[−][src]Struct skia_safe::OwnedCanvas
This is the type representing a canvas that is owned and dropped when it goes out of scope and is bound to a the lifetime of another instance. Function resolvement is done via the Deref trait.
Methods from Deref<Target = Canvas>
pub fn annotate_rect_with_url(
&mut self,
rect: impl AsRef<Rect>,
data: &Data
) -> &mut Self
&mut self,
rect: impl AsRef<Rect>,
data: &Data
) -> &mut Self
pub fn annotate_named_destination(
&mut self,
point: impl Into<Point>,
data: &Data
) -> &mut Self
&mut self,
point: impl Into<Point>,
data: &Data
) -> &mut Self
pub fn annotate_link_to_destination(
&mut self,
rect: impl AsRef<Rect>,
data: &Data
) -> &mut Self
&mut self,
rect: impl AsRef<Rect>,
data: &Data
) -> &mut Self
pub fn image_info(&self) -> ImageInfo
pub fn props(&self) -> Option<SurfaceProps>
pub fn flush(&mut self) -> &mut Self
pub fn base_layer_size(&self) -> ISize
pub fn new_surface(
&mut self,
info: &ImageInfo,
props: Option<&SurfaceProps>
) -> Option<Surface>
&mut self,
info: &ImageInfo,
props: Option<&SurfaceProps>
) -> Option<Surface>
pub fn gpu_context(&mut self) -> Option<Context>
pub fn access_top_layer_pixels(&mut self) -> Option<TopLayerPixels>
pub fn peek_pixels(&mut self) -> Option<Borrows<Pixmap>>
pub fn read_pixels(
&mut self,
info: &ImageInfo,
dst_pixels: &mut [u8],
dst_row_bytes: usize,
src_point: impl Into<IPoint>
) -> bool
&mut self,
info: &ImageInfo,
dst_pixels: &mut [u8],
dst_row_bytes: usize,
src_point: impl Into<IPoint>
) -> bool
pub fn read_pixels_to_pixmap(
&mut self,
pixmap: &mut Pixmap,
src: impl Into<IPoint>
) -> bool
&mut self,
pixmap: &mut Pixmap,
src: impl Into<IPoint>
) -> bool
pub fn read_pixels_to_bitmap(
&mut self,
bitmap: &mut Bitmap,
src: impl Into<IPoint>
) -> bool
&mut self,
bitmap: &mut Bitmap,
src: impl Into<IPoint>
) -> bool
pub fn write_pixels(
&mut self,
info: &ImageInfo,
pixels: &[u8],
row_bytes: usize,
offset: impl Into<IPoint>
) -> bool
&mut self,
info: &ImageInfo,
pixels: &[u8],
row_bytes: usize,
offset: impl Into<IPoint>
) -> bool
pub fn write_pixels_from_bitmap(
&mut self,
bitmap: &Bitmap,
offset: impl Into<IPoint>
) -> bool
&mut self,
bitmap: &Bitmap,
offset: impl Into<IPoint>
) -> bool
pub fn save(&mut self) -> usize
pub fn save_layer(&mut self, layer_rec: &SaveLayerRec) -> usize
pub fn restore(&mut self) -> &mut Self
pub fn save_count(&self) -> usize
pub fn restore_to_count(&mut self, count: usize) -> &mut Self
pub fn translate(&mut self, d: impl Into<Vector>) -> &mut Self
pub fn scale(&mut self, (sx, sy): (scalar, scalar)) -> &mut Self
pub fn rotate(&mut self, degrees: scalar, point: Option<Point>) -> &mut Self
pub fn skew(&mut self, (sx, sy): (scalar, scalar)) -> &mut Self
pub fn concat(&mut self, matrix: &Matrix) -> &mut Self
pub fn set_matrix(&mut self, matrix: &Matrix) -> &mut Self
pub fn reset_matrix(&mut self) -> &mut Self
pub fn clip_rect(
&mut self,
rect: impl AsRef<Rect>,
op: impl Into<Option<ClipOp>>,
