
Borsh utils

The latest Safecoin BPF loader.

The original and now deprecated Safecoin BPF loader.

An Upgradeable Safecoin BPF loader.

Provides information about the network’s clock which is made up of ticks, slots, etc…

Safecoin Rust-based BPF program entry point supported by the latest BPFLoader. For more information see ‘./’

Safecoin Rust-based BPF program entry point supported by the original and now deprecated BPFLoader. For more information see ‘./’

configuration for epochs, slots

The hash module provides functions for creating SHA-256 hashes.

Lamports credited to this address will be removed from the total supply (burned) at the end of the current block.

Defines a composable Instruction type and a memory-efficient CompiledInstruction.

Upgradeable loader instruction definitions

Safecoin Rust-based BPF program logging

A library for generating a message from a sequence of instructions

Safecoin Rust-based BPF memory operations

A C representation of Rust’s std::option::Option used accross the FFI boundary for Safecoin program interfaces

State transition types

Syscall stubs when building for programs for non-BPF targets

configuration for network rent

named accounts for synthesized data accounts for bank state, etc.

slot history

named accounts for synthesized data accounts for bank state, etc.

named accounts for synthesized data accounts for bank state, etc.


Define the default global allocator.

Define the default global panic handler.

Convenience macro to declare a static public key and functions to interact with it

Declare the program entry point and set up global handlers.

Declare the entry point of the program.


Print a message to the log

Convenience macro to define a static public key

Convenience macro for doing integer division where the opersation’s safety can be checked at compile-time