pub fn dump_joints(joints: &Joints)
Expand description
Print joint values, converting radianst to degrees.
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examples/ (line 119)
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fn print_summary(planning_result: &Result<Vec<[f64; 6]>, String>) {
match planning_result {
Ok(path) => {
for step in path {
Err(error_message) => {
println!("Error: {}", error_message);
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fn main() {
let robot = OPWKinematics::new(Parameters::irb2400_10());
// Shift not too much to have values close to previous
let frame_transform = Frame::translation(
Point3::new(0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
Point3::new(0.011, 0.022, 0.033));
let framed = Frame {
robot: Arc::new(robot),
frame: frame_transform,
let joints_no_frame: [f64; 6] = [0.0, 0.11, 0.22, 0.3, 0.1, 0.5]; // without frame
println!("No frame transform:");
println!("Possible joint values after the frame transform:");
let (solutions, _transformed_pose) = framed.forward_transformed(
&joints_no_frame, &joints_no_frame);
let framed = robot.forward(&solutions[0]).translation;
let unframed = robot.forward(&joints_no_frame).translation;
println!("Distance between framed and not framed pose {:.3} {:.3} {:.3}",
framed.x - unframed.x, framed.y - unframed.y, framed.z - unframed.z);
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fn main() {
let joints: Joints = [0.0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5]; // Joints are alias of [f64; 6]
// Robot with the tool, standing on a base:
let robot_alone = OPWKinematics::new(Parameters::staubli_tx2_160l());
// 1 meter high pedestal
let pedestal = 0.5;
let base_translation = Isometry3::from_parts(
Translation3::new(0.0, 0.0, pedestal).into(),
let robot_with_base = rs_opw_kinematics::tool::Base {
robot: Arc::new(robot_alone),
base: base_translation,
// Tool extends 1 meter in the Z direction, envisioning something like sword
let sword = 1.0;
let tool_translation = Isometry3::from_parts(
Translation3::new(0.0, 0.0, sword).into(),
// Create the Tool instance with the transformation
let robot_on_base_with_tool = rs_opw_kinematics::tool::Tool {
robot: Arc::new(robot_with_base),
tool: tool_translation,
let tcp_pose: Pose = robot_on_base_with_tool.forward(&joints);
println!("The sword tip is at: {:?}", tcp_pose);
// robot_complete implements Kinematics so have the usual inverse kinematics methods available.
let inverse = robot_on_base_with_tool.inverse_continuing(&tcp_pose, &joints);
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fn main() {
let robot = OPWKinematics::new(Parameters::irb2400_10());
let joints: Joints = [0.0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.0, 0.5]; // Joints are alias of [f64; 6]
println!("\nInitial joints with singularity J5 = 0: ");
println!("\nSolutions (original angle set is lacking due singularity there: ");
let pose: Pose = robot.forward(&joints); // Pose is alias of nalgebra::Isometry3<f64>
let solutions = robot.inverse(&pose); // Solutions is alias of Vec<Joints>
println!("\nSolutions assuming we continue from somewhere close. The 'lost solution' returns");
let when_continuing_from: [f64; 6] = [0.0, 0.11, 0.22, 0.3, 0.1, 0.5];
let solutions = robot.inverse_continuing(&pose, &when_continuing_from);
println!("\nSame pose, all J4+J6 rotation assumed to be previously concentrated on J4 only");
let when_continuing_from_j6_0: [f64; 6] = [0.0, 0.11, 0.22, 0.8, 0.1, 0.0];
let solutions = robot.inverse_continuing(&pose, &when_continuing_from_j6_0);
println!("\nIf we do not have the previous position, we can assume we want J4, J6 close to 0.0 \
The solution appears and the needed rotation is now equally distributed between J4 and J6.");
let solutions = robot.inverse_continuing(&pose, &JOINTS_AT_ZERO);
println!("\n5 DOF, J6 at fixed angle 77 degrees");
let solutions5dof = robot.inverse_5dof(&pose, 77.0_f64.to_radians());
println!("The XYZ location of TCP is still as in the original pose x = {:.3}, y = {:.3}, z = {:.3}:",
pose.translation.x, pose.translation.y, pose.translation.z);
for solution in &solutions {
let translation = robot.forward(solution).translation;
println!("Translation: x = {:.3}, y = {:.3}, z = {:.3}", translation.x, translation.y, translation.z);
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fn main() {
// Robot without parallelogram
let robot_no_parallelogram = Arc::new(OPWKinematics::new(Parameters::irb2400_10()));
// Robot with parallelogram
let robot_with_parallelogram = Parallelogram {
robot: Arc::new(OPWKinematics::new(Parameters::irb2400_10())),
driven: J2,
coupled: J3,
scaling: 1.0
// Initial joint positions in degrees
let joints_degrees: [f64; 6] = [0.0, 5.7, 11.5, 17.2, 0.0, 28.6]; // Values in degrees
// Convert joint positions from degrees to radians
let joints: Joints =; // Joints are alias of [f64; 6]
println!("\nInitial joints: ");
// Forward kinematics for both robots
let pose_no_parallelogram: Pose = robot_no_parallelogram.forward(&joints);
let pose_with_parallelogram: Pose = robot_with_parallelogram.forward(&joints);
// Get initial orientation in degrees for both robots
let initial_orientation_no_parallelogram = euler_angles_in_degrees(&pose_no_parallelogram);
let initial_orientation_with_parallelogram = euler_angles_in_degrees(&pose_with_parallelogram);
// Apply change to joint 2 (this will show the difference in behavior between the two robots)
let mut modified_joints = joints;
modified_joints[1] += 10_f64.to_radians();
println!("\nModified joints (joint 2 increased by 10 degrees): ");
// Forward kinematics after modifying joints for both robots
let modified_pose_no_parallelogram: Pose = robot_no_parallelogram.forward(&modified_joints);
let modified_pose_with_parallelogram: Pose = robot_with_parallelogram.forward(&modified_joints);
// Get modified orientation in degrees for both robots
let modified_orientation_no_parallelogram = euler_angles_in_degrees(&modified_pose_no_parallelogram);
let modified_orientation_with_parallelogram = euler_angles_in_degrees(&modified_pose_with_parallelogram);
// Print orientation changes for both robots
println!("\nOrientation changes after joint change:");
"Robot without parallelogram"
"Robot with parallelogram"
// Calculate and print travel distances
let travel_distance_no_parallelogram = calculate_travel_distance(&pose_no_parallelogram, &modified_pose_no_parallelogram);
let travel_distance_with_parallelogram = calculate_travel_distance(&pose_with_parallelogram, &modified_pose_with_parallelogram);
println!("\nTravel distances after joint change:");
"Robot without parallelogram: travel distance = {:.6}",
"Robot with parallelogram: travel distance = {:.6}",
// The result should show that the robot without a parallelogram experiences a larger change in orientation.
// The robot with parallelogram has much less orientation change, but still travels a reasonable distance.