

Supported starting with Windows 11 Build 22000.


fn with_title_background_color(self, color: Option<Color>) -> Self

Sets the background color of the title bar.

Supported starting with Windows 11 Build 22000.


fn with_title_text_color(self, color: Color) -> Self

Sets the color of the window title.

Supported starting with Windows 11 Build 22000.


fn with_corner_preference(self, corners: CornerPreference) -> Self

Sets the preferred style of the window corners.

Supported starting with Windows 11 Build 22000.


fn with_cloaked(self, cloaked: bool) -> Self

Cloaks the window such that it is not visible to the user. The window is still composed by DWM.

Not supported on Windows 7 and earlier.

Dyn Compatibility§

This trait is not dyn compatible.

In older versions of Rust, dyn compatibility was called "object safety", so this trait is not object safe.