do_anti_alias: impl Into<Option<bool>>
) -> &mut Self
&mut self,
rect: impl AsRef<Rect>,
op: impl Into<Option<ClipOp>>,
do_anti_alias: impl Into<Option<bool>>
) -> &mut Self
pub fn clip_rrect(
&mut self,
rrect: impl AsRef<RRect>,
op: impl Into<Option<ClipOp>>,
do_anti_alias: impl Into<Option<bool>>
) -> &mut Self
&mut self,
rrect: impl AsRef<RRect>,
op: impl Into<Option<ClipOp>>,
do_anti_alias: impl Into<Option<bool>>
) -> &mut Self
pub fn clip_path(
&mut self,
path: &Path,
op: impl Into<Option<ClipOp>>,
do_anti_alias: impl Into<Option<bool>>
) -> &mut Self
&mut self,
path: &Path,
op: impl Into<Option<ClipOp>>,
do_anti_alias: impl Into<Option<bool>>
) -> &mut Self
pub fn clip_region(
&mut self,
device_rgn: &Region,
op: impl Into<Option<ClipOp>>
) -> &mut Self
&mut self,
device_rgn: &Region,
op: impl Into<Option<ClipOp>>
) -> &mut Self
pub fn local_clip_bounds(&self) -> Option<Rect>
pub fn device_clip_bounds(&self) -> Option<IRect>
pub fn draw_color(
&mut self,
color: impl Into<Color>,
mode: impl Into<Option<BlendMode>>
) -> &mut Self
&mut self,
color: impl Into<Color>,
mode: impl Into<Option<BlendMode>>
) -> &mut Self
pub fn clear(&mut self, color: impl Into<Color>) -> &mut Self
pub fn discard(&mut self) -> &mut Self
pub fn draw_paint(&mut self, paint: &Paint) -> &mut Self
pub fn draw_points(
&mut self,
mode: PointMode,
pts: &[Point],
paint: &Paint
) -> &mut Self
&mut self,
mode: PointMode,
pts: &[Point],
paint: &Paint
) -> &mut Self
pub fn draw_point(&mut self, p: impl Into<Point>, paint: &Paint) -> &mut Self
pub fn draw_line(
&mut self,
p1: impl Into<Point>,
p2: impl Into<Point>,
paint: &Paint
) -> &mut Self
&mut self,
p1: impl Into<Point>,
p2: impl Into<Point>,
paint: &Paint
) -> &mut Self
pub fn draw_rect(&mut self, rect: impl AsRef<Rect>, paint: &Paint) -> &mut Self
pub fn draw_irect(
&mut self,
rect: impl AsRef<IRect>,
paint: &Paint
) -> &mut Self
&mut self,
rect: impl AsRef<IRect>,
paint: &Paint
) -> &mut Self
pub fn draw_region(&mut self, region: &Region, paint: &Paint) -> &mut Self
pub fn draw_oval(&mut self, oval: impl AsRef<Rect>, paint: &Paint) -> &mut Self
pub fn draw_rrect(
&mut self,
rrect: impl AsRef<RRect>,
paint: &Paint
) -> &mut Self
&mut self,
rrect: impl AsRef<RRect>,
paint: &Paint
) -> &mut Self
pub fn draw_drrect(
&mut self,
outer: impl AsRef<RRect>,
inner: impl AsRef<RRect>,
paint: &Paint
) -> &mut Self
&mut self,
outer: impl AsRef<RRect>,
inner: impl AsRef<RRect>,
paint: &Paint
) -> &mut Self
pub fn draw_circle(
&mut self,
center: impl Into<Point>,
radius: scalar,
paint: &Paint
) -> &mut Self
&mut self,
center: impl Into<Point>,
radius: scalar,
paint: &Paint
) -> &mut Self
pub fn draw_arc(
&mut self,
oval: impl AsRef<Rect>,
start_angle: scalar,
sweep_angle: scalar,
use_center: bool,
paint: &Paint
) -> &mut Self
&mut self,
oval: impl AsRef<Rect>,
start_angle: scalar,
sweep_angle: scalar,
use_center: bool,
paint: &Paint
) -> &mut Self
pub fn draw_round_rect(
&mut self,
rect: impl AsRef<Rect>,
