Expand description
§Rusty Object Notation
RON is a simple readable data serialization format that looks similar to Rust syntax. It’s designed to support all of Serde’s data model, so structs, enums, tuples, arrays, generic maps, and primitive values.
GameConfig( // optional struct name
window_size: (800, 600),
window_title: "PAC-MAN",
fullscreen: false,
mouse_sensitivity: 1.4,
key_bindings: {
"up": Up,
"down": Down,
"left": Left,
"right": Right,
// Uncomment to enable WASD controls
"W": Up,
"S": Down,
"A": Left,
"D": Right,
difficulty_options: (
start_difficulty: Easy,
adaptive: false,
§Why RON?
§Example in JSON
"materials": {
"metal": {
"reflectivity": 1.0
"plastic": {
"reflectivity": 0.5
"entities": [
"name": "hero",
"material": "metal"
"name": "monster",
"material": "plastic"
§Same example in RON
Scene( // class name is optional
materials: { // this is a map
"metal": (
reflectivity: 1.0,
"plastic": (
reflectivity: 0.5,
entities: [ // this is an array
name: "hero",
material: "metal",
name: "monster",
material: "plastic",
Note the following advantages of RON over JSON:
- trailing commas allowed
- single- and multi-line comments
- field names aren’t quoted, so it’s less verbose
- optional struct names improve readability
- enums are supported (and less verbose than their JSON representation)
RON is not designed to be a fully self-describing format (unlike JSON) and is thus not guaranteed to work when deserialize_any
is used instead of its typed alternatives. In particular, the following Serde attributes are not yet supported:
#[serde(tag = "type")]
, i.e. internally tagged enums#[serde(untagged)]
, i.e. untagged enums#[serde(flatten)]
, i.e. flattening an inner struct into its outer container
§RON syntax overview
- Numbers:
- Strings:
,r#"raw string, great for regex\."#
- Booleans:
- Chars:
- Optionals:
- Tuples:
("abc", 1.23, true)
- Lists:
["abc", "def"]
- Structs:
( foo: 1.0, bar: ( baz: "I'm nested" ) )
- Maps:
{ "arbitrary": "keys", "are": "allowed" }
Note: Serde’s data model represents fixed-size Rust arrays as tuple (instead of as list)
ron = "0.8"
serde = { version = "1", features = ["derive"] }
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
#[derive(Debug, Deserialize, Serialize)]
struct MyStruct {
boolean: bool,
float: f32,
fn main() {
let x: MyStruct = ron::from_str("(boolean: true, float: 1.23)").unwrap();
println!("RON: {}", ron::to_string(&x).unwrap());
println!("Pretty RON: {}", ron::ser::to_string_pretty(
&x, ron::ser::PrettyConfig::default()).unwrap(),
Editor | Plugin |
IntelliJ | intellij-ron |
VS Code | a5huynh/vscode-ron |
Sublime Text | RON |
Atom | language-ron |
Vim | ron-rs/ron.vim |
EMACS | emacs-ron |
There is a very basic, work in progress specification available on the wiki page. A more formal and complete grammar is available here.
RON is dual-licensed under Apache-2.0 and MIT.
Any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the work must be provided under the same dual-license terms.
pub use de::from_str;
pub use de::Deserializer;
pub use error::Error;
pub use error::Result;
pub use options::Options;
pub use ser::to_string;
pub use ser::Serializer;
pub use value::Map;
pub use value::Number;
pub use value::Value;