Crate serde_tokenstream

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This is a serde::Deserializer implementation for proc_macro2::TokenStream. It is intended for proc_macro builders who want rich configuration in their custom attributes.

If you’d like the consumers of your macro use it like this:

#[my_macro {
    settings = {
        reticulate_splines = true,
        normalizing_power = false,
    disaster = "pandemic",

Your macro will start like this:

pub fn my_macro(
    attr: proc_macro::TokenStream,
    item: proc_macro::TokenStream,
) -> proc_macro::TokenStream {
    // ...

Use serde_tokenstream to deserialize attr into a structure with the Deserialize trait (typically via a derive macro):

let config = match from_tokenstream::<Config>(&TokenStream::from(attr)) {
    Ok(c) => c,
    Err(err) => return err.to_compile_error().into(),

§Nested attributes

For attributes that are nested inside a top-level macro, use the from_tokenstream_spanned function. See its help for an example.


This is a container for pairs that are deserialized from map syntax without requiring the keys to be unique. This is useful for types that don’t implement traits such as Hash or Ord required for map types that offer efficient lookups. The only mechanism to extract data is via into_iter().
A wrapper around the syn::parse::Parse trait that is Deserializable, albeit only in the context of from_tokenstream(). This extends TokenStreamWrapper by further interpreting the TokenStream and guiding the user in the case of parse errors.
A Wrapper around proc_macro2::TokenStream that is Deserializable, albeit only in the context of from_tokenstream(). You can use this if, say, your macro allows users to pass in Rust tokens as a configuration option. This can be useful, for example, in a macro that generates code where the caller of that macro might want to augment the generated code.


Deserialize an instance of type T from a TokenStream.
Deserialize an instance of type T from a TokenStream with data inside, along with a DelimSpan for the surrounding braces.

Type Aliases§

Alias for syn::Error.
Alias for a Result with the error type serde_tokenstream::Error.