rx: scalar,
ry: scalar,
paint: &Paint
) -> &mut Self
&mut self,
rect: impl AsRef<Rect>,
rx: scalar,
ry: scalar,
paint: &Paint
) -> &mut Self
pub fn draw_path(&mut self, path: &Path, paint: &Paint) -> &mut Self
pub fn draw_image(
&mut self,
image: impl AsRef<Image>,
left_top: impl Into<Point>,
paint: Option<&Paint>
) -> &mut Self
&mut self,
image: impl AsRef<Image>,
left_top: impl Into<Point>,
paint: Option<&Paint>
) -> &mut Self
pub fn draw_image_rect(
&mut self,
image: impl AsRef<Image>,
src: Option<(&Rect, SrcRectConstraint)>,
dst: impl AsRef<Rect>,
paint: &Paint
) -> &mut Self
&mut self,
image: impl AsRef<Image>,
src: Option<(&Rect, SrcRectConstraint)>,
dst: impl AsRef<Rect>,
paint: &Paint
) -> &mut Self
pub fn draw_image_nine(
&mut self,
image: impl AsRef<Image>,
center: impl AsRef<IRect>,
dst: impl AsRef<Rect>,
paint: Option<&Paint>
) -> &mut Self
&mut self,
image: impl AsRef<Image>,
center: impl AsRef<IRect>,
dst: impl AsRef<Rect>,
paint: Option<&Paint>
) -> &mut Self
pub fn draw_bitmap(
&mut self,
bitmap: &Bitmap,
left_top: impl Into<Point>,
paint: Option<&Paint>
) -> &mut Self
&mut self,
bitmap: &Bitmap,
left_top: impl Into<Point>,
paint: Option<&Paint>
) -> &mut Self
pub fn draw_bitmap_rect(
&mut self,
bitmap: &Bitmap,
src: Option<&Rect>,
dst: impl AsRef<Rect>,
paint: &Paint,
constraint: impl Into<Option<SrcRectConstraint>>
) -> &mut Self
&mut self,
bitmap: &Bitmap,
src: Option<&Rect>,
dst: impl AsRef<Rect>,
paint: &Paint,
constraint: impl Into<Option<SrcRectConstraint>>
) -> &mut Self
pub fn draw_bitmap_nine(
&mut self,
bitmap: &Bitmap,
center: impl AsRef<IRect>,
dst: impl AsRef<Rect>,
paint: Option<&Paint>
) -> &mut Self
&mut self,
bitmap: &Bitmap,
center: impl AsRef<IRect>,
dst: impl AsRef<Rect>,
paint: Option<&Paint>
) -> &mut Self
pub fn draw_bitmap_lattice(
&mut self,
bitmap: &Bitmap,
lattice: &Lattice,
dst: impl AsRef<Rect>,
paint: Option<&Paint>
) -> &mut Self
&mut self,
bitmap: &Bitmap,
lattice: &Lattice,
dst: impl AsRef<Rect>,
paint: Option<&Paint>
) -> &mut Self
pub fn draw_image_lattice(
&mut self,
image: impl AsRef<Image>,
lattice: &Lattice,
dst: impl AsRef<Rect>,
paint: Option<&Paint>
) -> &mut Self
&mut self,
image: impl AsRef<Image>,
lattice: &Lattice,
dst: impl AsRef<Rect>,
paint: Option<&Paint>
) -> &mut Self
pub fn draw_str(
&mut self,
str: impl AsRef<str>,
origin: impl Into<Point>,
font: &Font,
paint: &Paint
) -> &mut Self
&mut self,
str: impl AsRef<str>,
origin: impl Into<Point>,
font: &Font,
paint: &Paint
) -> &mut Self
pub fn draw_text_blob(
&mut self,
blob: impl AsRef<TextBlob>,
origin: impl Into<Point>,
paint: &Paint
) -> &mut Self
&mut self,
blob: impl AsRef<TextBlob>,
origin: impl Into<Point>,
paint: &Paint
) -> &mut Self
pub fn draw_picture(
&mut self,
picture: impl AsRef<Picture>,
matrix: Option<&Matrix>,
paint: Option<&Paint>
) -> &mut Self
&mut self,
picture: impl AsRef<Picture>,
matrix: Option<&Matrix>,
paint: Option<&Paint>
) -> &mut Self
pub fn draw_vertices(
