Function sdl2_sys::SDL_RenderCopyExF

source ยท
pub unsafe extern "C" fn SDL_RenderCopyExF(
    renderer: *mut SDL_Renderer,
    texture: *mut SDL_Texture,
    srcrect: *const SDL_Rect,
    dstrect: *const SDL_FRect,
    angle: f64,
    center: *const SDL_FPoint,
    flip: SDL_RendererFlip,
) -> c_int
Expand description

Copy a portion of the source texture to the current rendering target, with rotation and flipping, at subpixel precision.

\param renderer The renderer which should copy parts of a texture. \param texture The source texture. \param srcrect A pointer to the source rectangle, or NULL for the entire texture. \param dstrect A pointer to the destination rectangle, or NULL for the entire rendering target. \param angle An angle in degrees that indicates the rotation that will be applied to dstrect, rotating it in a clockwise direction \param center A pointer to a point indicating the point around which dstrect will be rotated (if NULL, rotation will be done around dstrect.w/2, dstrect.h/2). \param flip An SDL_RendererFlip value stating which flipping actions should be performed on the texture \return 0 on success, or -1 on error

\since This function is available since SDL 2.0.10.