&mut self,
vertices: &Vertices,
bones: Option<&[Bone]>,
mode: BlendMode,
paint: &Paint
) -> &mut Self
&mut self,
vertices: &Vertices,
bones: Option<&[Bone]>,
mode: BlendMode,
paint: &Paint
) -> &mut Self
pub fn draw_patch(
&mut self,
cubics: &[Point; 12],
colors: &[Color; 4],
tex_coords: &[Point; 4],
mode: impl Into<Option<BlendMode>>,
paint: &Paint
) -> &mut Self
&mut self,
cubics: &[Point; 12],
colors: &[Color; 4],
tex_coords: &[Point; 4],
mode: impl Into<Option<BlendMode>>,
paint: &Paint
) -> &mut Self
pub fn draw_drawable(
&mut self,
drawable: &mut Drawable,
matrix: Option<&Matrix>
&mut self,
drawable: &mut Drawable,
matrix: Option<&Matrix>
pub fn draw_drawable_at(
&mut self,
drawable: &mut Drawable,
offset: impl Into<Point>
&mut self,
drawable: &mut Drawable,
offset: impl Into<Point>
pub fn draw_annotation(
&mut self,
rect: impl AsRef<Rect>,
key: &str,
value: &Data
) -> &mut Self
&mut self,
rect: impl AsRef<Rect>,
key: &str,
value: &Data
) -> &mut Self
pub fn is_clip_empty(&self) -> bool
pub fn is_clip_rect(&self) -> bool
pub fn total_matrix(&self) -> &Matrix
pub fn draw_shadow(
&mut self,
path: &Path,
z_plane_params: impl Into<Point3>,
light_pos: impl Into<Point3>,
light_radius: scalar,
ambient_color: impl Into<Color>,
spot_color: impl Into<Color>,
flags: impl Into<Option<ShadowFlags>>
) -> &mut Self
&mut self,
path: &Path,
z_plane_params: impl Into<Point3>,
light_pos: impl Into<Point3>,
light_radius: scalar,
ambient_color: impl Into<Color>,
spot_color: impl Into<Color>,
flags: impl Into<Option<ShadowFlags>>
) -> &mut Self
pub fn draw_str_align(
&mut self,
text: impl AsRef<str>,
p: impl Into<Point>,
font: &Font,
paint: &Paint,
align: Align
) -> &mut Self
&mut self,
text: impl AsRef<str>,
p: impl Into<Point>,
font: &Font,
paint: &Paint,
align: Align
) -> &mut Self
Trait Implementations
impl<'lt> Drop for OwnedCanvas<'lt>
impl<'lt> AsMut<Canvas> for OwnedCanvas<'lt>
impl<'lt> Default for OwnedCanvas<'lt>
impl<'lt> Deref for OwnedCanvas<'lt>
impl<'lt> DerefMut for OwnedCanvas<'lt>
Auto Trait Implementations
impl<'lt> !Send for OwnedCanvas<'lt>
impl<'lt> Unpin for OwnedCanvas<'lt>
impl<'lt> !Sync for OwnedCanvas<'lt>
impl<'lt> UnwindSafe for OwnedCanvas<'lt>
impl<'lt> RefUnwindSafe for OwnedCanvas<'lt>
Blanket Implementations
impl<T, U> Into<U> for T where
U: From<T>,
U: From<T>,
impl<T> From<T> for T
impl<T, U> TryFrom<U> for T where
U: Into<T>,
U: Into<T>,
type Error = Infallible
The type returned in the event of a conversion error.
fn try_from(value: U) -> Result<T, <T as TryFrom<U>>::Error>
impl<T, U> TryInto<U> for T where
U: TryFrom<T>,
U: TryFrom<T>,
type Error = <U as TryFrom<T>>::Error
The type returned in the event of a conversion error.
fn try_into(self) -> Result<U, <U as TryFrom<T>>::Error>
impl<T> Borrow<T> for T where
T: ?Sized,
T: ?Sized,
impl<T> BorrowMut<T> for T where
T: ?Sized,
T: ?Sized,
fn borrow_mut(&mut self) -> &mut T
impl<T> Any for T where
T: 'static + ?Sized,
T: 'static + ?Sized,